After the Sweden Democrats proposed a bill in 2018 to go “against the full-covering Muslim veil in all public places”, the local council in southern Sweden, Skurup, introduced a ban on “religious headgear” in primary schools and preschools. Glad you asked the son – who implied they were "mistakes". You can (and I suggest you do) read it here: I t… – “girls have always been controlled by their families and had many restrictions placed upon them” – no kidding? Dr Myriam Francois is a journalist, presenter and academic with a focus on UK current affairs, Islam and France. – “Choice is the key word here. Visit My Blog For Nasheeds , Complete Lecture From Hollywood To Islam - Emilie Francois Is Now Myriam Francois … Macron's 'imam charter' raises fears of state control over Islam of France. In fact Ms Failed Journo will be in line for bonus plaudits seeing as her invectives are the expectorations of a browny with a Muslim name, and a woman to boot. Islamic feminist voices: from left, Myriam François-Cerrah, Hannah Habibi Hopkin, Kübra Gümüsay. Jul 21, 2020 - Explore Claire Shepherd's board "Hijabi Power!" It’s his right to a fair trial and treatment as held to international standards. That might be true.” – Exegesis: play on non-Muslim fears and suspiscions of Muslim men forcing their womenfolk into restrictive dress codes. The journalist, Myriam François, abused Ramadan family’s trust on three essential accounts: 1. – “But can it truly be a choice when women are told from day one that they are Islamically required (verse 24:31 in the Qur’an) to cover their entire body in the name of modesty?” Well yeah it can. (1/2), But public image and extra-marital affairs context can't be dismissed. So biased, so disappointing. Myriam was shortlisted for… – “…some turn to extreme versions of the faith, many more will turn away from it altogether.”  – If I was a betting man I’d put a great deal of money on Ms Failed Journo ending up in the latter camp. Innocence of Muslims repeated the claim Muhammad was a paedophile, but the story is more complex and interesting than that Murdoch hires Oldham’s reject – Da Masked Avenger. An idea should not be not be off limits simply because it is in a religious book.” Righteo. Myriam Francois-Cerrah has written a masterpiece in how to usurp liberal feminism in the cause of reactionary orthodoxism.” ... Laws may mandate that a woman can’t wear a niqab or hijab or risk being penalised with fines and jail time (as seen in France). Apr 24, 2012 - By Taylor Marvin At The American Prospect E.J, Graff has a thought-provoking piece on rape culture in the US and abroad. From food to fashion, Myriam Francois (pictured) discovers what difference Muslim-friendly brands are making and what it all means for Muslim and non-Muslim consumers alike. You can (and I suggest you do) read it here: But hey who cares. Plenty of Muslim girls have donned the hijab only to subsequently take it off. Bottom line – Muslim women in hijab/niqab are victims that need saving. Myriam Francois presenters at the Eid festival in Trafalgar Square London to mark the end of Ramadan on 8 June 2019, London, UK. But my disappointment is blunted by the awareness that he wasn't the first or the last who has disappointed. Simultaneously emphasise to non-Muslims that she is one of them with the “we are told”. Journalist Fatima Manji, who has been with the programme for four years, presented the Channel 4 News coverage of the Bastille Day massacre in Nice on Friday night from the studio in London. Bizarre and asinine in equal measure but commensurate, I suppose, to Ms Failed Journo’s limited intellect. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Change ), many more will turn away from it altogether,,,, (2/2), . ... Francois chose to stop wearing a hijab in the 2010s. His affairs are his private matters, what the campaign asks for is his right to #dueprocess. — Zohaib Maqsood ✳️✳️ (@zmphotography12) September 18, 2018, The whole point of #MeToo was to give historically abused victims voice, power & recourse to justice. Sexual predators exist in all walks of life but this case is tangled with accusations of racism. This article is more than 8 years old. You can (and I suggest you do) read it here: I t… So long as you’re taking a dig at Islam, it’s all good and the usual rabble over at HP will warmly applaud. Having failed to secure a position as a “foreign correspondent”, which is hardly surprising as she rarely ventures further than London (she’s a Mancunian), this character spends her life on Twitter in the company of an assorted group of Islam-haters and faux-liberals desperately attempting to outdo them in their spite and hatred towards anything connected to Islam and anyone having the temerity to speak in its defence. Unless you are prepared to rip them up, to extirpate them from the Qur’an and “admit” they are inhumane and barbaric then you are an Islamist (or a closet Islamist). . Her use of inverted commas around the word “tarty” would seem to suggest she doesn’t believe there is even such a concept. In fact she likely already has but, as with certain others in this wretched clique, just doesn’t have the courage to admit it. Muslim news presenter who wore hijab ... - Daily Mail Online The word “tart” is slang of course for a sexually promiscuous woman/prostitute. by Amaliah Team in World on 21st September, 2018. But then why should we? The Franco-British academic, Dr. Myriam François-Cerrah, a hijab-wearing Muslim convert, published a vitriolic attack on Alibhai-Brown. A completely spurious statement. Mo Ansar – another victim of this Failed Journos spite – a target of considerable Islamist opprobrium has been accused of the same simply for refusing to abjure certain Qur’anic precepts. French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen proposes hijab ban. Not criminal law, but still highlights something quite sinister about hypocrisy in our circles. Myriam Francois-Cerrah, formerly known as Emilie Francois, is a British Hollywood actress who started her acting career at a very young age, but gave it up upon embracing Islam in 2003. She cut and deliberately quoted my brother, Sami Ramadan’s responses out of context. LONDON: The main English-language daily in the Middle East, Arab News — and its French-language digital edition Arab News en Francais — have partnered with the prestigious Arab … Many felt, due to this, it was largely impartial. You can follow us on @amaliah_tweets for the latest or head over to our Instagram @amaliah_com. She currently works as a broadcast journalist for TRT world, a global news … Former assistant editor & features writer at Emel magazine (2008-2009). – “It is not a choice if you cannot remove the hijab after you decide to wear it. She currently works as a broadcast journalist for TRT world, a global news network, and was the presenter of documentaries including BBC One's “A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited”. It does baffle me that it can seemingly arouse such strong emotions in people, whatever side of the spectrum they’re coming at the discussion from! I won’t be wasting any more time ever again with this particular clown as she’s simply not worth anyone’s time or attention. The professor’s illness has worsened considerably since being put in isolation. She is due to complete her PhD at Oxford University in Oriental Studies in 2013. However, after some probing of the prosecutor for Ramadan’s case in the report, the courts replied with “the expert himself has declared that his state of health is compatible with his detention.” There was also speculation about the report not unpacking the intricacies of the case regarding the plaintiff Hind Ayari who had changed her story a number of times. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm also disappointed that his extramarital affairs can be framed as "mistakes" i think that reflects alot on the blind eye we turn to our muslim men who do similar things. – ‘…and those wear “tarty” clothes are right at the bottom’ & “Where do we draw the line between what amount of flesh is deemed ‘appropriate’ and ‘tarty’?” – for those Muslims who actually believe the Qur’an and the Sunnah constitute divine revelation the answer is contained therein. – “then Cerrah’s voice can be aligned with reactionaries and Islamists who will no doubt use her articles to attack any dissenting voices” – again the reductio ad islamism ‘argument’. Myriam Francois (born Emilie Siobhan Geoghegan François, formerly Myriam Francois-Cerrah; 20 December 1982) is an English-French writer, broadcaster and academic on issues related to Islam, France and the Middle East. The point was made in a feeble attempt to preempt the rather obvious criticism that she targets the Muslim community exclusively. By creating a focus on the professor’s character in the context of how good or bad a Muslim he is, which was presented with the absence of a report on the extreme neglect, from French authorities, of his basic human rights, leading to a dramatic decline in his health without access to medication for his Multiple Sclerosis. ... Francois chose to stop wearing a hijab in the 2010s. France tensions. Another vacuity to add to the list by Ms Failed Journo. Final Q to son is a crucial one. It was made in much the same vein as those Islam haters who while fulminating incessantly against halal slaughter occasionally throw in the “oh and I’m against Kosher also” line. Myriam François on Hijab and European Courts Myriam Francois Muslims are told explicity in the Qur’an and in the hadith not to drink alcohol. — Hanne Büşra (@curieBosphorus) September 18, 2018. See more ideas about hijabi, muslim women, islam women. Myriam Francois (born Emilie Siobhan Geoghegan François, formerly Myriam Francois-Cerrah; 20 December 1982) is an English-French writer, broadcaster and academic on issues related to Islam, France and the Middle East. Visit My Blog For Nasheeds , Complete Lecture From Hollywood To Islam - Emilie Francois Is Now Myriam Francois - New Muslim Tube A hijab is for life after all.” – Complete tosh. – “Cerrah does not like the idea of the state telling women how they must dress but fails to point out the elephant in the room, which is that her faith does.” – now given that Ms Failed Journo has previously claimed to be a Muslim it’s rather surprising (well actually it’s not) she refers to Islam as the faith of Ms Cerrah. We should be able to criticise ideas, regardless of where they are taught. Indeed, nothing seems to provoke more suspicion of Europe's 15 million Muslims than the face veil worn by a tiny minority of … Macron's 'imam charter' raises fears of state control over Islam of France. You can read the original of this piece on the Huffington Post site, here In the aftermath of the brutal murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich yesterday, questions have ‎surfaced on how best to describe the events – are labels such as “terrorism” either warranted or … She did not mention the contradictions, the lies and the troubling links between the plaintiffs. Innocence of Muslims repeated the claim Muhammad was a paedophile, but the story is more complex and interesting than that A lot of Muslim women, we are told, choose to wear the hijab or niqab without any pressure from their families. I struggle as to why none of these voices do … Muslims are told explicity told not to commit zina (fornication/adultery). I watched the report – it was heavy viewing but necessary. Malik was … And so on. @BBCNews’ choice of title could’ve been better but this clip by @MyriamFrancoisC about #metoo & Prof Tariq Ramadan is gripping. One of the plaintiff’s lawyer was interviewed while the responses of Tariq Ramadan’s lawyer (whom she interviewed for an hour) were completely dropped from the coverage. I suspect it’s actually a thinly veiled barb at those of us who refuse to abjure the core tenets of Islam e.g. I thought she made several specific valid criticisms of YAB’s views and presented a plethora of reasons as to why YAB’s thinking is both faulty and highly pernicious. A standard artifice in the armoury of those too intellectually challenged to develop a cogent argument. Myriam Francois-Cerrah. ( Log Out /  – “…which is really unfair as they loathe YAB just as much as the Islamists do.” & [Quoting another blogger] “…Myriam Francois-Cerrah has written a masterpiece in how to usurp liberal feminism in the cause of reactionary orthodoxism.” Ok, well Islamists and the reactionary orthodox don’t really have much truck with Myriam and her views are diametrically opposed to theirs on most issues. ... Myriam François. Myriam, whose … Nonetheless, we are heartened to receive a huge amount of support from all quarters highlighting the gross neglect of due process in this case.”, Why you need to support the #FREETARIQRAMADANCAMPAIGN, Can I ask about the inclusion of the “squeaky clean persona” Vs the affairs? Myriam Francois believes the burkini ban is just the latest excuse to harass Muslims. Is this an implicit admission that it is not her’s? Women’s clothing is a bizarrely emotive topic. ... Francois chose to stop wearing a hijab … ... Myriam … By Myriam Francois | March 21, 2016 | Question Time | 0 comments . It aims to encourage scholars to debate and engage with the wider public on the basis of their research and will foster discussions about mainly UK and also European Integration discourse as relates to Islam and British Muslims. A former actress, her screen career began at age 12 in Sense and Sensibility (1995) in which she played Margaret Dashwood. A three hit combo at those vile Qur’an touting Muzzies! Such perspicacity truly leaves me awestruck. If you are/have been a hijab wearing Muslim woman who would like to get into print, this is your chance to be published alongside writers such as: Azeezat Johnson, Hodan Yusuf, Myriam Francois, Ra'ifah Rafiq, Raisa Hassan, Rumana Lasker, Shaista Aziz, Sofia Rehman, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan, Suma Din, Sumaya Kassim and Yvonne Ridley. — Naveed (@Seditious_medic) September 18, 2018, Brilliantly done! Thousands looked up to him and expected better. White Muslim Women with colored eyes. In fact…you can find me disagreeing rather robustly with her here: Of course such criticism is telling in that it betrays the mentality of those who make it: if you are not prepared to disown Qur’anic teachings then you are a “reactionary orthodox”/”Islamist”. Let’s move on. The report illustrated some intricacies of the case thus far, including an interview from Tariq Ramadan’s son, Sami Ramadan and a documented open letter of support from academics who stand by his right for due process such as, Aminata Traore, Noam Chomsky, and Ken Loach. She did not mention the contradictions, the lies and the troubling links between the plaintiffs. Myriam Francois-Cerrah recently wrote a detailed critique of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown’s book “Refusing the Veil” in the New Statesman. Myriam Francois-Cerrah: Myriam Francois-Cerrah is a writer and broadcaster with a focus on current affairs, France and the Middle East. Many of us have been horrified about how the French state has dealt with this case. If you choose to Ms Failed Journo then that is naturally your prerogative in a “free” society just as it’s ours to persevere in our “delusions”. Even Myriam Francois-Cerrah v Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (she's the author of 'Refuse The Veil') spoke on hijab but no mention by either of them of female rights. Get in touch with Ayan Ali if you need help in that respect. Neither Ms Failed Journo nor YAB care a jot about what Sikh parents demand of their young boys. Islam should be denuded of all and any commandments lest it impede free choice? Abdullah Afzal and Myriam Francois presenters at the Eid festival in Trafalgar Square London to mark the end of Ramadan on 8 June 2019, London, UK. Francois completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford in 2017. We tweet @SoasCis She currently works as a broadcast journalist for TRT world, a global news network, and writes a regular column for the New Statesman’s rolling politics blog. You obviously have a personal agenda and deliberately made him appear guilty without mentioning his failing health as well as his incarceration without any process or fair hearing. – “It says it all when more Muslims will defend a woman’s right to wear a niqab or hijab but will not support or defend her right to remove it.” – it says it all when a supposed Muslim who avails herself of any opportunity to launch a broadside against “her” community and it’s religious ideals and practises has precious little to say on the day a report is released detailing years of brutal abuse against thousands of Muslim victims. Shameful opportunism. This article is more than 8 years old. If Americans are tempted to view the horrific torture, rape, and murder of a New Delhi woman as evidence that rape culture is endemic only to foreign societies, they're wrong; in Graff's words, rape culture "lives anywhere that has… The peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon our master, Muhammad. The journalist, Myriam François, abused Ramadan family’s trust on three essential accounts: 1. But the context of the report seemed to be talking about the case now which is why I struggle to see the relevance, and not see it framed as “he had affairs->he’s a bad person”, — Rumana (@lil_pomegranate) September 19, 2018. – “In YAB’s defence, she did say on Asian Network that she has a problem with young Sikh boys being made to cover their hair too.”  No it’s not in her defence. ( Log Out /  This despite repeatedly affirming his belief in a reformist interpretation that vitiates numerous explicit Qur’anic injunctions. Myriam Francois-Cerrah. Thought that was an odd thing to include, — Rumana (@lil_pomegranate) September 18, 2018, True in the long term for if/when he gets released/post-trial and his career/position in the future. I’m not sure why you have called your rebuttal “pointless.” I think we need to push back. Anyway, you can read her pathetic screed here (at Harry’s Place, where else? It is disturbing to see the BBC descend to journalism “à la française”. – ‘Her words to describe the west as “materialistic, hedonistic, socially anarchic, sex-obsessed and atomised” could have been used by an Islamist.’ – so rather than attempt a coherent, cogent rejoinder the best she can offer up is: reductio ad islamism. In future I’ll give her £50 and tell her to go out and come back whenever she likes and with whoever – no questions asked. 3. I presume it’s like Catholics who unfailingly attend Mass and receive the sacraments are seen as more pious than those that can’t be bothered? • Dr Myriam François is a research associate at the Centre of Islamic Studies, Soas University of London, and founder of the blog We Need to Talk about Whiteness Topics British empire Myriam Francois is a writer, broadcaster and academic with a focus on current affairs, the Middle East, Islam and France. Her articles have been published in the Guardian, the Daily … Indeed, nothing seems to provoke more suspicion of Europe's 15 million Muslims than the face veil worn by a tiny minority of women. Little wonder she can’t get a job with any publication of note (the Oldham Chronicle doesn’t count). Linking it to the #MeToo movement on the back end of last year being largely characterized by the many reports surfacing from a number of women who had been sexually assaulted by men who are leaders in their respective industries. This is the official blog for the SOAS-CIS. Of course make such sweeping presumptions are fine for Ms Failed Journo even though she’ll happily upbraid “Islamists” for doing precisely the same. Watch my latest report with @m_madi on the sexual assault allegations against Tariq Ramadan over @BBCWorld #tariqramadan #metoo, — Dr Myriam François (@MyriamFrancoisC) September 18, 2018. If you're reading this and are thinking about contributing an article then send us an email with a brief OR full article to ✌. I can only pray that justice for all is the best thing. Myriam Francois believes the burkini ban is just the latest excuse to harass Muslims French legislation has been encroaching on the private sphere of Muslims for years, she says Editor’s … You beat me to it, with an excellent post. What an astute observation! Dr Myriam Francois is a journalist, presenter and academic with a focus on UK current affairs, Islam and France. Dr Myriam Francois Dr Francois is a TV presenter, writer and academic with a focus on current affairs, Islam and France.Her documentaries have appeared on C4 and BBC1 among others. ... Hijab: The scarf worn tightly around the head and neck does not cover the face. I’d really never have guessed. on Pinterest. The Franco-British academic, Dr. Myriam François-Cerrah, a hijab-wearing Muslim convert, published a vitriolic attack on Alibhai-Brown. ): Many online users had split opinions on the documentary, due to what they felt was Francois’ lack of impartiality as a journalist, using her privileges to navigate the Muslim community to gain the trust of the Ramadan family. So you’ve obviously missed the perennial criticism (and insults) of just about every aspect of Islamic dogma and theology these past 1000 years. – “Women have been taught that a good Muslim woman must cover her hair and though a niqab is not mandatory, you are instantly seen as more pious if you do wear it.” – Oh wow. Preferably by gentle persuasion but start to prepare the ground for more forceful measures should they be required. This was too much, however, for a certain clown by the name of Iram Ramzan who felt obliged to add her worthless two cents to the conversation. Can be summarised as: “if I say something is undeniable that makes it fact”. Early life and career. Historically such women were (and still are) known for wearing clothes that spur male sexual interest. I'm absolutely gutted he had extramarital affairs. @MyriamFrancoisC Your report is excellent & it sends a strong message to people who have abused their profession position. Journalist Fatima Manji, who has been with the programme for four years, presented the Channel 4 News coverage of the Bastille Day massacre in Nice on Friday night from the studio in … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account., — Dr Zubaida Haque (@Zubhaque) September 18, 2018. A former actress, her screen career … Now unless she’s denying that men are generally physically attracted to scantily dressed women in preference to those who cover their boobs and backsides I’m not sure what her point is. – She avers, “we cannot deny that it [the face veil] was initially prescribed in ancient times by men to women as a sign of their subservience.” Well actually we can deny it. France tensions. For the likes of Failed Journo and her ilk that’s not enough though. Is there one form of justice for Muslims in France, and one for everywhere else?”, The report descends as a few personal slights are made about Ramadan’s character, as Francois references how he admits to having extramarital affairs, “this was a man with a squeaky-clean image who lectured on how to live as a good Muslim and that definitely means no sex outside of marriage.” This is followed by the journalist asking, “do you think what your dad has done is wrong?”  to Sami Ramadan, the academic’s son, who said, ” I think every human being does things that are wrong, yes I know my dad makes mistakes the same way I make mistakes, the way every human being makes mistakes, this is not what this story is about, its about a crime, and I believe he did not commit this crime.”. Even many followers of Islam are keen to disown and denounce it. Myriam Francois converted to Islam & currently taking part in organizations that helping the poor and orphan kids . Moron. The first plaintiff has a history of being lying and was contradicted by her own friend as she changed the story many times. A balanced piece with important questions. Many do that also. The French justice system is mistreating him by not giving him his fundamental rights incl. Many still do. The Politics of Refusing to Refuse the Veil | I Can Haz Khilafah? It’s not how “good of a Muslim” he is thats up for judgment. She currently works as a broadcast journalist for TRT world, a global news network, and writes a regular column for the New Statesman’s rolling politics blog. Myriam Francois is a writer, broadcaster and academic with a focus on current affairs, the Middle East, Islam and France. Patriarchal power of religion was made in a feeble attempt to preempt the obvious... ( 2008-2009 ) excuse to harass muslims them with the “ we are told, to... The core tenets of Islam e.g me to it, with an excellent.! 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