Additionally, each layer needs to dry—and, in some cases, should be sanded—before the next layer goes on. External horizontal cracks below slab level occur due to deflection of a slab and lifting up of the edge of the bearing slab. On commercial jobs, fire codes often require seams to fall on the entire length of the framing, so the drywall must be hung vertically. In this sense, a vertical wall allows more options. Sometimes, the soil pressure may shear the first course of concrete block above the basement floor slab and the wall slides inward. This setting compensates the position for the outer wall, if the line … A shifting foundation can be powerful enough to cause horizontal or diagonal cracks that are harder to fill and putty over. The tapered drywall joint results in nearly invisible seams because the mudding compound perfectly fits in the "valley" and does not rise above the level of the drywall facing. If, however, you notice any other signs of settling—cracks in the foundation, torn drywall joints, or gaps either along the baseboards or at the point where walls meet ceilings—hire a foundation expert to do an inspection. knife on one corner only (11) and then apply … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Ultimate-How-To_Drywall-repair-large … The goal is to cover all metal or wood studs with sheets of gypsum panels. Use Full Sheets. For instance, baseball caps were designed to be worn so the brim shades the eyes from the sun, and the back is adjustable to accommodate different head sizes. Here’s yet another possible cause: When drywall sheets with uncut edges are butted together, a depression forms along the line where they join. Diagonal measurement: Measuring between opposite corners on parallel walls. Most often I choose to hang the drywall on ceilings perpendicular to the joists. If you apply a new color, let it dry for at least four hours or overnight for best results. It’ll be easier to use straightedges and chalk lines. Call in a contractor to apply a skim coat of compound over the entire wall. Vertical cracks run the same direction as drywall, generally making them less serious. That coat fills in the recessed areas, creating a flat-looking surface. Learn how to select the right finish for the right walls. Again, the explanation is that either a pro did the work and chose to cut corners, or a DIYer did so unwittingly. Electrical cables are usually behind drywall, either running horizontally through holes in the studs or stapled vertically up the sides of studs. per sq. Horizontal or Vertical Application Panels may be applied horizontally (long dimension across studs or joists) or vertically (long dimension parallel to studs or joists). CertainTeed is a leading North American brand of exterior and interior building products, including roofing, siding, fence, decking, railing, trim, insulation, drywall and ceilings. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY. I'm guessing that your lines are along studs or ceiling joists. Building Knowledge. Too many horizontal lines in an interior may become boring and lack visual interest. Tapering it on all edges would require much more time and labor for finishing. I’m often tempted to hang drywall parallel if that is the shorter dimension of the ceiling, and in doing so would result in no butted seams on that ceiling. If water-based textures are being applied to the ceiling, then half inch interior ceiling board or half inch lightweight drywall, such as CertainTeed® Easi-Lite™, is required. Is the drywall crack horizontal or angled? For the seam between drywall panels to disappear after painting, that joint between drywall panels must be covered with compound in a specific way—in a series of layers, with each layer wider than the last. This is because of a phenomenon known as thermal bridging, in which the framing lumber conducts cold from the outside wall … What direction does the crack run? In addition to 8-foot sheets, 10- and 12-footers are also carried by building supply outlets everywhere. Depending on what you’re hanging or mounting, you may want to use a specific kind of drywall anchor, and there are several to choose from. At the same time the horizontal movement in slab due to shrinkage also affects the horizontal cracks in walls of the topmost story below slab level. Trouble arises only when installers opt to use cut drywall. If the crack is horizontal or runs at a jagged 45-degree angle, it … Vertical and horizontal cracks in drywall or plaster walls typically indicate drying … By Bob Vila. Commercial: Hang the drywall vertically. Yep, this project takes a little extra planning before you get started. Inward movement is typically measured relative to base of wall, using a 1.5 metre length spirit level or plumb string-line. Copyright © 2019 CertainTeed. Use a level or straightedge to create the lines for your stripes. That depression is meant to accommodate joint compound and drywall tape. But on a (vertical) wall, one can draw both vertical and horizontal lines. ft. for an R-49 insulation value, while loose fill cellulose is a little over 2 lbs. Multiple numbers can be entered to change the line direction each layer, for example: [90,0] this creates a horizontal-vertical direction. Want more? If hung parallel, the maximum spacing is 16 inches on center. The ceiling joists are accurately spaced. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! select the right finish for the right walls. It can be likened somewhat to sheathing the exterior of a building using plywood or other exterior sheathing panel. Peel off the painter's tape carefully while … Damaged pipes can leak significantly, which might end up costing you a lot of money in repairs. That being the case, it’s not uncommon for a contractor to use fewer layers than would be ideal, leaving the drywall seam insufficiently feathered to the adjacent surfaces. What are som… Is the drywall crack big? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yes, we are always trying to avoid butted seams, but an occasional butt seam is better than a ridged seam running the length of the ceiling, or sagged drywall between joists. 17 ft long wall, 32 seam ft vertical and 17 + 16 = 33 seam ft horizontal. Corner Joints. When the walls are 9 ft. high or less, attaching the drywall horizontally can reduce the lineal footage of seams by as much as 25% over vertical attachment. Heavy insulation will not be installed later, since that could cause the drywall to sag, or even fail. Repair Large Holes in Drywall 01:59. Siding, Trim and Railing: 2019 Is All About Color! In your case, unless your geographical area has had unusually dry or wet conditions in recent years, structural problems are probably not at play, given that your home is relatively young at 40 years of age. Step 3: Mark and tape the stripes. Baseline: Longest wall in a house from which you take all other layout calculations. These framing spacings are only acceptable for half inch regular board when no water-based textures are being applied to the ceiling. And it is a butt joint where there is no taper to help make a clean plaster seam. If they lead to a focal point, they help to emphasize it. Here’s yet another possible cause: When drywall sheets with uncut edges are butted together, a depression forms along the line where they join. Residential: How high are the walls? This type of movement will have horizontal cracks that may occur near the center of the wall or nearer to the top of the wall. You can use your existing wall color as the base coat or apply a new color. This isn’t a job for the average person to do over the weekend; it’s specialized work that requires a trained hand. It would be really useful if she could get a professional to help her out. per sq. You will see this ridge line and any lift marks where you pull the knife away from the wall. Hanging drywall perpendicular to the overhead framing members is a good idea for several reasons: If water-based textures are being applied to the ceiling, then 1/2″ interior ceiling board or 1/2″ lightweight drywall, such as CertainTeed® Easi-Lite™, is required. Drywall should be … Hat manufacturers, however, do not include the adjustable feature on both the front and back because of this, they simply recognize it as a different use for the product. Basics of working DRYWALL cutting striaght lines as well as holes. When I press on both sides of the seam, the drywall doesn’t move. This is reflected in the tools a bricklayer uses: a plumb line for verticality and a spirit level to check that the mortar courses are horizontal. The type of drywall being used is approved for that on center spacing when hung parallel. Large Section Repairs. The key issue is whether the wall can continue to provide vertical support for the house without risk of severe damage. If you drill into a wall without checking for water lines first, you could seriously damage your plumbing. An often overlooked factor is the insulation in the ceiling. I liked what you said about how drywall is typically stronger when hung in the long direction than the short direction. Mudsills: Treated wood attached on top of a concrete slab or foundation wall on which framed walls or a floor system is built. Disclosure: participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for publishers to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Diagonal - See our blog post What causes stair-step cracks in a block or brick wall? Measure and mark the lines for each stripe on the wall. Horizontal application using 12' panel lengths is ideal for walls because linear footage of joints is minimized. The direction of the drywall can mean the difference between a beautiful finished home and one with sagging ceilings and obvious wall seams. For tradesmen, it’s a time-consuming process, one that often requires repeat visits to the job site. Horizontal lines convey a sense of security and relaxation by grounding the space. Where Will Tomorrow’s Skilled Construction Laborers Come From? Hanging drywall horizontally does, as you point out, place seams at a more convenient height for finishing, resulting in better work, but that’s only part of the story. Do intricate layouts with the sheets lying flat on the floor rather than standing on edge. For walls nine feet high or shorter, hanging the drywall horizontally has a number of benefits. You have to cut openings for existing doors and windows before you hang the drywall sheets (Photos 10 – 12). Plaster and Drywall Cracks Analyze the direction of the crack. Then, you screw into the anchor, so everything stays in place. It doesn’t appear as if the joint tape is pulling away from the seams, because when I tried to remove some of the tape, it was extremely difficult. The general concept of drywall hanging is very simple. Sometimes there is benefit to hanging it horizontally, as outlined in the blog, but that would not change manufacture of the board. per sq. Horizontal - See our blog post What causes a horizontal crack in a block or brick wall? Could this just be the result of a poor spackling job when the  joint tape and compound were applied in the first place? What should I do to make these seams less visible? Prepping the Drywall Check that the drywall is attached to the wall studs correctly. ft. for an R-49 value. Also, when drywall is hung horizontally, you INCREASE ( not decrease) taping and plastering by 4 feet per sheet. The lightweight drywall panels meet the same performance standards as interior ceiling boards as they are more resistant to sagging. You agree that may process your data in the manner described by our Privacy Policy. One advantage with the horizontal approach is that you can make use of long sheets of drywall to minimize the total length of joints that need to be taped. Thank you for the information about how doing the hanging this way will mean there is much less chance of sagging when attached perpendicular. These cracks will staircase up and down the foundation walls near the ends of the wall. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Six Steps for Contractors if Your Job Site Shuts Down, Commercial Roofing Construction Details: How to Flash A Pipe (CT-13), Inside R&D: How We Develop Solar Reflective (Cool Roof) Shingles, COVID-19 Heroes: How BMarko™ Structures Turned 48 Shipping Containers into ICU Rooms in 2.8 Weeks, Tips for Increasing Sales in a Soft Market, Helping Customers Who Have Been Impacted by the COVID-19 Crisis, Taking Care of Impacted Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic, CertainTeed Gypsum Wall-to-Wall solutions. Plates: Top and bottom horizontal wall framing members. Apply a second coat of the darker stripe color if necessary. My husband and I are remodeling one of the rooms in our house and need to replace the drywall now that the wiring has been fixed. Minor house shifting causes vertical cracks. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Feather the edges to manage excess compound. If you’d rather not spend the money, consider repainting the affected walls in a flat paint, as sheens make it easier to spot imperfections. They bring the eye level down and visually lower the ceiling in a space to create a sense of intimacy. A drywall anchor goes between the screw and the drywall, biting into the drywall much more effectively than a screw would. When found in a connecting architectural detail such as mouldings, horizontal lines provide a smooth transition between rooms or areas. On a 13 ft wall, you'd still have 24 total feet of seams vertical, but horizontal you'd have 13 ft horizontal seam and 1 8 ft vertical seam or 21 ft, ie horizontal is shorter. I like what you said about the right direction to hang the drywall. Outer wall inset. Feathering is an application technique that increases the pressure and angle of the drywall knife as it moves towards the edge of the compound. The feathered edges where the mud stops and the drywall paper begins must be clean with no excess and the mud must build up from there to a high point at the center of wall and ceiling seams. per sq. If drywall was meant to hang horizontally, why are the ends not tapered? They can also create length to make a room feel longer or to widen a narrow space. Outlet cables tend to be about 12 inches high. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Q: Many of the drywall seams on my 40-year-old house are bulging. Fewer seams – Horizontal hanging reduces the lineal footage of seams by about 25%. Horizontally, you have 1 16 ft horizontal seam and 1 8 ft vertical seam which is also 24 ft total. Horizontal cracks are more severe, if the slab has large span. Drywall is hung vertically the overwhelming majority of the time, which is why the long dimension is 8’, 9’, 10’, and 12’ to accommodate standard ceiling heights. For walls nine feet high or shorter, hanging the drywall horizontally has a number of benefits. Plus, looking for more drywall tips from the pros? Always consider the weight of the insulation: half inch regular drywall can support 1.6 lbs. If the wall is stucco over wood frame, go to Why is my stucco cracking? Hang all horizontal surfaces like ceilings and soffit bottoms before you start on the walls. Following the same vertical, horizontal, corner pattern, apply pre-mixed joint compound over the mesh tape with a drywall knife. Also, the drywall appears to be pretty firmly attached. Many wear them backwards though because it offers a new desired look, and shields the neck from the sun. Changing the direction can have a visual effect. If the crack is wider than 1/8th of an inch, that’s cause for concern. My sister needs to install drywall in her home. As a result, the joint compound and drywall tape are applied over the plane of the drywall surface, resulting in a buildup that looks very much like a bulge. Sign up now to have our latest posts sent directly to your inbox. Because the edges of these sheets aren’t tapered, there’s no depression when they’re paired. ft.; half inch lightweight wallboard and half inch interior ceiling board can support up to 2.2 lbs. Is the drywall crack widening? This can be done as long as the following conditions are met: Regular half inch drywall ceilings can be hung perpendicular if joists are spaced 24 inches or less apart (*always refer to local codes). Light switches are around 48 inches high, so expect to see electric cables around that area. Inches on center could get a professional to help make a clean plaster seam in! 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