30 Reasons Why the Ocean Is Scarier Than Space. Modern sperm whales hold their breath for over an hour while hunting, and I seriously doubt that a fight would last that long. Sharks manage to avoid stopping to eat by drawing on fat stored in their livers (organs that account for as much as a quarter of their body weight). Oh and to livyatan meg is right they were both 18 metres(60 feet). The German Shepherd bite force is so strong which can break a bone of a human. Deadliest fiction wikia user. The dwarf lantern shark is hardly one of the fierce creatures you picture when you hear the word "shark." But lets say they collided head on. A single orca would be capable of killing or at least contending with a fully grown female(females are actually bigger unlike in tooth whales)great white shark. Again I don’t think it’s going to one or the other in every encounter but I’d put my money on the predatory whale. That’s how whales escape orcas. Not only does it reduce drag, it shifts the flow of the water that surrounds them, helping propel them forward. Megalodon has 180kn bite force. "Livyatan would easily win because of its intellect.". 2,719 talking about this. Though killer whales, crocodiles, and other sharks will sometimes eat sharks, "Humans are by far the greatest enemy of sharks," according to shark biologist Samuel Gruber. I think the whale would win because the whale has bigger teeth so the teeth can just sink in. Next, don't miss the 20 Bizarre Sea Creatures That Look Like They're Not Real. When they eventually went extinct it was probably for the same reasons. the livyatan probably had a pod of up to around 5-20 whales much like modern pods. Like modern sperm whales, Livyatan appears to have had an organ with stored reservoirs of wax and oil at the base of its skull. Since for both species one sex was much larger than the other, the sex of the combatants would have made all the difference in a fight. Intelligence is more of a factor when it comes to fights with multiple opponents, but even then sheer brute force still comes out on top. so it really is 50/50. For example, bull sharks are found in tropical rivers and have evolved to swim between salt and fresh water. Without more evidence, it’s hard to know exactly what this creature looked like. Megalodon – 20,000 psi The Livyatan would win because the Meg went extinct while the sperm whales still exist. Sharks are cool, but if people are gonna like strong animals then whales should be extremely popular animals and asian elephants should be the king of the jungle. Its bite is about 1100 PSI, which has the power to crush the bones of a giraffe. There are many animals that could beat megalodon. The leviathan however has intellect that the megalodon does not posses. At least, they don't sleep like humans. The megalodon probably fed on large marine mammals, such as whales. Sharks move unimaginable distances without rest. That full formation extends to the teeth of baby sharks, with shark pups entering the world with a full set of teeth intact and ready to fight off threatsâincluding their littermates and own mother. Instead, they express themselves physically. Because shark skeletons consist mostly of cartilage, the only evidence of Megalodon we have today is teeth, jaw fragments and a few pieces of vertebrae. The ocean floor is a graveyard for shark teeth. livyatan had a bite force of 21000 psi. Some say megalodon ate Livyatan but it was an ambush predator and Livyatan might have eaten it too. megalodon is the best9000 on June 21, 2019: The megalodon will win please trust me.The megalodon first swim to find food.The livyatan saw the shark and know it was megalodon enemy.suddenly the livyatan charge.Luckily the megalodon smell the livyatan and got it first attack.it bite it fin.Then it is the whale turn to attack.But first it need to breath.Then the megalodon bite it right and left arm.The whale try to bite.But it is too late the megalodon kill the livyatan and let it sink.P.S. The whales would use tactics to encircle the megalodon, and they would all attack at once with their sonar communications. As MNN reports, "The hammerhead's increased ampullae sensitivity helps it track down its favorite meal, stingrays, which are usually hidden under the sand. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the lake⦠While sharks live in all of the world's oceans, a few species are also known to inhabit freshwater lakes and rivers. so duh leviathan would win. Did the monster Livyatan bully this massive shark, or was it the other way around? Peter Klimley, a shark expert at the University of California at Davis, told National Geographic that, "A great white is about the size of the clasper, or penis, of a male Megalodon.". meg is a piece of rubbish to a leviathan. Great whites have a more powerful bite than jungle cats. Livyatan wins but both animals are equally awesome. Megalodon,it had a stronger bite than the livyatan.Plus,it was faster and more agile than the livyatan,but the livyatan was smarter than the megalodon and can use it to its advantage.Anyways,this battle reminds me of a giant octopus(livyatan) fighting against a sperm whale(megalodon)(the outcome,not the animals themselves.Man,just picture a livyatan with 8 arms...). livayatan would win because it has the biggest teeth of all animals and intelligent than all ocean predator. As fierce as they may be, pound-for-pound, great white sharks do not have the strongest bites in the ocean. Sharks don't really have natural predators. The Helmacron was 100 times her size. But, if the wolf is protecting itself, it’s family and young, the bite force can be as strong as 1,200 pounds per square inch! Or was it Megalodon? This is a relatively new species, and as research continues surprises may be revealed. Sarcosuchus – SuperCroc. The giant shark Megalodon, which means "Big Tooth" in Greek, may have grown to more than 50 feet long and weighed up to 110 tons (100 metric tons), … In addition, while orcas use their intelligence to great effect while hunting, that's in the form of cooperation and communication, enabling very effective teamwork. This is the toughest match-up to call. ! You thought nine months seemed like a while, but the spiny dogfish species of shark can take two years to gestate before deliveryâmaking it the longest gestation period of any vertebrate. In one study, 36 percent of the litters looked at were fathered by two males instead of one. Takes a bite out of Jake's hammerhead morph's tail. so its 50/50. They're close in size, but female Livyatans probably lived in pods like modern female sperm whales, so the male Megalodon would have no chance. A orca not orcas can kill any great white it runs into and has time after time so if it favors the killer whale like some other sites have said it would be no different, Livyatan is a sperm whale megalodon is a shark eatimg whale megalodon sometimes wins but livyatan sometimes wins too. Davon profitierst du immer dann, wenn du mit PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift zahlst. shark's under belly is its weakness. The problem is that the great white shark tends to leave a lapse of time used to check the state of its prey, which is not useful in the face of an animal potentially having one of the largest layers of skin. leviathan is big brain. She is a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania Physician General from 2015 to 2017. Megalodon Sculpture by Alberto Gennari, showing variances in maxillary and mandibular dentition. This could beat the T-rex biting force which was 15,000 psi. Depends who gets a bite in first. Before the eq system, we thought brain size=intelligence. "56 km / h": you take it from the great white shark and you stick it directly to the megalodon. And that's only if (big if) the leviathan can actually land a hit on the megalodon, which it likely won't. Does anyone here know exactly how thick megalodons hide was? Sperm whale skin=14 inches. Whales are smarter because they can communicate and socialize better than sharks but not because they can "hunt better" and the same goes for dolphins. â Partager pour nous encourager, donner vos impressions ainsi que les nouveaux mangas que vous souhaitez voir sur le site (sans oublier de participer au tâchat). The megalodon however uses its agility to overcome bigger whales, its likely that they know how to turn corners while being quick. Thanks for participating in the discussion! ", Another advantage of hammerheads' weird head is that they have incredible vision. but most of the time the winner goes to livyatan just because it can most likely 1. dive a few hundred meters deeper due to thick blubber .2 the livyatan would not give the un-intelligent megalodon time to think out its attack .3 livyatan likely had an upper hand on different ways to intercept the attack like for example the megalodon is closer to the surface so the livyatan will be smart and have time to use what ever current advantage it has over the megalodon. Megalodon wins this in a very close and brutal match! it is bigger stronger and has a quicker speed. Since Megalodon was, for all intents and purposes, a vastly scaled-up great white shark, it makes sense to extrapolate from the bite force of a great white (estimated at about 4,000 pounds per square inch) to arrive at a truly terrifying PSI of 40,000. Coupled with these saw-like teeth was an extreme bite: megalodon’s jaws generated 40,000 pounds of bite force. about the same as modern female sperm whales and, I assume, female Livyatans. Humans, who bite with around 150 to 200 psi⦠You will receive a verification email shortly. The jaws on the great white shark are no joke. livyatan is a new discovered species and most will judje it because Oh its a whale whales are gentle. Actually sperm whales and Livyatan are not the only cetaceans with thick skin. 30 Facts About the World's Oceans That Will Blow Your Mind. being more agile it would probably be able to quickly go underneath the megalodon and ram it leaving the shark temporarily immobilized and when it bit him it would be all over as the large teeth livyatan would penetrate the belly and kill the megaolodon. i have been studying about prehistoric marine life for years and i know who would LIKELY win the battle, This is funny how they only found a tooth for the shark and assumed it was bigger,there's no shark in history that can be proving to be bigger then any sperm whale,todays sharks won't even attempt to hunt a mordern day sperm whale,what think back then a shark would,the shark is not even top predator today,it's the killer whale,lavyatan was bigger smarter then a megalodon,which they only found teeth of the shark they calling the king of the prehistoric ocean,bull shit,y'all give that shark to much false story's,if it was the top predator back then,how come it's not now,and then they down play the whales size and length,lavyatan was bigger and longer then the mordern day sperm whale,not just alil bigger,cause if that was the case,lavyatan would still be here,how you only find Meg's teeth and find lavyatan skull and teeth and then say some bull shit like, the shark was this big and that long and it was top predator,you would think they would know more about the lavyatan then the shark, lavyatan wins hands down all the way,it's common sense people. The results showed that rhubarb could exert a diarrhea effect at the dosage of 1/2,2 and 8 times of the high limit set forth in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia,increase the defecation volume and the intestinal tract propulsion rate,reduce the time of anal and the oral transmission,and increase the water content of feces. Most likely Livyatan and Megalodon avoided each other. cetaceans are smart while working together and can flip over and paralyze a megalodon, or bite the megalodons vulnerable underbelly. Scientists have also theorized that the bite force of the extinct Megalodon shark could have been around 25,000 lbf, or the colossal weight of a cruise ship anchor! The Megalodon is not necessarily a fast predator, but just an ambush. While the number of pups birthed in a litter varies widely depending on the species, some sharks can give birth to huge litters. But if the meg somehow bit the livyatan first its odds of winning would probably drastically increase. This odd animal, found near the northern coast of South America, grows to just six inches in length. The Devil Fruit Committee will review created fruit in the meantime, and you can also contact User:13th madman if you want to be certain. In addition to their killer sense of smell, sharks also can detect prey by tapping in to the small electrical fields that other animals generate using tiny organs called the ampullae of Lorenzini. Sharks do not have vocal chords and do not use audible sounds to communicate anger or other emotions. But what it lacks in size it makes up for in other quirks: its organs emit light along its belly, helping to camouflage it in the rays of sunlight that stream into the shallow water it inhabits. Either way, thanks to these two monsters the prehistoric ocean was a very dangerous place. Its superior bite force, speed and strength was what gave it the edge in its dangerous ocean world against all kinds of other apex predators, including large and dangerous whales. Derniers chiffres du Coronavirus issus du CSSE 09/02/2021 (mardi 9 février 2021). I don,t think the megalodon lose because the megalodon is bigger.P.S. I'm going to give it to the female Megalodon for its superior speed and manoeuvrability (based on the possibly flawed assumption that Livyatan was like a modern sperm whale in every respect except for its teeth). The single decisive factor in such a contest is the brain-and the superior intelligence that goes with it. Those razor-sharp chompers hide a treasure trove of secrets and surprisesâand yes, we went hunting for said treasure. Otherwise it would probably lose. As for a fight, well as megalodon ws a sea animal, the fight would have to take place there and of course this disadvantages T-rex. Researchers looked at this phenomenon in sand sharks, noting that, "While 12 littermates may start out the journey, all but one is devoured by the biggest in the pack. Hammerhead Shark. this whale hunt alone. leviathan bite force is 21000psi and meg is 35000psi but leviathan=huge teeth so livyatan=win, don't underestimate whales. We know this huge shark preyed on large whales, and Livyatan would have had to come to the surface for air. TomCatX [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. If Livyatan were to zero in on a moderately sized Megalodon and decide it wanted lunch it seems there would be little the shark could do to save itself. But, the megalodon's bite force is the strongest ever. The shark would have a good chance if it ambushed the livyatan. Pliosaur – 33,000 psi. As long as megalodons hide isn’t over 13 inches long then Livy should be able to bite through its back. But don’t count Livyatan out. It was smarter, bigger, and that's not to mention the Livyatan's tooth size (over a FOOT long). Since they lived in the same time one of these battle might actually have occurred, but at the moment there is no proof that Livy preyed on meg or that meg preyed on Livy. Livatan becouse new evidenc bring down megalodon size estimates to max 15m or 50 feet. But the primary food source for both was marine mammals. I don’t see how intelligence will be the most important factor. With a larger, thicker body, and much more powerful bite force, not to mention wider, more massive jaws, the Megalodon was likely the apex predator even among apex predators. Megalodon really only knew 3 words. And for more fun ocean facts, don't miss the 33 Missing Treasures Experts Say Are Real. sharks are stupid whales are not. I usually don't approve comments with links in them, but in this case I will make an exception. â Garder download-film.club dans ses favoris pour revenir nous voir plus souvent. It's hard to think of creature more awesome, in a literal sense, than the shark. Like airplane crashes, when they do happen they get a lot of publicity. Use this valid 50% off Amazon promo code to save on your Prime order. However, there is one thing you said that I believe to be incorrect: “In case one, the first attack of the megalodon could be fatal for any type of cetacean, but not in the case of lyviathan or sperm whale because of its layer of skin and fat reducing the impact.”. The largest embryo in a shark litter is known to eat its fellow embryos, in an act known as intrauterine cannibalism. and leviathan will sink in its teeth in Megalodon. My bad. We have no complete fossils of either and can only make guesses. The leviathan is very bulky and is more likely to survive a seriour injury than the megalodon. No matter how you spell it, leviathan is a word that describes this monster quite accurately. Megalodon's bite force was 40,000 pounds of bite force. cryptid (author) from USA on June 18, 2020: @Livyatan will win - That is one of the most well-thought-out responses I've ever had on one of my articles. Ask any whale or hippo researcher and they will not agree. But, if we think of real life, not just them being put in an underwater ring, then the whale would win. It is more than 160 pounds per square inch (psi). 20 Bizarre Sea Creatures That Look Like They're Not Real. Megalodon has a vastly more powerful bite force but shorter teeth. Wroe and colleagues estimate the bite force of the megalodon at between 10.8 and 18.2 tons, at least 30 times that of the largest living great whites. Livyatan can seriously injure prey by making a noise(clicking). Megalodon’s tactic is about killing whales by using ambush tactics, it uses its powerful bite force as its advantage. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Granted we will never know 100% what occurred back then but I’d also reference the social groups that most whale species seem to travel in specifically the predatory whales and dolphins (sperm whales, orcas, and other dolphin species). and meg had 24000~38000 psi of bite force. For example, an analysis of the genes of great whites found greater similarity between its genes associated with metabolism and those of humans than those of zebrafish. Megalodon is the winner, tactics and stealth together paired with veteran anti-whale tactics destroys the whale whos only advantage is size and durability. The largest species of shark is also one of the most easygoing. Thanks for allowing. I can’t find a single source on the internet that says how thick it is besides some guy claiming it’s skin is 39 inches thick making it immune to explosive harpoons and torpedos which is obviously incorrect because there’s no reason for skin to be 39 inches long if the biggest teeth that existed in your era are only 13 inches long. livyatans are likely relatives to an orca or a sperm whale. These fearsome predators shared the same ocean during the same time period and were likely well acquainted with each other. Spotted hyena has an aggression and a biting force that rates as one of the most powerful among mammals. The series of teeth toward the back of the shark's jaws also serve as replacements for the teeth up front when they are damaged or lost, in what might be called a "conveyer belt of death" (shark teeth are not deeply rooted in the way human teeth are, making this a pretty common occurrenceâand also means its teeth are almost always in pristine condition). For comparison, the fastest sharks today travel at 60 mph which is but not significantly. By the way nice article. so livyatan would sense it and bite it off. Well, private parts. "The eyes of hammerhead sharks are tilted slightly forward," as BBC Earth put it, "allowing the field of vision of each to significantly overlap.". While that is 2 inches less thick than the blubber of a sperm whale, it is still thicker than Megalodons teeth are long. Great whites' famously powerful sense of smell comes from its giant olfactory bulb, an organ that connects to its nostrils and allows it to detect prey with impressive sensitivity. A genus of ancient whale called Cetotherium would have been a target for both Megalodon and Livyatan. Whale sharks have been known to give a ride to hitchhiking swimmers, and cruise through the water atop them. If it is over 13 Livy can still kill it by ramming or biting its belly. Livyatan Melvillei is a fairly recent discovery in the world of paleontology, first described back in 2008. the whale need air and while the whale have air,megalodon bite it body and then the whale tries to attack but it was too late.The whale sink and die. +leviathan always wins unless it breaths air. Part of the reasons bull sharks have such strong bites is that they feed in murky waters and have to hold on to their prey when they attack them (as opposed to those in clear water that can attack and reapproach repeatedly)âoften taking on other sharks much bigger than they are. numbers will always win. So 50 50.But I love cetaceans more so I bet my money on leviathan, meg and leviathan is same size and weight. Probalby the C. Megalodon which had the strongest bite.Upto 15 tons biting force = 46,000 psi Their muscle jaws could reach 3 metres in length and about 2 metres in width. Megalodon uses its teeth which are sharp like a sword(i know swords are better in most situations but only cause it’s fast to parry but a shark can’t parry a whales blowing I’m only comparing the offensive capabilities because you can’t block with teeth or tails). Melville's sea monster may have been fictional, but a huge predatory whale called Livyatan did once stalk the world's oceans, along with the massive Megalodon shark. So Livyatan definitely wins. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to sign up for our FREE daily newsletter! We began developing on our own, very distinct, evolutionary paths more than 420 million years ago, but connections remain. In other words, while sperm whales are a bit more intelligent than great whites, they're not nearly as intelligent as truly intelligent animals. In the instance of a fight between a full-grown male of the former and a full-grown female of the latter though, I think given what we know about modern sharks and whales in almost all instances, Livyatan wins, barring poor health or a preexisting injury that would compromise its ability to overcome Meg. Each is covered with a substance called vitrodentine similar to the enamel that covers our teeth (their actual teeth are in fact modified versions of these scales). So what would have been the purpose of this organ? Megalodon is so glorified some people even make theories about it being alive. They're close in size and both solitary animals, so this would be a close one. The only plausible fight in this situation is if the Megalodon is going for a Livyatan calf and the adult females are trying to drive it off. Meanwhile, in the coastal U.S. states alone, lightning strikes and kills more than 37 people each year.". Just because the Meg ate whales doesn’t mean it was more powerful, it was an ambush predator, just like T. rex yet both are glorified as being the most powerful prehistoric animals. Among the odd objects that have been discovered in the stomach of these animals: license plates from almost every U.S. state, video cameras, dog leashes, a bag of money, birth control pills, and other sharks. Let’s take a closer look at each of these prehistoric sea monsters. Dolphins, including large dolphins like killer whales and pilot whales that confusingly have the word "whale" in their English names, are highly intelligent. The tooth-like design of shark scales helps streamline their bodies and allow for speedier movement through water. don't underestimate whales. what you don't realize is the thickness of the Megalodon's jaws to the Livyatan's. @Nat you are mostly correct. The whale-period! So, depending on the circumstances, it’s easy to see each of these monsters getting the better of the other. 1,171 Followers, 292 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) It is believed Megalodon may have subdued prey larger than itself by biting the fins off first, then coming in for the kill. While megalodons are long gone, there is a species still around that was alive long before the megsâthe goblin shark, a pink-skinned fish with a crazy-looking long and flat snout. From orcas, who have 4 inch long teeth similar interactions between great have! Estimates to max 15m or 50 feet ) and 45 tonnes ( almost 100,000 pounds ),.! Much greater intelligence than megalodon ’ s fondness for water probably bite off megs gills and is! Back to the livyatan, i believe they have the same size and durability via. Stronger and has a chance to win this fight but it most prowling! 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Cetaceans who wouldn ’ t see how intelligence will be present on the menu too, alleged...