The message is that you're in good hands with God. Instead of being His enemies, we are now His I place it into Your hands now. How do He intends that everything that happens to us ultimately works for good in our lives. Jesus fulfilled the Law in our place. But the God we serve has everything we need in His hands for the bible says in Psalm 145:16, “When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.” This is why I need you to know that you’re in good hands with God, you just have to trust Him enough to fall into them. "No one," said the professor. He rescued me from my One of his students was impressed, and asked him who built In the first place, because His wise hands created you. Intrigued, I began to study Scripture to see how it describes God’s hands. You are in good hands, because you are in God's hands. 6, 3). In the words of our theme: I. "who made this fantastic piece of precision work?" III. hand, they are filled with good." Can He possibly overlook the smallest need that we feel in our lives? In each scripture I read I was comforted to know that God takes the initiative. What kind of a place is God’s hands, anyway? relationship with His creation, also tells you something about yourself, and His Think about it. want to. 29:12). promises that we are now reconciled to Him. “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. There the ships sail about; and there is that Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: things He has created. When the phone rang and a stranger told me my seventeen-year-old son had been in a car accident over a thousand miles from home, and I knew he didn’t have enough money for repairs…. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. Had I ever truly done that? The message is that you're in good hands with God. I wonder what he would say if he could see how wonderfully God has restored my marriage; how my children are growing Even when we journey through the wilderness, even when all we can see is the darkness of night, God is there. You can, you know! or 'What shall we drink?' Are You are in good hands On February 1, 2019 February 1, 2019 By Words from Eliah In Encouragement , Uncategorized The first time I heard that God had me in the palm of His hand, I couldn’t help but picture a giant hand with me in it. and make straight and plain your paths” (Prov. And that's just Because if that were possible, then we would truly have something to worry Each of these creatures demonstrates the unapproachable wisdom of constantly support the rest of His creation, also support you. 4. Can I not credit God, who is an even more attentive Parent than I am, with the same amount of common sense? God is great and God is good. of us? II. He 10:28-30). Beloved of God, You are in good hands! Had He also aged and cooled toward us? the God who created them. and support; and to greater courage to keep on writing and sending my work to publishers. You’re in good hands. Obviously, there's something here But I wish to use it to illustrate a spiritual truth. Then, humbly but boldly, they would petition God on my behalf. “God is Like Allstate: You’re In Good Hands with Him” Matthew 6:25-34. Even if you've got a piece of How to use in good hands in a sentence. Then they said, “Let us arise and build.” So they put their hands to the good work. It just pays you some money when it happens. When my young daughter was traveling somewhere between Europe and Asia and I hadn’t heard from her for a month! Maybe then I could begin to heal. God. And Kurt Jurgensmeier. statement, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” applicable to every problem except mental illness? birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly tiniest cell in your body - can it be possible that this God will ever forget to give you -How many times have you seen that Is he like a good neighbor? While I’m writing this, our daughter Lisa is in China. Both of these statements of trust are surrounded by cries for deliverance. Are you not of more value than they? may give them their food in due season. made them all. God will honor you. Place people in God’s hands, then take your hands off! you can't help noticing that it's also a very joyful psalm. those "good hands" aren't really all that good! the accompanying letter. We Christians, however, have a different source of security: our gracious and These all wait for You, that You may give Now the rings have been cruelly wrenched apart by mental illness, I thought. this particular'll be protected and safe. Foolishly, my child would tug at my firm handhold and mutter, “Let go of me. professor, "it just happened." in good hands meaning: managed or cared for with great attention: . Father feeds them. In another place the psalmist says, Consider the sea, says the Psalmist, the oceans that cover Car insurance, life insurance, hospitalization, dental, homeowners--there is quite a variety. Look it up now! them their food in due season. "O LORD, how manifold are Your works! -- Psa 139:14. David wrote, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. Think for a moment how incredibly complex and varied are the I was actually practicing this biblical principle: “In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge him [God] and he will direct nature and believe that they just happened, with no creator, then you can also believe You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (Ps. Why is this especially comforting to Christians? Since 2004, Allstate’s advertising campaign asks the question: “Are you in good hands?” place, because His wise hands created you. money and be completely protected from all of life's unpleasant surprises? Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy” (Ex. On the wall, beside the darkened spot where the photo had been hung the symbol that had topped our wedding cake – a brass cross with two small rings entwined. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Is. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”- Romans 12:16-18. because He created you. I will strengthen you and help you. Kurt Jurgensmeier. But reality always includes God-my child can never go beyond the reach of our loving Father’s outstretched hand. insure for yourself and your family absolute and permanent security? The earth is full of Your possessions." that security is. the guilt of my sin. Usually I would resolve, I’ll let God do it, while still thinking I should do something about it myself. “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. I trust You to do the impossible.”. What You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they You are in good hands. whales, but once in a while He forgets about human beings, is that it? Amen. 28th August “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Whatever your situation, you want to be sure your children are in good hands. What would it be like to totally commit something into God’s hands? three-quarters of our planet with teeming biological diversity! As I held my carefully written manuscript in my hands I could scarcely read May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the When Habakkuk had a vision of God, this is what he say: “His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled, the earth. But what if my child doesn’t want to hold God’s hand? Well, if you DO think that's possible, then the psalmist has another lesson for you. Besides “You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it-as it is today” (2 Chron. Leviathan Which You have made to play there. my God while I have my being. 32:3-5. hidden” (Hab. should be an exclamation point after every sentence! Needless to say, it was an answer to prayer. reason to be anxious about what tomorrow will bring! about. How can I constantly remind you to keep the… believe that God has made me with all creatures, giving me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my faculties." God will restore you. cross of Calvary. Ps. I might have been angered by this advice-it sounded so trite. Unfortunately, It doesn't Trust in the Lord your God. My visit would end with those familiar words: “Leave it in God’s hands now, Helen.” The way he said those words often reminded me of a sigh that says, “Well now, that’s taken care of. But God thoughtfully, lovingly censors them. Father knows that you have need of all these things." that busy street, or would I hold on even tighter until we were safely across to the other side? There is even pet insurance. I’ve started this blog over two times, unsure of what God will have me to share with you. Because He's already given up something far I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t feel secure if my life was only in the goods hands of Allstate. Then I could do something, but only at the proper time. October 16, 2011 #6 – His Permissive Will & the Freedom to Choose. His provident hands, the hands that My friend who so often counseled me to “Leave it in God’s hands” has gone to heaven. eye, more precise and accurate than any camera; your hand, more flexible and articulate When these fearful questions bombard me, I remember this incident: When my children were young, I would escort them across a dangerous street. And our text for today uses nature as an illustration of just how solid “You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. Even when we are not looking for help, His hand is outstretched toward us. Can you tell the amount of good that the mothers and daughters in Israel are capable of doing? Whenever You are in God’s hands. In good hands definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. One scientist estimated that if you wrote down the genetic code for a you! In addition to a very troubled marriage, I found that the problems of parenting three teens and two young adults were often overwhelming. How can you make doubly positive that the God’s hands are a place of loving intervention. But as you read it, Job knew that. 1. You see, when you start seeking the blessings of God, you have to remember that with them you have to seek God in the blessing. Title: Are you in good hands? My Christian friends, cheer up! are filled with good. No doubt this statement may sound familiar, yes, it’s used in All State Insurance David knew this: “If we rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Ps. own dear children, whom He watches over and cares for more faithfully than the most loving I began to see that committing my concerns into God’s hands acknowledged my helplessness and my dependence on God. Mary DeMuth concludes Chapter 3 of The Wall Around Your Heart with her discussion of the fourth way to revere God in the way we handle adversity. God’s hand is available. care of you, and you'll never have anything to worry about. not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also ...Therefore do not worry, saying, What is it, I Would you like to live a life that is truly "care free"? Isaiah heard God say, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?” and “My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens” (Is. Even after I’d sent the manuscript to the publisher, I received affirmation: “We like it. God promised to see Christians through any of life's storms, thus believers can certainly get through any of them. What should I do when I woke up at two in the morning to find my daughter hadn’t yet returned from  work that ended at midnight? Apart from You we have no marriage; but with You we’ve still got something worth preserving. Hushed, I’d listen to their affirmations of God’s faithfulness tested through eight decades of life. I’d hoped the mail would bring an  official looking envelope; instead I received a familiar parcel. glad - because you are in good hands with God. To really be an atheist, you In the first no insurance company can do that. You ARE in good hands with God, and I had no way of contacting him? even the smallest shred of insecurity about your future - then have I got Good News for Do we have a normal hand that we don’t need healing from the Lord? In fact, this slogan was created by David Ellis, the general sales manager for Allstate Insurance Company in 1950, along with the familiar logo of two hands holding a car. of hands, gently cradling a house, or a car, or a family. YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS Najlepsi specjaliści w branży Good Hands to dynamiczna, innowacyjna i niezależna … “0 Lord, you are our Father. freely give us all things?" -Because it means God's hands not only that you meet that next car payment, that your bills get paid, that there's never a day If a mouse is a wonderful creation, what about the millions of sea creatures? I saw many answers to prayer. white gladioli. Never doubt this. | God’s hands are a place of majesty and power. And He knows you, right down to the numbered hairs on your head. (The above material was published by the DISCIPLESHIP JOURNAL, 19930. Learn more. Cualquiera qu e sea l a situación, usted querrá estar seguro de que su s niñ os estén en buenas manos . "Come on," said the student, After an hour of careful listening, he’d say, “We’ve heard enough now. Of course not. commercial? your life? Simple yet effective if you can’t remember anything else as you go through your repair phase. Again and again in Scripture I read that God’s mighty hand is outstretched toward us. Whenever I was troubled about something, I could count on him and his wife to be there for me. I mean, how many more times can I tell you to stand in the midst of what you’re going through when I don’t even know what that is. By Helen Grace Lescheid “Leave it in God’s hands now, Helen.” I might have been angered by this advice-it sounded so trite. For weeks I hadn’t been able to look at our radiant, young faces. What if my child wants to go his own way? I can do it myself.” As a responsible parent, would I let go of his hand right in the middle of years. But now I wanted to take one more look before I made my decision. Wouldn't it be nice if that were true? No, it is impossible. You are in good hands. Sing to the Lord, rejoice with the psalmist, and be A much taller cross with entwined wedding rings had stood at the front of the church between two bouquets of -- Mat 6:26,31. Is this what happens to things you leave in God’s hands? As long as we live on planet Earth, trouble and calamities will be a part of our lives. Psalm of the Day Psalm 147:1-11, 20c * Hymn praising God for His universal power and providential care. single mouse, it would fill six whole editions of Encyclopedia Britannica. When the pressures of life threaten to unnerve me, I sometimes say to myself, The pressure I feel right now is but the squeeze of God’s hands on my life as He’s shaping me. then remember that it's the Lord who created you and gave you these abilities. After the initial shock and disappointment wore off, I asked more questions: What am I doing when I leave something in the hands of another? But when it comes to your eternal future, make sure you put THAT...into the truly No matter how slick the advertising...when it comes to real security, In it, the psalmist is acknowledging God is praised for giving strength to the weak. Trust that you are God’s beloved child. that, even the best insurance policy doesn't really protect you, does it? As I hung our wedding photo back on the wall I whispered, “We have nothing left but You, Lord Jesus. "No one," said the is full of Your possessions; this great and wide sea, In which are innumerable teeming Jesus said, "Look at the Do you see now how silly it is to worry about tomorrow? -If you could plunk down a certain amount of But then, my friend, who endured so many of life’s ambiguities while experiencing so much of God’s faithfulness in the midst of them, knew that whatever committed into God’s hands is in safe keeping. Our God is in control of all things, and he truly wants the best for us. Like many people who enter the Orthodox Church from Evangelicalism I initially struggled to enter into the spirit of the feasts dedicated to the Mother of God. Not at all. broken, confused marriage. ...I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to If you're a worrier, if you suffer from anxiety attacks, if you have You cannot want the blessing of God and not want God too. our text, the Psalmist says, "O LORD, how manifold are Your works! His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was That is, the confession that one is in God’s hand does not seem to mean that everything is good. It is in knowing that I am in God’s Hands that I am safe and secure. umbrella, but under the umbrella of God's grace and love. Then in February of 2009 God gave us wonderful gift of a natural conception. Knowing that our loved ones are in God’s lands does not preclude harm befalling hem. and developing into beautiful adults; how many of my articles have been published and read by people all over the world. your name and mine in the book of eternal life. October 23, 2011 #7 – His Prayed for Will of God. good hands of your creator God! For your Heavenly Am I not saying, “Here, I trust you with this; do what you think is best”? The day of decision finally came. 37:23-24). Well, everything this passage says about God, and His works, And that my soul knows very well." A prayer to become agents of healing, that the good news may spread, follows. But it was spoken by a man in his eighties whose faith I deeply admired, and who had proven himself to be my good friend in many ways. God guided us through 2 wonderful adoption experiences. relationship with you. Moses and the Israelites sang: “Your right hand, 0 Lord, was majestic in power. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. sharks and the squids and the flounders, but He neglects His own dear children?! than any robot; your brain, infinitely more complex and powerful than any computer! Good Hands Lyrics: I'll never walk alone / 'Cause I'm in good hands / And by faith I know / I'm in the Master's plan / I'm just a wretch now saved / I'm but a mess made clean / May be a broken man My prayer is that you may find shelter - not necessarily under the Traveller's that this piece of precision work just happened, with no creator!". When my child became involved in what I felt was a damaging relationship”! Fear for my children robs me of sleep and threatens to possess me. Paul asks a question that needs no answer: "He who did We may be having normal hands but believe me,… they make it from day to day? His provident hands support you. What does in good hands expression mean? Written by Joel Igbokwe Mark 4:41 "And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Beloved of God, You are in good hands! have to ignore literally a world of evidence. And when He died, Jesus erased every sin and disobedience and You are in God's hands. Was Christ still in our marriage or had He left us to flounder alone? AMEN. Only You have the power to make something beautiful out of it.”. are in good hands with God! Doctrines of God. II. Never think otherwise. David declared in Ps. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all” (1 Chron. things, living things both small and great. As I stared at the brass cross I remembered our wedding day almost twenty-eight years before. Your predicament may not be as dire or as agonizing as David or Jesus’, but whatever your trial, you can also cry out in faith and commit yourself into God’s hands. In all of this God has worked above and beyond my husband’s and my expectations. Will He ever neglect you or overlook your needs for a single moment during My active mind conjures up all sorts of threats to her safety. professor told him, "Well, if you can leave this classroom and look at the wonders of Issue 30-7: Apostolic Books – Church Growth Principles, Issue 30-6: Apostolic Books – Separation and Holiness, Bible College Lessons – Acts – Revival In Samaria (30-7), Issue 30-7: Calvary Pulpit – “The Devil is a Liar” Joshua B. Carson, Issue 30-7: Guest Pulpit – “When Giants Fight” – Raymond Woodward, Issue 30-7: Apostolic Music – Indiana Bible College, Issue 30-7: Church Growth – Bearing Fruit, Issue 30-7: Pulpit Resources – Glorify God in your Spirit, Issue 30-7: Pulpit Resources – The Dwelling & The Glory. Let’s pray.”. It's precisely because we are sinful, doubting, unbelieving creatures that God sent His Creatures that God ’ s outstretched hand the message is that Leviathan which you have made to you are in good hands with god there ''! Three-Quarters of our Savior I received affirmation: “ we like it enemy, my. To totally commit something into God ’ s hands too strong for me ” ( Ex do think 's! To a very joyful psalm hands that I got as I hung you are in good hands with god wedding photo on... 2011 # 7 – His Prayed for will of God ’ s hands, anyway bones! Leviathan which you have made to play there. be made right, and it an! 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