
From Developer's API

Revision as of 20:35, 28 May 2008 by Chrisn (Talk | contribs)

	<cfset oneShopApiWrapper = createObject("component", "OneShopAPI").init() />
	<!--- TODO: Add your merchant Id --->
	<cfset #oneShopApiWrapper.MerchantId("")# >
	<!--- TODO: Add your merchant Key --->
	<cfset #oneShopApiWrapper.MerchantKey("")# >
	<cfset #oneShopApiWrapper.ApiUri("")#>
	<cfset requestBody = GetHttpRequestData()>	
	<cfset requestData = ToString(requestBody.content)>
	<!--- Use REReplace to remove Byte-Order-Mark from XML the xmlParse method does not like this mark --->				
	<cfset requestBodyXML = xmlParse(REReplace(requestData,"^[^<]*", "", "all"))>
	<!--- cfset requestBodyXML = xmlParse("<NewOrder><Token>ea7fa6fa0156473281018d81edf5723e</Token></NewOrder>")--->		
	<cfset notificationType =  requestBodyXML.XMLRoot.XMLName>
	<cfset tokenNode = xmlSearch(requestBodyXML, "/" & notificationType & "/Token")>	
	<cfset token = tokenNode[1].xmlText>			
	<cfswitch expression="#notificationType#">
		<cfcase value="NewOrder">					
			<cfset result = #OneShopApiWrapper.GetOrderById(token)# />					
			<!--- May have other types of notifications in the future --->

	<!--- Load the result into XML --->
	<cfset apiResultXML = xmlParse(#result#) />
	<cfset apiSuccess = apiResultXML.Response.XmlAttributes["success"] >
	<!--- Check if the API returned an error --->
	<cfif apiSuccess IS "true">
		<!---TODO: Do something with the apiResultXML--->
		<!--- TODO: Do something with the error returned by the API  --->

		<!--- TODO: Do something with the exception  --->
