A bracket that changes colors depending on the day of the week. The preserved hand of a famous noble that moves when pointed at the ground. Very seldom, I would look into the connector and see that my colour lign up had gotten "guided" into the wrong channel. When the lid is closed, it turns its contents into fresh milk. It is always cold inside. A captain's hat with the name "sexy captain Alice" on the inside. A flat disc of layered metal and prismatic glass with a hole in the centre. The desiccated body of a small eight-legged black lizard. A white cloak that cannot be stained by any means. A marble that changes size when you aren't looking. A book entitled "The Meaning of Life", which has only 1 page inside. When opened, a foul odor emanates from the jar. However, the salve has solidified into a waxy mass. A red boomerang that never comes backs to you. A rolled-up scroll that displays the holder's exact height when opened. A copper coin that, when flipped, tells the flipper a fake fortune. As you watch, the ship rocks back and forth as tiny waves crash about it. Inspecting the cable afterward showed that it was miswired. Half of a cookie that, when eaten, causes another half of a cookie appears in an empty space nearby. A much-loved child's doll embroidered with gold thread. A locket of hair that is rumored to have come from a famed fire genasi. A small crystal goblet which makes an unusual ringing sound when tapped. A robe with a tag on the inside that reads "to my dearest pupil," given to you by someone you deeply respect. There are also different plugs for use with either stranded or solid wires. A septum piercing that causes the wearer to grow orc-like tusks. A scrap of paper on which is written, in Goblin, "My dearest Bess,". An bouquet of funerary flowers that always looks and smells fresh. Who drew this? A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface. Is there actually any difference between the two? A small conch shell covered in black crystal. Where did the other one go? Half of a snapped oak flag-pole. A crown made out of ice that never melts. Is attempted murder the same charge regardless of damage done? Dice made from the knuckles of a notorious charlatan. A small doll with a cloak and toy dagger attached. A a violin you found clutched in the hand of a dead old man whenever you play it regardless of the tune it makes people incredibly sad. Here is a little video that shows how some modern structured cabling systems use a insert / form. A circle of wood, cut from a tree and stained, covered with hundreds of small holes and cuts on one side. A silver key of unknown origins on a leather cord as a pendant that emits strange magical energy. A weird yellow hat that belches into your ear when worn. Is there a difference between RJ-45 plugs for Cat-5e and Cat-6? A chain that feels warm when its holder is standing directly beside an awakened tree. A cameo with the profile’s face scratched away. Connect your devices to sensing or controlling equipment with Belden Thermocouple Wire and extension-grade cable. A group of small glassy spheres, all attached to each other in such a way that they form a rough pyramidal shape. A piece of parchment with an ink drawing of a centaur that always points north. A glass jar containing the preserved corpse of an unfamiliar aquatic creature. A pewter spoon that was owned by a powerful, fat landlord. A handbook that details all the different creatures from another world though you have never seen nor heard of any of them before or has anyone else. An unknown ancient relic that was forgotten through time. A music box that plays by itself whenever someone holding it dances. Practically speaking most Cat 5e connectors will not work with 23 AWG Cat 6+ cabling because the wires just won't fit. A costume mask made from a wolf's skull and pelt. deepsurplus.com/Network-Structured-Wiring/Plugs-Boots/…, web.archive.org/web/20181215123154/http://www.l-com.com/…, I followed my dreams and got demoted to software developer, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor, Visual design changes to the review queues. An otherwise ordinary skull, if not for the third eyehole nestled in the center of its forehead. A ring carved from the sternum of a serial killer's most beloved victim. It has three protruding limbs and other than spinning seems to be of no particular interest. Unless you test it after you make it, you should assume To get that 10Gb, you can't have signals being retransmitted to often. They're too perfect to use for anything. A bronze ring engraved with dark symbols that was supposedly buried with a legendary necromancer long ago. A lantern with a black candle that never runs out and that burns with green flame. You have nightmares of being burned alive whenever you sleep near it. Three pairs of shoes that each wouldn't even fit a baby. A small, finely polished geode whose crystals slowly fade between every color of the spectrum. A winter coat stolen from a dying soldier. Externally everything looks the same. Making Tikz shapes/surfaces that don't appear in the PDF. If you have used your current crimper/plug combo to make working cables in the past, it should still work with Cat-5, Cat-5e and Cat-6. It says "Gentleman. A single gauntlet inscribed with a fire motif and an unfamiliar name in Primordial. Is there a C/C++ equivalent for Python's "__init__.py"? A flute that, when played, makes the sound of a random instrument, though never a flute. A charred chisel with an unfamiliar symbol stamped into its base. A loaf of bread made into the shape of a longsword that is stale. A book filled with writing that only appears when the book is held underwater. A creepy idol of a black dragon with red jewels as eyes, whenever someone looks at the idol eyes their eyes flash red. Copper has been used in electrical wiring since the invention of the electromagnet and the telegraph in the 1820s. He wouldn't have lied to you now, would he? A dagger, expertly carved from a single piece of wood. A crystal prison in which a lich's soul is trapped. A box and lid crafted from a strange, white, pliable material. A jeweled goblet that will never, ever spill its contents. A doll head with no hair and poorly applied makeup. Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, or some other structure. An acorn that makes ringing noises and shakes violently when touched. A vial of red liquid that moves up or down depending on the current danger. A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet. A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud. A receipt of deposit at a bank in a far-flung city. A pair of tailor’s shears that can cut through any kind of leather. A hand crank music box which plays a melody that causes listeners to think they are dreaming. A fossil of an extinct many-limbed critter. A wig from someone executed by beheading. A crystal prism that refracts shadow instead of light. Then the moss withers and flakes off. SDS; ... and silver. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Equipment. :) Hopefully, the community at-large can vote up the correct answer. A shallow bowl that makes all spellcasters who eat or drink from it feel faintly nauseous. It then proceeds to tell off the person who filled it. A glass bottle with a tiny ship of unfamiliar design inside. A book that you faintly remember from your childhood that you thought was lost for many years. The plastic insert looks like a "+" sign if you crossection it and each of the 4 pairs of wire then can fit in each quadrant of that insert. An incredibly large ear that presumably belonged to a giant. A black wooden pipe that creates puffs of smoke that look like skulls. An expired potion of darkvision, now just makes everything bright when you take a sip, tastes like dry carrots for some apparent reason. The most common way by manufacturers to achieve this distance is a plastic insert that runs the entire length of the cable. A drinking cup, that randomly fills with fresh or salt water. A thin metal box with images of people you hate and six bags of tobacco for smoking. SW5e - Player's Handbook - 20190514.pdf ... Silver Tongue. An object that can't be accurately described. A broken pendent of a silver dragon that’s always cold to the touch. Though, you have discovered a large pea in the corner of the box in the past. A goblin-made key that can lock any door, but unlock none. A woodcutter’s axe, the head of which shimmers like downwards-flowing water. A suit of armour made from oak wood, sized for a doll, painted in vivid red and black. Will contractors be able to make their own patch cords? Every page, except for one, is stained from years of use. A small indestructible talking skull that tends to mumble racist slurs whenever it sees an elf. A band of iron that shines brilliantly despite being completely rusted. The same ability of ours to send a tone down a wire and listen to it through induction is the effect of one wire leaking it's signal into another wire adjacent to it. A birdcage into which small birds fly but once inside never eat or leave. An iron cuirass far too large to be worn by a humanoid. The paper is labeled with the number 50. The differences between these two types of plugs is in how the connector pin pierces the insulation and contacts the wire when crimped. A platinum piece that merchants seem frightful of. A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it’s not being observed. A merchant's scale that is covered in blood stains. A small pocket mirror that slowly fogs over while held. Flint and steel that, when used to start a fire, creates a random colored flame. A long letter of complaint addressed to a teacher you once had written on it. A red and black Aarakocra feather. A small jar that has a lid attached to it. An old doll you found in an abandoned manor. A small, black-furred creature that wears a bone-carved mask. You have tasted a small bit of it, and amazingly, you can taste the magic in the salt, though it doesn't seem holy. Each iteration of the spec from CAT5 to CAT6 simply makes for more stringent requirements. A grotesque statuette of a humanoid with rat-like features. A small glass case containing several glossy butterfly wings. A large skull of a were-chicken. Some candy that tastes faintly of pineapple, and never seems to go bad. A small hand-sized box covered with numbered buttons. A puzzle set that is missing a piece which never seems to be the same piece as last time. Until the grapple ends, the target cannot breathe and begins to choke, giving you advantage on all attack rolls against it. A small mirror in which your reflection remains, crying hideously whenever you look at it. The blade of an ancient sword. A box full of green shirts, dresses, hats, basically anything clothes as long as it's green. A weird brass pot that when opened reveals a hot steaming meal of great distaste to he who opens it. A blob of grey goo, slippy but safe to touch, kept in a ceramic pot. and "Is it guaranteed to always work?" A small orb with water and a small living jellyfish inside. Wind chimes that glow when the wind blows. Perhaps something happened? A pouch with a dozen small, matching glass spheres inside. A miniature replica anchor that refuses to sink. A small blue-black orb that when held up to the ear seems to emit the tiny screams of a thousand souls. A small crystal that shakes very violently when wet. A pair of scissors that only cuts eyebrow hair. They all play quite beautifully in the hands of something that can play them. A small card welcoming you to a famous city. / Above, beneath". A tiny stone angel in an unbreakable glass box. Porcelain doll’s head that always seems to be looking at you. Toothpicks made of razor blades and broken glass. A love letter written to the orcish warlord Durgak Stone-Fist, addressed from the high-elven princess Aleria Ulathi. tax. Sorry, I know this is resurecting an old thread, but I felt like I needed to put my 2 cents in...simply because I've gone through this recently at my new workplace and am looking into "testing" all the lines that have been run in the last 10 years. A red coat that makes you feel colder when it is worn. A set of brass wind chimes that only chime when hung on a rod of precious metal. An extremely large leaf that causes food that it touches to become very bitter. A miniature cannon made of glass that when heated release a large amount of smoke. A rope necklace from which dangles four mummified elf fingers. A tiny fairy in a jar that tells awful jokes. A hammer that whispers to you seductively in your sleep and takes pleasure in being used. A tiny book containing a list of ships that have docked but have never existed in real life or in fantasy literature. Three balls bound by a metal wire, one made of wood, one made of lead, and one made of flesh... A shred of paper that partially reads "One for the dame, one fo-.". An old farmers almanac with pages cut to conceal small items inside. A box of nuts that feel like they are made from metal, but can be eaten as though they were normal. An empty bottle that once held the blood of a demon. A tiny figurine of a wolf that whines when left alone. A single scissor blade. A metal butter container marked with the words "Property of Professor Chaos.". A mouthpiece for an unknown musical instrument. A clear piece of fabric that hovers unless you pull it down. If you were to use the CAT5e connectors that have been arround FOREVER, each individually coloured signal cable was not distanced when terminated. A sheet of vellum on which is crudely painted a herbal plant that you have yet to identify. Browse all Wire, Cord & Cable pricing and availability for your job or project. Who would even want to use this? A gear that refuses to mesh with any other. What is the actual difference between Cat-5 and Cat-5e? A gold stud earring that whispers completely useless facts into its wearer's ear. It depicts a crudely drawn man holding a flower. The cowl of a renowned thief. Given the slightly lager gauge wire of CAT6 the RJ45s offset the wire entry, where the CAT5 RJ45s wire entry is flat. A riddle so tough just the sight of it makes even the most intelligent person frustrated at how hard it is. A lepidopterist’s box filled dead moths with skull-like patterns on their wings. An hourglass that tells time with falling mist instead of sand. A smooth river stone with shards of bone stuck into it. NMEA 2000 Brad Micro-Change (M12) and Brad Mini-Change Cables and Connectors The head of a pickaxe that was used in a lost gold mine, with names carved in Dwarvish runes along the sides. A small bottle labeled "otyugh perfume" that really stinks. However, because the inside is so reflective it can still be used. An empty whiskey tumbler that causes any liquid poured into it to become bourbon. Gigacord USB Type-C Docking Station with Dual Video Output for Notebook/Laptop, Silver. A one-man band comprised of a drum, an accordion, a harmonica, a tuba, cymbals, and a horn. A measuring tape, marked in ink at 23 inches. When pressed a repetitive 30-second tune will play. You can't get rid of it. A feathered arrow embedded in a frozen potato. An ornately carved figurine of a giant made from bone. A ring with a poison reservoir for slipping into drinks and a tiny razor edge for cutting purse-strings. A deed to a bear sanctuary in another land. An echo pearl from the depths of the Vibration Lake. A small stone block from a long-forgotten castle. A flip book that depicts a cartoonish spine devil operating a riverboat. A small box full of miniature instruments. A glass orb filled with a tiny ooze. An unreadable note. Garotte Wire. A miniature treasure chest that yells at you to shut it when it's opened. In place of where a jewel would go, however, there is instead a small depression wherein rests an orb of green flame that never goes out but which also does not burn. A cube that plays a song from another time period. A rock that screams in fear when it's thrown. The ends are slightly burned. A cast iron pot with a love letter carved into the side. A pair of knucklebone dice, each with a skull symbol on the side that would normally show six pips. A tin of makeup that's the most absurd color of orange. A diagram of a forest on an island with no named artist. A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it. The hilt of a broken greatsword. They seem to glow with a royal brilliance, but do not emit any actual light. They were right next to each other...many times touching. A handheld cauldron, that always is a little hot. A sealed envelope made of red leather that you haven’t been able to open. A packet of mints that cause the eater to change color for 1d6 hours. A candlestick with a jeweler's mark stamped into the base. A heavy iron key bearing the name of a ship long lost to the sea. A very tiny journal with very tiny text written in Sylvan. A chalice with the words "You drink too much" at the bottom of the cup. They are best manufactured and tested in a controlled environment to ensure consistent, A magical tome. A a multitool with only one tool in it. A wand that, when waved over a bowl, makes the food therein taste spicy. The book seems very old. A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood. A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star. A crystal orb that sees into the past… two seconds ago. A small ivory statuette of a unicorn with blue glass beads for the eyes. Hook-up, flat ribbon, networking, multi-conductors and cable accessories. A hangman’s noose that feels heavier than it should. A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat's head in its center. A purple banana that never rots and tastes like saltwater. A small onyx statuette of a unicorn with red glass beads for the eyes. A ceramic puzzle cube, with each face divided into four independently rotating squares enameled with astronomical signs. A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance for marking. A helmet forged to fit the head of a child. A small collapsible silver cup that perspires constantly when opened. A pair of bronze scissors in the shape of a pair of leaping dolphins. A piece of parchment, that reflects things like a mirror but in pencil, when you see your own reflection you feel unexplainable dread. The squares are randomly painted in six different colors. An apple with a single bite taken out of it. The white/orange wire should be on the left if you're looking down at the jack. 1d4 hours later, that eye disappears. that at best it is cat5 or maybe cat5e. To be fair "Will it work?" reliable performance. A stoppered bottle that contains a harmless undead spider. An acacia wood spinning top which never topples. If you want to exceed 100 items on the list, just begin a new one. A necklace adorned with a wooden medallion depicting a crudely-painted smiling face. I tried and it may be literally possible, but I couldn't get it after a dozen tries. The doll's eyes follow you and you usually have nightmares when you sleep near it even when you throw it away it comes right back to you. 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