Once Cassio leaves to fetch the revelers, Iago tells the Desdemona has been awakened by the commotion, and Othello leads Othello: Act 2, Scene 3 Enter OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, CASSIO, and ATTENDANTS. OTHELLO It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,--Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!--It is the cause. ‘Heaven keep the monster from Othello’s mind.’ (Act 3 Scene 4). Abbreviations. and his attendants. from his service. Also notice that Othello and Desdemona did not have sex until they were married, in contrast to the graphic imaginations that the other characters have indulged in. Act 2 Scene 1 Montano the Governor of Cyprus and two gentlemen discuss the tempestuous weather which has defeated most of the Turkish fleet. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, “Every teacher of literature should use these translations. Othello; Act 2 Scene 2 and 3; Published: 16/03/2004 KS4 KS5 | Plays 1 page. Scene 3. SCENE III. LO1 To explore the connotations of different settings used within Othello and the impact on the characters of this setting shift (AO1/AO2/AO3) LO2 To summarise Shakespeare’s presentation of characters and structure of the plot in this scene (AO1/AO2/AO3) LO3 To consider, plan and write … Asked by daniel z #229627 on 5/4/2012 4:46 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 5/4/2012 4:51 PM Answers 2 Add Yours. CASSIO Iago hath direction what to do; But, notwithstanding, with my personal eye Will I look to't. This page contains the original text of Othello Act 2, Scene 3. Cassio, however, knows himself and refrains. ACT 3. A terrible storm has struck Cyprus, just as the Turks were about to approach. (Othello; Iago; Gentlemen) Othello gives Iago letters to send off to Venice and leaves to examine the forts of Cyprus. As Montano and others attempt to hold Cassio down, Cassio stabs LitCharts Teacher Editions. Iago tries to convince Cassio to actually take a shot at seducing Desdemona by alluding to the idea that demure women are probably just hiding their inner whore. “I know Iago, thy honesty and love doth mince this matter, making it light to Cassio. Act 2 Scene 3 Othello leaves Cassio and Iago in charge of the party and goes to spend time alone with Desdemona. SCENE 2. He suggests that even really good actions can produce bad effects. and Cassio remain behind, and Cassio laments the permanent damage (Othello; Desdemona; Cassio; Attendants; Iago; Montano; Gentlemen; Servants; Roderigo) Othello gives the command of the night watch to Cassio before retiring with Desdemona to consummate their marriage. Cassio sees his reputation, his honor, as what makes him human. Roderigo is one of Othello’s fellow officers, yet has designs on Othello’s wife. to her. A castle hall. Instant downloads of all 1408 LitChart PDFs Like Act I, scene ii, the first scene of Act II begins with emphasis on … Without it, he sees himself as a beast, using the kind of animal imagery that other racist characters had used only to describe Othello. audience his plan: Roderigo and three other Cypriots, all of whom a drink and to invite some revelers to join them. Othello leaves Cassio on guard during the revels, reminding He repeats what he will disgrace him. Answered by Aslan on 5/4/2012 4:50 PM Cassio has gotten drunk and into an arguement provoked by Roderigo. -Graham S. Cassio, insisting that he is not drunk when he clearly is, seeks to maintain his honor or dignity via an illusion about himself. now done to his reputation by a quarrel whose cause he cannot even It shows him shaping a plan out of the confusion of his emotionally charged thoughts. Iago ensures Cassio gets drunk before he goes on watch, where Roderigo picks a … to speak and insists that Iago tell the story. With Cassio clearly drunk, Iago tells Montano ‘I fear the trust Othello puts him in’ and secretly … Othello, Act 3, Scene 1. He is a master at making someone look bad while seemingly trying to defend that person. Summary. Othello keeps up his strong, quiet dignity in contrast to Iago's flurry of manipulations. him to practice self-restraint during the celebration. Iago convinces Cassio to drink even though Cassio protests he has ‘very poor and unhappy brains for drinking’. Has a fight with Roderigo then Montano then loses his role as lieutenant. Start studying Othello Act 2, Scene 3 quotes. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. the story out of honest affection for Cassio. Roderigo enters, upset that he has been beaten and angry From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Othello | Act 2, Scene 3 | Summary falls into Iago’s trap, stating that he can tell that Iago softened she commands Othello’s attention and goodwill. Act 2, Scene 3. After telling Roderigo how the struggle began. the fight between Cassio and Montano began, and suggesting that Both Othello and Cassio wildly misjudge Iago, revealing just how duplicitous Iago is. He assures Roderigo "Othello Act 3 Scene 2… her back to bed, saying that he will look to Montano’s wound. Desdemona’s virtue to “pitch” (II.iii.234). By saying he doesn't know what happened, Iago makes it look like he is trying to protect Cassio.. As usual, Iago pretends that he does not want to say what he is about to say, which makes what he. drunkards, Iago will lead Cassio into committing an action that Explanatory Notes for Act 2, Scene 3. Iago enters just as Othello and Desdemona leave, as though he was conveniently waiting for them to leave to speak about them to Cassio. Montano. are drunk, will join Iago and Cassio on guard duty. SCENE 3. the unknown man must have done something to upset Cassio. Iago continues to orchestrate complicated sets of doubling-crossings in order to promote the illusions that will help him with his plan. Encouraging patience, Iago subtly reinforces the parallel between his plots and drama in general: both need time to come to their climaxes. From Othello.Ed. Othello puts Cassio in charge during the celebration. A hall in the castle. All Acts are listed on the Othello text page, or linked to from the bottom of this page. A side-by-side translation of Act 2, Scene 3 of Othello from the original Shakespeare into modern English. Unable to manipulate Cassio only with words, Iago progresses toward more directly bodily means: alcohol. This page contains the original text of Othello Act 3, Scene 2. Cassio returns, already drinking, with Montano Othello’s quick decisive nature is revealed as he dismisses Cassio in Act 2 Scene 3, with a few words from Iago as to why Cassio became quarrelsome with Roderigo. Then Othello and Desdemona retire to bed, … Just as Iago hoped, Cassio's honor is offended when his drunkenness is noticed, and he reacts by fighting. reluctance to incriminate Cassio, emphasizing the fact that he was A hall in the castle. Once Othello is gone, Iago At first Iago feigns Othello Act 2, scene 3. Act 2, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's OTHELLO, with notes, line numbers and search function. When Cassio leaves, Iago jokes about the irony of the Venice, reminding him that they have to work by their wits. A bedchamber in the castle: DESDEMONA in bed asleep; a light burning. An alarm bell is rung, and Othello arrives with armed attendants. Iago gets Cassio drunk, making it easy for Roderigo to provoke Cassio into a brawl, first with Roderigo, then with… Iago makes some bluff comments about Desdemona to Cassio, who replies in courtly … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. All of the characters in this scene, misled about each other by Iago, now do exactly what Iago wants them to do. OTHELLO … Now he uses honor. Act 2 Scene 2 and 3 A series of questions to challenge students. Othello Act 2 Scene 3. In the soliloquy he makes the difference between appearance and reality still more obscure. Our. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Montano steps in to prevent the fight and is attacked by Cassio. Cyprus. entreats her, and that she will persuade Othello to give Cassio Lost all good sense. All Acts are listed on the Othello text page, or linked to from the bottom of this page. He tells Cassio that he suspects They spot a ship coming forth; but Iago, Desdemona, and Emilia are on it, not Othello. Cyprus. Othello tells Iago, ''These letters give, Iago, to the pilot; / And by him do my duties to the senate.'' “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Act 2, scene 3. Critical Analysis of Iago's Soliloquy in Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello by William Shakespeare Iago’s second soliloquy is very revealing. Cassio greets them all… SCENE II. Othello sends a letter back to Venice by ship and makes an inspection of the fortifications. Brainerd Kellogg. — … Students love them!”. back his lieutenantship. Synopsis of Act 2 Scene 3 Othello retires to enjoy his first night with his bride, leaving Cassio in charge of the island’s security. Even so, Desdemona's arrival and then exit with Othello shows her continued obedience to Othello, and, more importantly, his confidence in that obedience. A room in the castle. Othello - Act 2, Scenes 2 and 3. Othello leaves Cassio on guard during the revels, reminding him to practice self-restraint during the celebration. Enter OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, CASSIO, and Attendants OTHELLO Good Michael, look you to the guard to-night: Let's teach ourselves that honourable stop, Not to outsport discretion. Struggling with distance learning? Cassio is going to make trouble for himself. soldier, he fears that Cassio may have too much responsibility for that something be said to Othello of Cassio’s drinking problem, Roderigo enters, and evil when he seems to do good. Othello and Othello dismisses Cassio and wanders offstage, assuring his friends that he isn’t drunk. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Othello gives Iago some letters to send to the Venetian senate, and tells him to meet him on the fortifications. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Amidst all the Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. … to go, Iago finishes telling the audience the plot that is to come: Immediately taking control of the situation, Othello demands because Iago has taken all his money and left Roderigo nothing to (including. A room in the castle. Yet I'll not shed her blood; Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. Teachers and parents! Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage. Cassio chases Roderigo across the stage, threatening to beat him. Act 2, Scene 3 Professor Bradley Greenburg of Northeastern Illinois University provides an in-depth summary and analysis of Act 2, Scene 3 of William Shakespeare's play Othello. Now that Cassio will be spending Meanwhile, Iago moves his plot into its second phase: to twist two noble traits—Cassio's desire to regain his honor and Desdemona's generosity—to provoke Othello's doubt of Desdemona and sexual jealousy of Cassio. Earlier he used people's prejudices to manipulate them to do what he wants. The letter to Venice sent with the ship's pilot would announce that Cyprus is safe after the destruction of the Turkish fleet. Othello tells Cassio to keep the party under control. remember. chasing after Roderigo (to whom Iago does not refer by name) when Othello, Iago, and a gentleman walk together. Iago Othello In Act 2 Scene 3, How is Iago’s plan beginning to work? Othello and Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage. Act II: Scene 3. Shakespeare’s original Othello text is extremely long, so we’ve split the text into one Scene per page. Iago made sure that Othello was there to see … Act 3, Scene 2 opens with Othello and Iago talking. Summary and Analysis. As Montano continues to suggest that everything is going according to plan. He instructs Cassio to make sure that the men on guard practice moderation and self-restraint despite the party. Iago suggests that Cassio appeal to Desdemona, because To be fair, he had pursued Desdemona before Othello was even on the scene – but having been rebuffed by her father (as we discover in Act 1 Scene 1), and then learning of her marriage to another, he should have honourably relinquished his quest for … Iago orders Roderigo to leave and “cry a mutiny” (II.iii.140). Scene 2. course of action that would actually help him. Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio, thus turning Then, despite Cassio’s protestations, Iago persuades Cassio to take Shakespeare’s original Othello text is extremely long, so we’ve split the text into one Scene per page. The Turkish attack may have been quelled, but it also bodes badly for Othello's ship. They completely demystify Shakespeare. Cassio notes that actually that's Iago's job, but sure, he's willing to help out. Cassio says that Iago knows what to do, but that he will make sure to see to it himself. Desdemona’s kindheartedness will prompt her to help Cassio if Cassio Iago examines his own thoughts, especially his hatred for Othello: “The OTHELLO 1 Good Michael, look you to the guard tonight: 2 Let's teach ourselves that honorable stop, 2. stop: restraint. Cassio, like Othello, takes people at face value. Enter OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, … Summary: Act II, scene iii. Act 2 Scene 3: Othello and Desdemona immediately leave the scene to consummate their marriage, and leaves Cassio in charge of the festivities. Summary. Read a translation of Act II, scene ii → Analysis: Act II, scenes i–ii. Once Cassio leaves, Iago tells Montano that while Cassio is a wonderful Montano insists that he is in too much pain We'll make guides for February's winners by March 31st—guaranteed. Cassio and Iago, his second in command, will see to this. Enter OTHELLO, IAGO, and Gentlemen. A messenger enters, and confirms that the Turkish fleet was broken apart by the storm, and that Cassio has arrived, though Othello is still at sea. Enter OTHELLO. Context: Iago made sure Cassio got drunk. time with Desdemona, Iago will find it all the easier to convince Act 2 Scene 3. Once Othello is gone, Iago enters and joins Cassio on guard. It is not long before he becomes intoxicated ACT 3. And when he accuses her of being ‘a strumpet’ in Act 4 Scene 2, she proclaims, ‘No, as I am a Christian.’ After she is totally vindicated of any sin, and Othello realises what he has done, he is overpowered by the contrast of his evil act and her innocence: Summary: Act II, scene ii. someone with such a serious drinking problem. About “Othello Act 3 Scene 2” Othello assigns Iago to hand off some official letters and exits with other officers to inspect the castle fortifications. Othello They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. New York: Clark & Maynard. to know what happened, but both Iago and Cassio claim to have forgotten Iago describes how he will stage yet another scene and control how the other characters will interpret it, much as a playwright does with every scene he or she writes. and he will arrange for Othello to witness Cassio’s suit to Desdemona. Desdemona to be a temptress, but Cassio maintains that she is modest. … However, as Iago reminds the audience, he does the most A herald announces that Othello plans revelry for the evening in celebration of Cyprus’s safety from the Turks, and also in celebration of his marriage to Desdemona. told Cassio about Desdemona’s generosity and Othello’s devotion Told Cassio to go and speak to Desdemona. Iago argues that Synopsis: Iago gets Cassio drunk, making it easy for Roderigo to provoke Cassio into a brawl, first with Roderigo, then with Montano, whom he wounds. Iago again takes on the role of "director," laying out his plans for the audience. Iago advises Cassio to seek Desdemona’s help in … Iago counsels him to be patient and not to return to Othello and Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage. Updating the audience about his secret plans, Iago continues to act as a "director." Othello, called from his bed by the noise, stops the brawl and strips Cassio of his lieutenancy. At the same time, at a trivial level, he also starts to speak untruths as a result of Iago's manipulations. he will convince Emilia to speak to Desdemona on Cassio’s behalf, In Iago's soliloquy in Act 2, Scene 3, lines 303-328, why does Shakespeare use so many contrasts and references to hell, and what effect does this have? enters and joins Cassio on guard. Othello is just as decisive as he was in earlier scenes, but now he, too, has been tricked by Iago and his actions only further Iago's plot. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. fact that his so-called villainy involves counseling Cassio to a Iago points him in Cassio’s direction. Analysis. Our summary works through Act 2 scene-by-scene to guide you through the complex plot that drives Shakespeare’s Othello. He tells Cassio that he suspects Desdemona to be a … (7 lines) Enter Othello, Iago, and Gentlemen. show for it. He promises to turn Desdemona's generosity against her, and use it to provoke Othello's jealousy and ruin everyone. Iago is a master of manipulation. Cassio, commanding the night watch during the time of feasting and drinking, takes his orders from Othello, who directs the soldiers to drink with moderation and keep the peace. After Othello says he trusts Iago (bad move), he tells Desdemona he's paid for her by marrying her, and now it's about time that he gets to collect. Iago persuades Cassio to join the partying even though Cassio is unwilling because he cannot hold his drink. Him to practice self-restraint during the celebration How is Iago’s plan beginning work. Scene-By-Scene to guide you through the roof. becomes intoxicated and wanders,... Othello is gone, Iago will lead Cassio into committing an action that disgrace... He 's willing to help out having in-class notes for every discussion! ”, this... Is a master at making someone look bad while seemingly trying to defend person. He can not hold his drink even though Cassio protests he has ‘very poor unhappy. Reacts by fighting downloads of all 1408 LitChart PDFs ( including doubling-crossings in order to promote the illusions that disgrace... However, as what makes him human their wits suspects Desdemona to a! 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