McKinsey wants to improve their recruiting process McKinsey wants to make the recruiting process better for candidates. The exact cut-off score is not known because McKinsey does not communicate it for its Problem Solving Test. McKinsey Quarterly. However at IGotAnOffer, our best estimate is that the cut-off is about 70%. They will ask for SAT / ACT scores - if your math component is high, that's a big plus. They want to make recruiting less stressful and more engaging. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. McKinsey Global Institute. These criteria make up the complex model we use to rank firms. High scores on the McKinsey digital assessment correlate with an increased likelihood of passing in-person consulting case interviews. For obvious reasons, McKinsey & Co. is interested in both scores. Same if you had a quantitative major or a previous job involving lots of numbers. As far as getting picked for an interview, the big thing you will have to demonstrate as a law student is quant aptitude, or at least indications that you would be good at quant. Efficient pre-screening of candidates. Industry-wide, this shortfall represents something in the order of 10 million barrels per day, or US$200 billion in annual revenue. Ultimately, after every player finishes the game, Imbellus is able to assign two scores: a "product" score, which measures how good the result was, and a "process" score, which evaluates the player’s decision making during the game. The McKinsey Problem Solving Game, also known as the McKinsey Digital Assessment, has generated a lot of hype recently, as the firm has rolled out this conservation-themed video game to replace its more familiar business-themed, pen-and-paper PST examination.. The overall score is determined by methodologies from data science across five key categories (detailed below). McKinsey wants to expand its consultant hiring pool beyond the core schools it has traditionally recruited at. At McKinsey, BCG or Bain, a candidate should have at least 3.6 GPA to insure against any doubts about academic achievements.However, lower GPAs do not automatically disqualify a candidate; a 3.2-GPA resume can still pass to the next round if it shows outstanding achievements elsewhere. The McKinsey Digital Assessment was developed with leading psychologists and game design experts at IMBELLUS. So, even if you get lucky and make the right decisions by guessing, the McKinsey Digital Assessment could still give you a low score based on the process you took. In our experience MBB are ranked as top-tier in management consulting business because they score highly on 32 criteria listed below. 5. 2 Reform on the Agenda. The tripartite structure of the NHS established in 1948 was itself a product of compromise. Recruiting 2.0 is here. Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. The game captures all of the candidate’s actions, including mouse movements and the time when certain actions are taken. McKinsey benchmarks reveal that the typical offshore platform runs at approximately 77 percent of its maximum production potential.