Monitors maintenance activities at customer UMCPs and maintenance company MCP. If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. Developing a training and cross-training plan for maintenance personnel. The FSC depends upon the following: HDC, FSB for personnel administration support. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting, diagnosing malfunctions and fixing the equipment by component replacement. Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. First, the platoon leader attempts to know what is happening in present terms of friendly, enemy, neutral, and terrain situations. The platoon headquarters controls and employs attachments provided by battalion.
The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. The maintenance control officer is the principal assistant to the commander, both BN/TF and FSB, on all matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission. He is responsible to the commander for the management of the combined efforts of the maintenance control section, maintenance and service section, recovery section, and the combat repair teams to include: Evaluating and ensuring the quality of maintenance completed by the maintenance platoon. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) {
Second, he knows the end state representing mission accomplishment. Responsible for the health, welfare, training, and professional development of Soldiers assigned to the platoon. The platoon consists of a headquarters section, maintenance control section (MCS), recovery section, maintenance and service section, and the combat repair teams. The firing platoon leader commands and controls the Paladin platoon. (c) The platoon performs the assault. see review. Verifies the confidence test on the howitzer as required. It is also necessary to know what the actual equipment consists of. They assemble their logistics packages (LOGPACS) and then move their vehicles forward to the company logistics release point (LRP). 6-42. 6-49. A Chemical Officer, for instance, may be assigned to S3. Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. He maintains and operates AFATDS, radio equipment, command post carrier, and ancillary equipment. 6-19. The armored and mechanized infantry maneuver BN/TF's first level of support comes from the FSC CRTs which are organized to provide field maintenance (organizational and direct support maintenance levels) for all combat platforms organic to maneuver companies. The FSC commander responds directly to the Bn/TF XO who serves as the Bn/TF CSS integrator and assists the Bn/TF S4 in CSS synchronization and troubleshooting. 2-6. Advises the commander on requirements versus available assets. (3) Major equipment requirements: VEH/EQUIP USER C0MM0 REQUIRED FOR 5 - 1 1/4T Trk Plt Ldr 1 VRC-46 Command and control. He is responsible for all that the platoon does or fails to do. 2-12. The CRTs provide field maintenance and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) to the maneuver companies. This includes the tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, and logistics of his platoon. Operates the AFCS, radios, and hydraulic control box. Within the platoon, there is a senior supply NCO who serves as the platoon sergeant and a senior food service sergeant. var script = document.createElement("script");
The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. The FSCs co-locate a support operations cell with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 at the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP). 6-47. The CRTs carry limited on board combat spares to help facilitate repairs forward. The FSC support operations section sends a LTO to the MCS. 6-31. 2-5. Assists the COS in conducting safe howitzer operations. This responsibility coincides with my MOS, 14A, Air Defense Officer. Figure 6-1. Normally, he is the senior noncommissioned officer (NCO) in the platoon area during firing, moving between the howitzers and the POC to perform his duties. The maneuver company 1SG reinitiates the platform's CFS up to the FSC support operations section. Records firing data on Department of the Army.
File this transmittal sheet in front of the publication. The FSCs locate, based on METT-TC, four to twelve kilometers behind their supported maneuver BN/TF in the task force support area (TFSA). 2-14. Must maintain continual communications with higher, lower, and adjacent units. The platoon performs on-system maintenance. 6-55. Coordinates additional requirements through division/FSB support operations branch. Records data to the alternate aiming point. Combat repair teams (CRTs) from the FSCs are placed forward with each maneuver company under the control of the maneuver 1SG. Updates platoon on tactical situation and survivability movement criteria.
The MCO uses ULLS-G to produce the Army materiel status system (AMSS) readiness reports. Plt Sgt (E7-67T) x 3 Supervise aircraft maintenance performed by subordinate crew chiefs and assists the Platoon Leader in managing assigned personnel and equipment (AR 611-201, Table 2-67T-3, line 15 supports this position). Coordinates with the brigade/battalion S4 and BSC/FSC commanders on field services requirements and augmentations. Assists the number 2 cannoneer in retracting the conveyor. Sends piece status. The 1SG's duties may include enforcing the tactical SOP; planning and coordinating training; coordinating and reporting personnel and administrative actions; and supervising supply, maintenance, communications, and field hygiene operations. Directs personnel rotations between the howitzer and the FAASV. Shortcoming/deficiencies are corrected immediately unless parts are required at which time parts are placed on order through ULLS-G or SAMS-1. Coordinate, monitor, and supervise decontamination operations. script.setAttribute("src", "//");
2. Oversees all quality control inspections and inspectors to validate their capability to identify improper repairs and scheduled services. Ensures secondary check is made of all entries into the AFATDS/LCU. 2-11. 6-35. The following responsibilities are generally whats expected of a Platoon Leaderin any company within the 7th Cavalry. A platoon is typically the smallest military unit led by a commissioned officer. Deliver issued assets (LOGPAC) and pickup retrogrades(turn-ins to maintenance and/or for disposal). 6-33. The platoon leader (PL) – platoon sergeant (PSG) leadership team is a unique and influential pair of roles that exist in the Army. The Platoon Leader responsibilities may vary by company. * FM 10-27-4, Organizational Supply and Services for Unit Leaders. Plans and conducts reconnaissance of the unit headquarters position and selects a series of position areas (PAs) for each platoon.
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Responsible for the medical evacuation of sick, injured, and wounded soldiers to the supporting medical treatment facility. Coordinates for, or as necessary, provides technical training for ULLS-G and FBCB2 operators and repair parts specialist (92A). Scans his sector defined by the chief and reports any unusual activity. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. 5. The GSG is the primary reconnaissance expert for the platoon and spends the majority of his time away from the platoon. Process and disseminate information on enemy and friendly NBC capabilities and activities, including attacks. Ensures digital and voice communications are established and maintained. The MCS forwards the LTO to the recovery section NCOIC. It also provides maintenance information to the FSB support operations section by transmitting data, FM BLAST to the greatest extent possible (other communication technique to be determined), from the MCS's SAMS-1 box to the FSB support operation section's SAMS-2 box. FM 4-02.4 PREFACE This field manual (FM) provides information on the structure and operation of all medical platoons and medical sections that are organic to combat and combat support (CS) battalions and squadrons. The CRT sends paper work back to the MCS on part runs. 6-20. Responsible for sustaining mission readiness of MTOE property valued at over $7 million. The ATC must be proficient in mounted land navigation. Establishes a distant aiming point (DAP) if available. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. FM 7-92 a. Platoon Headquarters. Verifies that SCPs are properly marked and conducts independent secondary check of all survey data. The maintenance flow begins when the operator sends a CFS maintenance/recovery request using FBCB2. 6-38. Platoon organization varies depending on the country and the branch, but are generally around 50 strong, although specific platoons may range from 9 to 100 men. The maneuver company 1SG sends a LTO to the supporting CRT. The unit maintenance officer (called support maintenance technician by MTOE) provides technical expertise on all aspects of the field maintenance mission. When the LTO is accepted, the maintenance section NCOIC uses FBCB2 to synchronize/coordinate mission support and sends a mechanic to repair the vehicle. Reports platoon logistical and administrative requirements to the 1SG as appropriate. This mobility provides greater flexibility for the maneuver commander. Each squad consists of a squad leader, assistant squad Execute and supervise routine operations. Supervises preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) and other maintenance as directed by applicable technical manuals on assigned equipment. 6-17. He normally positions himself at the DU during firing and movement. On the Force XXI battlefield, mechanized and armored maneuver battalions remain responsible for operator and crew level maintenance. When the CRT is unable to provide the necessary support to accomplish the task in the CFS, the 1SG forwards a CFS to the FSC support operations section. Monitors retrograde of aerial delivery equipment (fixed and rotary wing). His responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: Provides input to the plans. 2-18. Retain connectivity of STAMISs with the FSB. -duty position, not a rank; primary assistant and advisor to the platoon leader, with the responsibility of training and caring for soldiers -takes charge of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader -usually a SFC (E-7) Sergeant First Class (SFC) A combat vehicle is required for the platoon leader to include a driver, two radios, and a secure GPS. The FSMC, FSB, for combat health support and patient evacuation. Determines platoon requirements and coordinates with the platoon leader and 1SG for all logistical activities for the platoon. The platoon fire direction officer (FDO) is responsible for the training and supervision of the POC personnel. Distribution Platoon Leader attached to a Combined Arms Battalion for over 17 months, responsible for forecasting, coordinating, and delivering field feeding, fuel, ammunition, and general cargo support. The company commander is the single CSS operator for the conduct of all CSS operations, less medical, in support of the BN/TF. Utilizes automated maintenance management systems to provide maintenance information to the commander and maintenance control officer. At the same time, the commander must be well versed in enemy organizations, doctrine, and equipment. Opens the lower rear door and extends the conveyor for operation, assisted by the number 4 cannoneer. Maintains ammunition accountability for both his howitzer and FAASV. The FSC provides field maintenance and all classes of supply, less medical, to its supported BN/TF. The S&T platoon HQ manages the distribution of supplies and food service coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized infantry or armor BN/TF. The message is sent simultaneously to the 1SG for action and to the FSC support operations section for information. If the vehicle requires DS level maintenance, an organizational work order DA Form, 5990-E, is generated by ULLS-G. 3. 6-23. Develops, integrates, and supervises the security plan as appropriate. Ensures AFCS and LCU databases are input correctly and that independent secondary checks are made of all entries. The maintenance and service section provides habitual field maintenance for the FSC and maneuver battalion HHC. 6-50. Mechanics perform battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) IAW applicable technical manuals. 2-9. Platoon leaders command between 20 and 50 soldiers and have diverse and vital responsibilities. Ordering required repair parts and replenishing combat spares as required. He must know his men and how to employ the platoon’s weapons. FM 3-01.48 PLATOON LEADER PLATOON HEADQUARTERS PLATOON SERGEANT Three Sentinel sections per platoon (Two teams per section) M AI NTE NCE SECTION C2 NODE SUPPORT VEHICLE Figure 1-1. Coordinates delivery priorities with the brigade/battalion S4. Executing maintenance priorities as established by the BN/TF and FSB commander. 6-30. Coordinates and monitors the movement of replenishment stocks and services for the FSC. The distribution section has the ability to conduct simultaneous III, V retail support to the maneuver companies, maneuver HHC and the FSC itself. The support operations duties include the following: Ensure accurate, timely tactical reports are sent to the FSC CP. Tracks available assets through subordinate companies, the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, and other customers. Ensures an accurate powder temperature is input in the AFCS and is updated as required. The FSC has the capability to command, control, and integrate attached units such as engineer support teams or teams from Corps assets. Gives movement instructions to the ammunition team chief (ATC). Sets the throttle to 1000-1200 revolutions per minute (RPM) while operating the hydraulic system. Places the projectile on the conveyor dead-end section. Headquarters provides the overall command and control of the platoon. Starts the auxiliary power unit (APU) and positions conveyor. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the appropriate FM 6-series, FM 71-3, Determines CSS requirements in coordination with the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, the FSB S2/3, and the logistics representatives from other customer units. Operates or supervises the operation of the AFCS in both operational and degraded modes. It also maintains FM communications capability with both the BN/TF command and logistics nets and capability to link to FBCB2 devices. The FSC support operations personnel are responsible for a myriad of tasks, including the following: Coordinates and provides technical supervision for the support unit's CSS mission. Reports the current ammunition inventory and powder temperature to COS as needed. 6-29. Assists in the development and updating of the field maintenance SOP as it pertains to the conduct of field level maintenance operations. Reviewing and evaluating operator/crew preventive maintenance checks and services on platoon equipment. It is directed toward the medical platoon leader and medical platoon members. 6-4. As required, assist the commander in issuing orders to the company, headquarters, and attachments. This ensures the maintenance platoon maintains asset visibility and tactical as well as CSS situational awareness. Ensures the dissemination of the following: Required TSOP reports to higher headquarters. Monitors daily battle loss reports to anticipate Class VII requirements. Coordinates with the BC and survey team for emplacement of survey control points (SCPs). If data is not verified or data is incorrect, he announces "CHECK FIRING.". The operator/crew receives a message from the maintenance activity accepting the maintenance request for recovery. The maneuver 1SG also has under his operational control the combat medical team (CMT) with track ambulance capability. During tactical operations, he positions himself to facilitate command and control of the platoon. Current Army training, however, does not focus on teaching leaders how to effectively partner together. Ensures the AFCS is properly initialized/updated/checked at an established SCP. Serves as the unit's point of contact for automated readiness reporting and mileage reporting issues. For example, during a movement to contact, the platoon leader could be at a critical terrain choke point and may need to coordinate with maneuver elements to facilitate passage through a minefield. MV files, target files, ammunition files. When the 1SG receives the CFS from the operator, he sends the logistic task order to the CRT for action. The Paladin chief of section (COS) is responsible for all operations of the Paladin section. Third, he determines the critical actions and events occurring to move his unit from … Manages and tracks platoon ammunition status.
COMBAT ENGINEER PLATOON 1. script.setAttribute("onerror", "setNptTechAdblockerCookie(true);");
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When the FSC exceeds its organic recovery capability, the FSC support operations section requests assistance through the FSB support operations section by forwarding the original CFS by FBCB2. Directs, and when required trains recovery vehicle operators on safe and correct recovery operations. Ensures that recovery vehicle operators are properly trained and certified to perform recovery operations. understand operations of the rifle platoon and squad, leaders must have an understanding of FM 3-21.10, The Infantry Rifle Company , and FM 3-21.20 (FM 7-20), The Infantry Battalion. Coordinates and supervises ammunition distribution plans. The supply and transportation platoon operates FBCB2 and the STAMIS (SARSS-1 or GCSS-A). That NBC-related collective tasks are covered in overall unit training activities. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. Verifies howitzer calibration and ensures MV readings are provided to the POC. 6-9. Enforces the maintenance of up-to-date technical publications for use by maintenance personnel.
Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. The scope and level of repairs are based on METT-TC. Provides input to the Bn/TF log estimate and service support annex.
Notifies the COS that the howitzer is ready to move. The maintenance platoon headquarters section provides command, control, and supervision for all administrative functions of the platoon. The FSC support operations sends a LTO to the MCS for action. The FSC's ULLS-G boxes are collocated in the MCS. Make recommendations to the commander on NBC survey and/or monitoring, decontamination, and smoke support requirements. He is also is responsible for maintaining the health, welfare, and morale of platoon personnel. It is task organized with the maintenance control section, the maintenance and service section, and the recovery section. The ULLS-G clerks operating each company box process the DA Form 5988-E completed by the operator or crew and verified by the CRT. As the senior battery trainer he is responsible for the professional development of the platoon leaders and fire direction officers. Professional Summary. 6-20. Responsible for the overall health and welfare of members of the platoon. Recommends support priorities and enforces priorities received from higher headquarters. Plans, coordinates, supervises, and directs Paladin platoon operations to include: Plans and issues platoon operations/movement orders. 2-20. Coordinates logistical support and maintenance requirements with the FDO, platoon sergeant, GSG, or platoon leader. A platoon sergeant must have a dedicated vehicle and driver, secure GPS/PLGR, and a long-range radio in order to accomplish his duties. Maintains capability of computing the technical firing solution for any degraded howitzers. Transmit call for support (CFS) for immediate resupply for Class III/IV/V or recovery missions using FBCB2 (as required). The fire direction specialist posts the situation maps and maintains the HTCs, database charts, and files as directed (i.e., howitzer locations, ammunition status, met data, and MVVs). 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