API Notifications
From Developer's API
Something here...
API Notifications Overview
Something here...
- When a new eventa is generated in your merchant account a notification token is prepared and sent over https to your notification url
- The notification request sent from the 1ShoppingCart API contains XML in the request body and holds the event type and token within its nodes
- Parse the event type and token values from the XML then call the API wrapper method corresponding to the event type to retrieve the detailed information
- The API wrapper will prepare the request to the 1ShoppingCart API and send the request over http
- The API will parse out the merchant id, merchant key and token value from the request and prepare the requested data.
- The API will send the prepared data back over https to the API wrapper
- The API wrapper received the requested data back from the API as XML
- The notification listener receives the XML data from the API wrapper where it can verify the success attribute of the response node
- Add functionality to support your business processes. for example you can parse the ShippingInfo node and prepare shipping labels.
a Currently the following events support API notification:
- New orders