Diplomatic Reputation +1.00 Diplomatic Reputation National Ideas Expanded. Can Fabricate Claim Overseas in Colonial Regions Abolished Serfdom +10.0% Morale of Armies +0.20 Yearly Prestige Ideas West Germany 1945-- awful balance. There are manpower bonuses combined with siege ability and defensiveness. Extended Timeline. These ideas are added to avoid a colonial empire in classical era. Ideas Glorious Leader +10.0% Morale of Armies Print Culture +25.0% Institution Spread Diplomatic Conquest 10.0% Diplomatic Annexation Cost Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy video game in the Europa Universalis series, developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. General Colonization Law +1 Colonists +5.0% Settler Chance It's hard to plan national ideas out of the blue because costs are not consistent, and are modified by the number of ideas you have on a particular area and the idea level. Tolerance +1.00 Tolerance of Heathens Carnatic Music +1 Yearly prestige. Noble Officers -1.0% Yearly Army Tradition Decay -1.0% Yearly Navy Tradition Decay Extended Timeline v.1.28 Golden Century (update) Full Version 28.29mb Lord of Universalis 2 V2.1.0 Full Version 508.18mb Brave New Worlds 1.7 final for 1.28.3 Full Version 26.26mb After you create the timeline, you can add more dates, move dates, change layouts and colors, and apply different styles.Click the SmartArt graphic that you want to add another entry to.Click the existing entry that is located closest to where you want to add the new entry.Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click the arrow next to Add Shape.If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic. Economic Ideas Bureaucracy +10% National tax modifierOrganized Construction -10% Build cost -25% Construction timeNational Bank +0,1 Yearly inflation reductionDebt and Loans -1 Interest per annumCentralization -5% Monthly autonomy changeNationalistic Enthusiasm -10% Land maintenance modifierSmithian Economics +10% Production efficiencyBonus: -20% Development cost Innovative Ideas Innovative Ideas have gained some very strong abilities. Ideas Worker's Utopia +20.0% Production Efficiency +10.0% Goods Produced Modifier Ambition Recruitment +10.0% Manpower Recovery Speed Order Ideas The Young can Serve +20.0% Manpower Recovery Speed Grand Banquets +1 Diplomats Agent Training +1 Diplomats Contents Barbarian Migration SeeThe Barbarian Migration is a game mechanic that allows barbarian tribes to migrate into lands conquered from the Roman Empire or one of its successor states.Rise of IslamThe Rise of Islam mechanic simulates the rapid expansion of Islam in the 7th Century. +5.0% Recover Army Morale Speed Formalized Officer Corps +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep See also: Babylon Espionage Ideas Efficient Spies +50% Network constructionAgent Training +2,5% DisciplineVetting +33% Foreign spy detectionAdditional Loyalist Recruitment +10 Liberty desire in subjectsTrade Infiltration +1 Diplomats +10% Trade efficiencyPrivateers +25% Embargo efficiency +33% Privateer efficiencyAudit Checks -0,1 Yearly corruptionBonus: +0,5 Rebel support efficiency -10% Advisor costs Influence Ideas Influence ideas were and still are an option for nations in the HRE especially. Innovative Ideas Dynastic Ideas Foreign Embassies +1 Diplomats +1 LegitimacyEstablish Cadet Branches +50% Chance of new heir +0,5 Yearly prestigeCabinet +2 Diplomatic relationsWar Cabinet -33% Cost of reducing war exhaustionBenign Diplomats +25% Improve relationsExperienced Diplomats +2 Diplomatic reputationDiplomatic Corps -10% Diplomatic technology costBonus: yes reducedstabimpacts Trade Ideas The trade ideas are described pretty swiftly. National Police -1.00 National Unrest Horde Ideas Razing Parties +25% Razing power gainHorse Breeding -20% Cavalry costLongterm Memory +0,25 Claim DurationFighter Tradition +7,5% Cavalry combat abilityClan Meetings +1 Yearly horde unityHorde Territory +5 Number of states yes Reduced dev malusTribute States +5 Liberty desire in subjectsBonus: +1 Diplomatic reputation Aristocratic Ideas No real changes here and only available for the government types that are not covered by the first 4.Special Administrative Ideas: Religion In idea variation nearly every religion at this point has its own idea group. Military Industry -10.0% Recruitment Time -10.0% Regiment Costs Global Empire +25.0% Naval Force Limit Modifier Acceptance of Differences +1.00 Tolerance of Heretics EDIT: Yeah, I meant actual nations, not ideas. Merchant Admirals -1.0% Yearly Navy Tradition Decay Upon annexing the province you will receive the province and a free core. Early Administrative Ideas Naval Ideas Local Nobility -0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change +0.10 Yearly Absolutism Foreign Customs -10.0% Unjustified Demands Improved Rams +25.0% Galley Combat Ability The Extended Timeline starts in the year 51 and continues all the way to the present day. Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. - ccjmk How to Use. Resettlement -15.0% Core-Creation Cost -15.0% Culture Conversion Cost +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep, +15.0% National Tax Modifier +0.10 Yearly Inflation Reduction, +10.0% Morale of Armies +20.0% Fort Defense, +20.0% Production Efficiency +10.0% Goods Produced Modifier, +20.0% National Manpower Modifier +20.0% Land Force Limit Modifier, Diplomatic power is required to unlock ideas within these groups. Maritime ideas in Idea Variation are a combination of the old naval ideas and maritime ideas emphasizing maritime still. Ambition As a nation developstechnologically, it unlocks the ability to gain additionalidea groups. Circassia Overhaul mod completely remakes Circassia, adding new national ideas, events, and more. Ambition Bill of Rights -2.00 National Unrest Vetting +33.0% Foreign Spy Detection Cultural Ties +2 Max Promoted Cultures Ideas Eu4 ideas National ideas - Europa Universalis 4 Wik . Elite Generals +0.50 Yearly Army Tradition +1.00 Land Leader Fire Economic Ideas National ideas do not cost monarch points of their own but are unlocked free of charge in a pre-set order. -25.0% Advisor Costs Ideas Defensive Mentality -10.0% Fort Maintenance +20.0% Fort Defense You need more states. Fun and Balance for EU4 1.11.4 and Extended Timeline (0.12.3 version) - Download. Two weeks ago, we interviewed Paradox Development Studio on the new converter DLC that lets you import your version of medieval Europe from Crusader … History of Independence +30.0% Hostile Core-Creation Cost on us Reduced corruption, lower admin tech cost idea and core cost to just name a few. Viceroys +10.0% Global Tariffs -20.0% Envoy Travel Time Ambition Military Drill +15.0% Morale of Armies Noble Knights -10.0% Cavalry Cost +10.0% Cavalry Combat Ability Ambition Diplomats +1 Diplomats Universal Suffrage +40.0% Female Advisor Chance +1 Diplomatic Relations Freedom of Religion +2.00 Tolerance of Heretics +2.00 Tolerance of Heathens Contents.Idea Variation Wiki The Idea Variation is a mod that adds tons of new idea groups, policies, buildings, and an overhauled government reform system. Especially providing some nice policy options. Got sieged out to 100% by them and quit when they wouldn't even peace out after a year (I was a minor partner in the war). Empiricism +50.0% Innovativeness Gain Those idea groups are changed by event if you happen to change your government type so points won't be wasted.Monarchy Ideas Monarchy ideas are pretty much the old aristocratic ideas improved with absolutism bonuses and cavalry to infantry ratio, also giving 20% manpower which is very good for an admin idea group.This group really does become powerful in the age of absolutism and might be a good choice for a midgame pick. All religions not mentioned here still have the generic religious idea group.For the 3 idea groups involved in the reformation there are like the government events, events that change your idea group if you change your religion. Ambition Additional Loyalist Recruitment -15.00% Liberty Desire in Subjects Ideas Colonial Ventures +1 Colonists Ambition Language: English Inquisition -50.0% Missionary Maintenance Cost Smithian Economics +10.0% Production Efficiency Improved Foraging -25.0% Land Attrition Serfdom +33.0% National Manpower Modifier +1 National unrest; If the country: is a member of the Holy Roman Empire and not an elector or the emperor then all its provinces are removed from the HRE. Ambition Administrative Efficiency +1 Possible Advisors Integrated Elites -25.0% Diplomatic Annexation Cost Freedom of Speech -1.00 National Unrest +1.00 Yearly Republican Tradition Lowered impact on stability from diplomatic actions +1.00 Leader Siege Shipwrights -10.0% Ship Costs Early Trade Ideas Mercenaries -10.0% Mercenary Cost Israel, at its start, is a Secular Israeli constitutional republic located in the Palestine area, Mashriq region, Near East subcontinent of the Asia continent. Quality Ideas Copper Bottoms -25.0% Naval Attrition Cabinet +1 Diplomatic Relations Administrative Ideas Ideas Additional Relations +1 Diplomatic Relations You cannot pick this idea group when you already picked centralism ideas. Eu4 Extended Timeline Ideas For Teens. They have no bonus or policy. Freedom Ideas Religious Customs -10.0% Stability Cost Modifier Overseas Merchants +1 Merchants Organized Religion +1.0% Missionary Strength Those idea groups are visible as soon as you get administrative technology 50. Free Subjects +10.0% Goods Produced Modifier So if you want to play a game with modern Germany, I'd recommend starting there and then working up to it. They are rather weak in vanilla, so they gain core creation, more states, manpower and a reduced cost for war taxes while keeping most of their useful vanilla perks. I play Extended Timeline (ET) almost exclusively, something about starting at year 2 that makes me feel like I don't have to rush to WC. Investing into a full idea group can take a long time and cost several decades worth of power. Take a look at the tags for an idea on where to start. Formation +2.5% Discipline Offensive Ideas Overseas Exploration +50.0% Colonial Range You can only choose one of those and only with a tech level of 81 or higher. +50.0% Land Force Limit Modifier The Extended Timeline Wiki is an online community dedicated to covering the Extended Timeline mod for Europa Universalis IV.There are currently 1,670 articles since April 5, 2014, but you can help create more if you want. Sheltered Ports +10.0% Global Ship Repair -10.0% Sailor Maintenance Superior Firepower +1.00 Land Leader Fire Ecumenism +2.00 Tolerance of Heretics Europa Universalis 4 x10 Mod is Base Eu4 but with most modifiers multiplied by 10. Ideas Ambition Please r/eu4 have you got any advise for me when it comes to what Ideas Vijayanagar should pick? By default, 200 points are assigned to use; you can customize the value if you want. Fight For Our Land +5.0% Morale of Armies I have never used Corel Video Studio Pro and, for that matter, I hadn't even heard of it prior to this question despite being familiar with Corel products in general, however a quick look at the table of contents of the documentation does not seem to indicate that there is a way to nest projects. ... and not to mention Prussian ideas. +10.0% Institution Spread +10.00% Merchant Estate monthly loyalty +5.0% Discipline, +0.50 Yearly Army Tradition +1.00 Land Leader Fire, -10.0% Recruitment Time -10.0% Regiment Costs, -15.0% Core-Creation Cost -15.0% Culture Conversion Cost, +20.0% Manpower Recovery Speed -20.0% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion, Can Fabricate Claim Overseas in Trade Company Regions, Lowered impact on stability from diplomatic actions. Naval Innovation -6.0% Diplomatic Technology Cost Plutocratic Ideas +1 Merchants Vassal Tribute +10.0% Income from Vassals Ideas Bookkeeping -0.50 Interest Per Annum Still a great choice for republics. Reserved points are for considering those to be used on tech-level, government or provinces. Merchant Traditions +100.0% Naval Tradition from Protecting Trade r/eu4. British Empire Reborn: Part 0: 2014: Pre-campaign notesI've played so many Rome reborn and Caliphate reborn games, I'm surprised I haven't tried to recreate the greatest empire of all times yet. Devoutness +2.00 Tolerance of the True Faith Ideas Ideas Claims -15.0% Cost to fabricate claims Diplomatic Ideas Nationalistic Enthusiasm -5.0% Land Maintenance Modifier Boarding Parties +1.00 Naval Leader Shock +1.00 Tolerance of Heathens, Diplomatic power is required to unlock ideas within these groups. Converting +1 Missionaries Finest of Horses +10.0% Cavalry Combat Ability Administrative Ideas Organized Mercenary Payments -25% Mercenary costAdaptability -25% Core-creation costBenefits for Mercenaries -25% Mercenary maintenanceBookkeeping -1 Interest per annumMercenary Recruitment +50% Available mercenariesAdministrative Efficiency +2 Possible advisorsCivil Service -10% Administrative technology costBonus: +5 Number of states Jurisprudence Ideas This idea group is pretty amazing. State Propaganda -20.0% Aggressive Expansion Impact 10:39. Slavery +10.0% Production Efficiency Equality of Races +1.00 Diplomatic Reputation +2 Max Promoted Cultures Humanist Ideas Dynamic Court +1 Possible Advisors Autocracy Ideas Adaptability -25.0% Core-Creation Cost The free choice of advisors depending on what you currently need is quite powerful. if primary culture is in the British culture group: change primary culture to American. Naval Glory +1.00 Yearly Navy Tradition Levée en Masse +50.0% National Manpower Modifier Esprit de Corps +5.0% Discipline Bayonet Leaders +1.00 Land Leader Shock International Nobility +1 Diplomats +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep Superior Seamanship +10.0% Morale of Navies +10.0% Global Naval Engagement Galley Slaves +10.0% Naval Force Limit Modifier Decentralization -10.0% Stability Cost Modifier Faster Colonists +20.00 Global Settler Increase Ambition Early Religious Ideas Ideas General Expansion -10% Build cost yes Reduced dev malusDecentralized Administration -0,1 Yearly corruptionDifferent Centers of Trade +10% Trade efficiencyCultural Centers -7,5% Idea cost +0,15 Institution spreadGreat State +7 Number of statesTimid Population Growth +10% National manpower modifier +10% Sailors ModifierLocal Trade +20% Provincial trade power modifierBonus: -10% Development cost Special Administrative Ideas: Government In Idea Variation every government group has its own idea group. National Conscripts -10.0% Recruitment Time Scientific Revolution -10.0% Technology Cost -10.0% Institution Embracement Cost Some fine policy option as well as the discipline has made this idea group one of the most picked diplomatic ideas in multiplayer from the one idea that is never picked. Providing greatly reduced aggressive expansion they now bolster your country with a higher land forcelimit and absolutism gain which also makes it an idea to keep in the middle game. All that was changed there is the 10% morale that were nerfed down to 7, 5%. Optimism -0.05 Monthly War Exhaustion Religious Tradition +1.00 Yearly Prestige Ideas Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors. Engineer Corps +20.05 Siege Ability Border Fortifications +5.0% Fort Defense Administrative power is required to unlock ideas within these groups. Expansion. More unity, more monarch power from razing and extra power for your beloved horses. Early Diplomatic Ideas Bureaucracy +10.0% National Tax Modifier Early Defensive Ideas Foreign Embassies +1 Diplomats Religious Education +1.00 Tolerance of the True Faith Universal Healthcare +20.0% Manpower Recovery Speed Republican Ideas Diplomatic Mission +2 Diplomatic relationsAbolished Serfdom +7,5% Morale of armiesBill of Rights -2 National unrestFree Subjects -1 Promote culture costRepublican Tradition +1 Republican tradition Paying court to the BurghersEmancipation +10% Goods produced modifierRoman History +20 Maximum absolutismBonus: +10% Manpower recovery speed Dictatorship Ideas Dictatorship ideas and the policy options provided are quite extreme. Additional Merchants +1 Merchants Advisors +1 Possible Advisors Diplomatic Corps -10.0% Diplomatic Technology Cost is a duchy then it becomes a kingdom. Merchant Marine +50.0% National Sailors Modifier 1 General Information 2 History 3 Form Turkey 4 Decisions 4.1 Adopt Secularism (until April 10, 1928) 4.2 Unify Islam 5 Strategy 5.1 Present Day 5.1.1 Opening Options 5.1.2 Unifying Europe as Turkey 5.1.3 East. Factories -50.0% Fort Maintenance on border with rival -20.0% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost Let's watch the Mongolian empire collapse in the extended timeline mod of EU4. Organized Mercenary Payments -25.0% Mercenary Cost Emancipation +20.0% Manpower Recovery Speed Oak Forests for Ships +20.0% Heavy Ship Combat Use this as much as you can since this only lasts 60 years.Early Ideas SeeWhen you begin the game before the base game's starting point you cannot select the original ideas. Ideas Semien is the only Jewish country in the game. Total War +20.0% Manpower Recovery Speed -20.0% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion Humanist Tolerance +2.00 Tolerance of Heathens Shrewd Commerce Practice +20.0% Global Trade Power No Aid For Enemy +1.00 Attrition for Enemies Grand Army +20.0% Land Force Limit Modifier [EU4] Massive MP Timelapse - GC6 ... EU4 Collapse of the Roman Empire 1 AD to 1850 - Extended Timeline - AI Timelapse - Duration: 10:39. When you are done, you can click the 'Update URL' button to refresh the URL so you can share your idea set as you planned it! Good to boost up your economy, interest, build and development bonuses. Capitalist Economy +1 Merchants +10.0% Global Trade Power if primary culture is in the Iberian culture group: Innovative Ideas Patron of the Arts -1% Prestige decay +0,1 Institution growthPragmatism -25% Mercenary costScientific Revolution +1 Free policiesDynamic Court +1 Possible advisorsResilient State -25% Reduce inflation costOptimism -5% Monthly war exhaustionFormalized Officer Corps +1 Leader(s) without upkeepBonus: -33% Advisor costs Expansion Ideas Expansion Ideas are buffed as well. Land of Opportunity +10.00 Global Settler Increase The slightly reduced number of states is compensated with -50% of state maintenance. Military Service +20.0% National Manpower Modifier +20.0% Land Force Limit Modifier Missionary Schools +1 Missionaries Some economic bonuses round this group up to be just good for nations that want a little extra power in their admin idea group. Privateers +25.0% Embargo Efficiency +33.0% Privateer Efficiency Ideas +5 Number of States Centralization -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change Resistance to Foreigners +20.0% Hostile Core-Creation Cost on us Some diplomatic bonuses are also in it and for republics there's republican tradition in it. Reduced province warscore cost is also a thing that should not be underestimated. This idea group cannot be picked when you have decentralism Ideas picked. Hope you enjoy it! Military Traditions -10.05 Military Technology Cost Soal Un Fisika Smp Bab Listrik Dinamis Dan Pembahsannya, Jurassic World Evolution Pc Download Gratis. Time to have a Look at a New mod on Steam created by qweytr. Naval Fighting Instruction +50.0% Blockade Efficiency +25.0% Privateer Efficiency Early Offensive Ideas Economy. Assyriais a formable nation representing the pre-Arab Mesopotamian kingdoms. Espionage Ideas National ideas do not cost monarch points of their own but are unlocked free of charge in a pre-set order. +10.0% Ship Durability, +10.0% Available Mercenaries +2.5% Mercenary Discipline, -10.0% Cavalry Cost +10.0% Cavalry Combat Ability, -0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change +0.10 Yearly Absolutism, -1.0% Yearly Army Tradition Decay -1.0% Yearly Navy Tradition Decay, +1 Diplomats +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep, -10.0% Fort Maintenance +20.0% Fort Defense, +1.00 Naval Leader Fire -33.0% Morale Hit When Losing a Ship, +10.0% Morale of Navies +10.0% Global Naval Engagement. Patriotism +10.0% Morale of Armies +20.0% Fort Defense Ship's Penny -10.0% Ship Costs Noble Connections +20.0% Available Mercenaries Free Cities +25.0% Caravan Power Seahawks +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep -25.0% Admiral Cost Dues Vult Permanent Casus Belli against neighboring heathens and heretics This prevents player from starting a mass colonial empire in the Roman era. It does not exist in the 1444 start because the province is part of Ethiopia, but can be released as a vassal by the owner of Semien province, due to rebels, or as part of a war.Semien exists as a vassal … Ambition Experienced Diplomats +2.00 Diplomatic Reputation This idea group won't give you military land policies but give you vast pool of maritime policies.You can raid your enemies and rule the seas. +5.0% Discipline Small site intended for planning out National Ideas for custom nations on Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis IV game. Ambition Aristocratic Ideas Soviet Union has probably about as much manpower/force limit as the rest of the world combined and isn't afraid to use them. Ambition Expanded Supply Trains -10.0% Land Attrition Ideas Reduced construction time is quite special, so you will get your manufactories even faster but the real deal in this group is the mins 20% development cost reduction for provinces over 25 development. Buffer States +1 Diplomatic Relations Mercenary Recruitment +25.0% Available Mercenaries -50.0% Unjustified Demands, +50.0% Spy Network Construction -10.0% Advisor Costs, May Fabricate Claims for Subjects -25.0% Cost to fabricate claims, +25.0% Embargo Efficiency +33.0% Privateer Efficiency. Ambition Massed Battery +10.0% Artillery Combat Ability Planned Economy +15.0% National Tax Modifier +0.10 Yearly Inflation Reduction Can Fabricate Claim Overseas in Trade Company Regions +5 Number of States Efficient Administration -10.0% Core-Creation Cost Tradition of Payment +10.0% Available Mercenaries +2.5% Mercenary Discipline Civil Service -10.0% Administrative Technology Cost Additional Colonists +1 Colonists They also get a powerful modifier, 'The Rise of Islam', for 50 years which makes their armies extremely difficult to defeat.Mongol Invasion SeeUpon enacting 'Form the Mongol Empire', you'll be temporarily given huge bonuses to your military and a mechanic that allows you to auto-annex occupied provinces after holding them for at least six months. Claim Fabrication May Fabricate Claims for Subjects -25.0% Cost to fabricate claims +5.0% Recover Army Morale Speed Corvettes +5.0% Ship Durability Grand Navy +50.0% Naval Force Limit Modifier They now offer a unique decision allowing the player (and the AI) to hire an advisor with reduced cost (level 2 or 3) with a trait of his choosing. Ambition The act of choosing at any point of time a certain idea group over the other and advancing in it represent the time and focus nations choose to spend historically along certain administrative, diplomatic, and military specializations. Thing that should not be underestimated leaving coalitions in the Extended Timeline, of. More opportunities for custom nations than the base game ideas are n't even visible until you reach administrative level... Can be considered a total conversion mod difference whether you can really conquer your way dynastic... Are again a combination of the old diplomatic ideas prevents player from starting a mass empire. 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