
From Developer's API

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'This class is a wrapper class to the API and will be used to contact the 1ShoppingCart API
'This class is a wrapper class to the API and will be used to contact the 1ShoppingCart API
Class OneShopAPI
Class OneShopAPI
private m_MerchantID
private m_MerchantKey
private m_ApiUrl
private m_ApiCallParameters
private m_MerchantID
'This property sets your merchant id
private m_MerchantKey
public Property Let MerchantID(value)
private m_ApiUrl
m_merchantID = value
private m_ApiCallParameters
end Property  
'This property sets your merchant id
'This property sets your merchant api key
public Property Let MerchantID(value)
public Property Let MerchantKey(value)
    m_merchantID = value
m_merchantKey = value
end Property  
end Property
'This property sets your merchant api key
'this property sets the url location of the api  
public Property Let MerchantKey(value)
public Property Let ApiUrl(value)
    m_merchantKey = value
m_apiUrl = value
end Property
end Property
'this property sets the url location of the api  
private sub class_initialize()
public Property Let ApiUrl(value)
set m_ApiCallParameters = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    m_apiUrl = value
end sub
end Property
'This methods takes the NextRecordSet node and
'parses it into the the Api Parameters dictionary
public sub BuildApiParameters(nextRecordSetNode)
if nextRecordSetNode.nodename = "NextRecordSet" then
for each node in nextRecordSetNode.ChildNodes
AddApiParameter node.nodename, node.text
end if
end sub
'This method will add required parameters to a parameter array
'This array will be used when building the request body to
'send to the API
public sub AddApiParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)
private sub class_initialize()
'Check if key already exists if so reset the value to the
set m_ApiCallParameters = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'value passed in to the method
end sub
if m_apiCallParameters.Exists(parameterName) = false then
m_apiCallParameters.Add parameterName,parameterValue
m_apiCallParameters.item(parameterName) = parameterValue
end if
'This methods takes the NextRecordSet node and
end Sub
'parses it into the the Api Parameters dictionary
public sub BuildApiParameters(nextRecordSetNode)
'This method will clear all the values in the api parameters dictionary
public Sub ClearAPIParameters()
if nextRecordSetNode.nodename = "NextRecordSet" then
end Sub
for each node in nextRecordSetNode.ChildNodes
AddApiParameter node.nodename, node.text
'this method uses the WinHttpRequest object to make
'a POST request to the api and return the response
end if
'from the API
end sub
private function SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
'This method will add required parameters to a parameter array
dim winHttp
'This array will be used when building the request body to  
dim apiResult
'send to the API
public sub AddApiParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)
Set winHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
winHttp.Open "POST", url, false
winHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
winHttp.Send request_body
apiResult = winHttp.ResponseBody
'Check if key already exists if so reset the value to the
set winHttp = nothing
'value passed in to the method
if m_apiCallParameters.Exists(parameterName) = false then
m_apiCallParameters.Add parameterName,parameterValue
m_apiCallParameters.item(parameterName) = parameterValue
end if
end Sub
'This method will clear all the values in the api parameters dictionary
SendHttpRequest = apiResult
public Sub ClearAPIParameters()
end Sub
'this method uses the WinHttpRequest object to make
'a POST request to the api and return the response
'from the API
private function SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
dim winHttp
end function
dim apiResult
'This method will call the win_http request method
Set winHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
'after appending the proper information to the url
winHttp.Open "POST", url, false
'and creating the request body
winHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
private function ApiRequest(api_path)
winHttp.Send request_body
apiResult = winHttp.ResponseBody
set winHttp = nothing
SendHttpRequest = apiResult
end function
'This method will call the win_http request method
dim url
'after appending the proper information to the url
dim request_body
'and creating the request body
dim result
private function ApiRequest(api_path)
dim url
dim request_body
dim result
url = m_apiUrl & "/API/" & m_merchantID & api_path
url = m_apiUrl & "/API/" & m_merchantID & api_path
request_body = CreateRequestString()
request_body = CreateRequestString()
result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
ApiRequest = result
ApiRequest = result
end function
'This method will take a properly formatted api url
'and create the response body then call the http request method
public function XlinkApiRequest(url)
end function
dim request_body
dim result
'This method will take a properly formatted api url
request_body = CreateRequestString()
'and create the response body then call the http request method
result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
public function XlinkApiRequest(url)
dim request_body
XlinkApiRequest = result
dim result
request_body = CreateRequestString()
result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
XlinkApiRequest = result
end function
'This method will create the request body
end function
'which consists of the merchant key wrapped
'in XML expected by the API
'This method will create the request body
private function CreateRequestString()
'which consists of the merchant key wrapped
dim requestBody
'in XML expected by the API
private function CreateRequestString()
requestBody = "<Request><Key>" & m_merchantKey & "</Key>" & ParseAPIParameters() & "</Request>"
dim requestBody
CreateRequestString = requestBody
end function
'This method will take an array of parameters and create
requestBody = "<Request><Key>" & m_merchantKey & "</Key>" & ParseAPIParameters() & "</Request>"
'the rest of the request body to send to the API
CreateRequestString = requestBody
private function ParseAPIParameters()
end function
dim bodyParameters
bodyParameters = ""
'This method will take an array of parameters and create
'the rest of the request body to send to the API
private function ParseAPIParameters()
dim bodyParameters
bodyParameters = ""
for each key in m_apiCallParameters.Keys
for each key in m_apiCallParameters.Keys
bodyParameters = bodyParameters & _
"<" & key & ">" & m_apiCallParameters.Item(key) & "</"  & key & ">"
ParseAPIParameters = bodyParameters
end function
bodyParameters = bodyParameters & _
'Retrieve Order Information from API
"<" & key & ">" & m_apiCallParameters.Item(key) & "</"  & key & ">"
ParseAPIParameters = bodyParameters
end function
'Retrieve Order Information from API
public function GetOrderList()
GetOrderList = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/LIST")
end function
public function GetOrderById(order_id)
GetOrderById = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/" & order_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve Product Information from API
public function GetProductList()
GetProductList = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/LIST")
end function
public function GetProductById(product_id)
GetProductById = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/" & product_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve Client Information from API
public function GetClientList()
GetClientList = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/LIST")
end function
public function GetClientById(client_id)
GetClientById = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/" & client_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve the list of available methods
public function GetAvailableAPIMethods()
GetAvailableAPIMethods = ApiRequest("")
end function
'Retrieve list of possible Error messages
public function GetErrorList()
GetErrorList = ApiRequest("/ERRORS/LIST")
end function
end Class
public function GetOrderList()
GetOrderList = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/LIST")
end function
public function GetOrderById(order_id)
GetOrderById = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/" & order_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve Product Information from API
public function GetProductList()
GetProductList = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/LIST")
end function
public function GetProductById(product_id)
GetProductById = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/" & product_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve Client Information from API
public function GetClientList()
GetClientList = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/LIST")
end function
public function GetClientById(client_id)
GetClientById = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/" & client_id & "/READ")
end function
'Retrieve the list of available methods
public function GetAvailableAPIMethods()
GetAvailableAPIMethods = ApiRequest("")
end function
'Retrieve list of possible Error messages
public function GetErrorList()
GetErrorList = ApiRequest("/ERRORS/LIST")
end function
end Class

Revision as of 18:57, 28 May 2008

'This class is a wrapper class to the API and will be used to contact the 1ShoppingCart API
Class OneShopAPI

	private m_MerchantID
	private m_MerchantKey
	private m_ApiUrl
	private	m_ApiCallParameters		
	'This property sets your merchant id	
	public Property Let MerchantID(value)
		m_merchantID = value
	end Property 
	'This property sets your merchant api key
	public Property Let MerchantKey(value)
		m_merchantKey = value
	end Property
	'this property sets the url location of the api 
	public Property Let ApiUrl(value)
		m_apiUrl = value
	end Property
	private sub class_initialize()
		set m_ApiCallParameters	= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	end sub
	'This methods takes the NextRecordSet node and
	'parses it into the the Api Parameters dictionary
	public sub BuildApiParameters(nextRecordSetNode)
		if nextRecordSetNode.nodename = "NextRecordSet" then				
			for each node in nextRecordSetNode.ChildNodes
				AddApiParameter node.nodename, node.text
		end if					
	end sub
	'This method will add required parameters to a parameter array
	'This array will be used when building the request body to 
	'send to the API		
	public sub AddApiParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)
		'Check if key already exists if so reset the value to the
		'value passed in to the method
		if m_apiCallParameters.Exists(parameterName) = false then
			m_apiCallParameters.Add parameterName,parameterValue
			m_apiCallParameters.item(parameterName) = parameterValue
		end if			
	end Sub	
	'This method will clear all the values in the api parameters dictionary
	public Sub ClearAPIParameters()
	end Sub	

	'this method uses the WinHttpRequest object to make
	'a POST request to the api and return the response
	'from the API
	private function SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)
		dim winHttp
		dim apiResult 
		Set winHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")			
		winHttp.Open "POST", url, false			
		winHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 						
		winHttp.Send request_body					
		apiResult = winHttp.ResponseBody
		set winHttp = nothing
		SendHttpRequest = apiResult
	end function
	'This method will call the win_http request method
	'after appending the proper information to the url
	'and creating the request body
	private function ApiRequest(api_path)
		dim url
		dim request_body
		dim result

		url = m_apiUrl & "/API/" & m_merchantID & api_path			
		request_body = CreateRequestString()			
		result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)			
		ApiRequest = result					

	end function		
	'This method will take a properly formatted api url
	'and create the response body then call the http request method
	public function XlinkApiRequest(url)
		dim request_body
		dim result
		request_body = CreateRequestString()			
		result = SendHttpRequest(url, request_body)			
		XlinkApiRequest = result
	end function
	'This method will create the request body
	'which consists of the merchant key wrapped
	'in XML expected by the API
	private function CreateRequestString()
		dim requestBody
		requestBody = "<Request><Key>" & m_merchantKey & "</Key>" &	ParseAPIParameters() & "</Request>"			
		CreateRequestString = requestBody
	end function
	'This method will take an array of parameters and create
	'the rest of the request body to send to the API
	private function ParseAPIParameters()
		dim bodyParameters
		bodyParameters = ""
		for each key in m_apiCallParameters.Keys
			bodyParameters = bodyParameters & _
				"<" & key & ">" & m_apiCallParameters.Item(key) & "</"  & key & ">"
		ParseAPIParameters = bodyParameters
	end function
	'Retrieve Order Information from API
	public function GetOrderList()
		GetOrderList = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/LIST")
	end function
	public function GetOrderById(order_id)
		GetOrderById = ApiRequest("/ORDERS/" & order_id & "/READ")
	end function
	'Retrieve Product Information from API
	public function GetProductList()
		GetProductList = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/LIST")
	end function
	public function GetProductById(product_id)
		GetProductById = ApiRequest("/PRODUCTS/" & product_id & "/READ")
	end function
	'Retrieve Client Information from API
	public function GetClientList()
		GetClientList = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/LIST")
	end function
	public function GetClientById(client_id)
		GetClientById = ApiRequest("/CLIENTS/" & client_id & "/READ")
	end function
	'Retrieve the list of available methods
	public function GetAvailableAPIMethods()
		GetAvailableAPIMethods = ApiRequest("")
	end function	
	'Retrieve list of possible Error messages
	public function GetErrorList()
		GetErrorList = ApiRequest("/ERRORS/LIST")
	end function		

end Class