Acknowledge the obvious signs of obesity. Giving an overweight rabbit plenty of opportunity for exercise and playtime is important. The thing to remember is that these charts do not take into account that different breeds of domestic rabbits have different body types. Building muscle mass becomes the goal and, in the case of an arthritic bunny, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and alternative pain management (e.g., acupuncture) can help. Poor diet can result in weight loss as well as weight gain, and so I always discuss the importance of the appropriate diet. It's a good idea to weigh your rabbit … Factors such as age, agility, and exercise options are also part of my discussion with the rabbitâs caregiver. All rights reserved. Healthy food items like fruits and vegetables can be reserved as treats and only offered when you want to give something special to your rabbit. Avoid sugary and fat filled foods like sunflower seeds yogurt drops from the pet store, and many kinds of cereals. When a variety of grass hays are available, I recommend offering a mix, though caregivers should be aware that alfalfa is often in with orchard grass. Changes in locomotion or grooming habits can also indicate a rabbit is carrying too many pounds. I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Drs. Infectious disease, particularly upper respiratory, may make it difficult for a rabbit to smell food and thus will reduce appetite. Harnesses for rabbits are often used as playpens to make sure your rabbit doesn't get into an unsafe area. Eliminating stress to the extent possible is important for every bunny and especially for the underweight rabbit. Supervising the kind and amount of treats is another consideration. GI stasis (ileus) is the most common problem in pet rabbits due to its many causes. Entice the overweight rabbit to a different area by offering just a few little pieces of greens, keeping Dr. Brownâs comments above in mind. If the dewlap is large enough that it … In addition, a diet that is primarily composed of fresh vegetable greens instead of grass hay can be very dangerous because the greens have fewer calories, due to high water content. Jason Hutcheson, DVM, is the owner of For Petâs Sake, the Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital of Atlanta. Sugary treats are also contributors to the obesity problem in pet rabbits and are marketed as cute but the fact is your rabbit doesn't care what their food looks like. Each rabbit species has a different set of breed standards that tell you what a normal size and weight of that particular breed should be. A non-profit rabbit rescue and education organization. It offers more tips on spotting rabbit obesity. What breed of rabbit is it? Being overweight is defined as you would expect – having more body fat than you should. Safe weight loss occurs when a rabbit is put on the appropriate diet and is eating large quantities of hay. Understand the risks your rabbit can face if it is overweight. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis for Recovery. Susan Brown, Tomáš ChlebeÄek, and Jason Hutcheson. The obviously easiest thing to do to help prevent obesity in rabbits is to feed an appropriate kind and amount of food and provide ample exercise. Ideally, a rabbit is never caged but rather has a rabbit-proofed "room" or large penned area to live and explore. In addition to the visible change in a rabbitâs shape and agility, a caregiver may notice: Note that the signs listed above are not exclusive to obesity and may be indicative of some other health problem. Some breeds of rabbit are larger than others, but... 3. He received his degree from Colorado State University in 1999 and practiced at the Makai Animal Clinic in Kailua, Hawaii, before moving to the Czech Republic. Sometimes a doe … Hi. Now feel your fingers (where your rings would normally sit on your hand) while your fist is still clenched. Separating the rabbits also allows each to eat at his or her own pace. A qualified veterinarian can determine whether additional health issues (e.g., arthritis, pododermatitis) are a concern. TEMPEERATURE If the dewlap is large enough that it touches the rabbit’s elbows when it is sitting up, it is obese. When there are two or more rabbits, caregivers should also be mindful of social issues. It is preferred to discontinue leafy greens during a serious weight-loss program. Obesity has also been thought to be a player in cancer in people so there also may be bigger consequences for our pet rabbits that we don't know about. Dietary considerations are addressed in the âHome Careâ section below. Continued inappetence can quickly result in a life-threatening condition. Being obese means that your rabbit has more body fat than is healthy for their body size. It’s true; there is a difference between being an overweight bunny and an obese, or fat, rabbit. In cases such as infectious or metabolic disease, the appetite may return after the condition is addressed. She is involved in exotic animal care at rescue organizations and shelters. They should be allowed at least three hours of time to play and exercise if they are restricted during the day. The most rapid way to accomplish healthy weight loss is to feed a diet of quality grass hay only. Contributing factors can be rough and unclean surfaces but inflammation typically starts due to the pressure on the hock and feet from an obese rabbit. When a rabbit has a buddy, one of them often leads the other on excursions, facilitating increased exercise. Eventually most bunnies will begin eating hay in the proper amounts. Mixing the two foods allows for gradual introduction of the new pellet. For example, grass hay can be made available in several locations, spaced apart. My sincere thanks to the veterinarians named in this article for sharing their expertise during personal interviews and in subsequent feedback. One very general guideline is to feed the same hay as is fed to horses, not the pasture grass that is fed to ruminants (e.g., cattle, sheep). There are times when combining the expertise of both standard and alternative treatments offers the best supportive care. Fat also develops on the chest and stomach area, and may hang down underneath. Marie Mead has been involved in various capacities with animal rescue, advocacy, and education for over twenty years. She has made a home with special-needs rabbits and other animals, all of them rescues. Author (with collaborator Nancy LaRoche) of Rabbits: Gentle Hearts, Valiant Spirits â Inspirational Stories of Rescue, Triumph, and Joy, Marie has also written rabbit-related stories and articles for other publications. Utilizing the principles of behavior and training, she is teaching ways for people to live in harmony with their companion animals. The prolific breeding patterns of rabbits stem from the doe's almost continuous receptiveness to an attractive buck. After graduating in 1998, he joined the veterinary staff at For Petâs Sake and eventually purchased the practice from Dr. Mimi Shepherd in 2006. Make a fist with your hand and then feel the knuckles. So, how to tell if a rabbit is pregnant? But many pet owners give in to the gimmicks and want to give their rabbits whatever the pet store has to offer. Few game species can match the eastern cottontail for fine eating, but before you put that rabbit on the stove, take a minute to inspect it to make sure it’s healthy. Straw is never a substitute for grass hay, regardless of how obese a rabbit may be. Obesity has been thought to be associated with many diseases included myiasis, pododermatitis, pregnancy toxemia, and even ileus (GI stasis), among other things. It may be necessary, however, to separate the overweight rabbit from his bunny pal(s) during feeding time, especially when the other rabbit is fed pellets. Depending upon the reason for the weight loss, a caregiver may notice: Emaciated appearance (e.g., prominent backbone, pelvis, and ribs) Abdomen “caved in” rather than smooth at the area bordered by the last rib, the thigh, and the spine (sort of … When researching complementary treatments, be aware of training and qualification requirements and give careful consideration to the health, nature, and needs of your rabbit. by Marie Mead with Drs. Increased weight interferes with normal activities and puts a rabbit at higher risk for many health problems. In addition to House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit, the following list of publications, although by no means comprehensive, may assist those who desire additional research. It should be pear shaped, not shaped like an apple with a head. The quick answer is If you cannot find your rabbit’s ribs underneath their skin, then they are most likely overweight. Obesity is common in companion animals including rabbits however it can be difficult to see a rabbit’s body condition, especially in longer haired breeds. But the primary reasons are the ones discussed by Dr. Susan Brown: The most common reason for weight loss is decreased appetite and, thus, a reduced intake of calories. For example, stuff an empty plastic-wrap tube with hay. In addition, itâs helpful to hear about the rabbitâs life, including house location and other animal companions or children the rabbit lives with. Allow your rabbit to run around. A common cause of pain, especially in rabbits who donât eat enough hay, are molar points (spurs). There are, however, two very important considerations with this: the rabbit must be freely grazing hay throughout the day, and the hay must be of good quality. Weight loss can result from a reduction in muscle mass, often due to inadequate exercise caused by decreased mobility, lethargy, pain when moving, or because the rabbit is caged too much of the time. This will not only keep their mind stimulated but it will also keep them lean and happy. If your rabbit refuses grass hay, donât become discouraged. The goal for weight loss in rabbits is a slow steady decrease not a sudden drop. If the rabbit has a buddy (of any species), social time will become more enjoyable when the overweight rabbit is able to move more easily. A typical rabbit pregnancy lasts 31 to 33 days and a doe can produce up to 15 kits. These diagnostics often pinpoint diseases such as renal failure (kidney disease), dental disease, liver disease, certain cancers, or chronic infection. Establish a “target” weight prior to breeding according to the specific breed standards of your rabbit for greatest success. Your veterinarian can help you with this process if you are not sure of it. Bloat in rabbits symptoms. A body condition score is a number that correlates to certain physical attributes and most body condition score scales are a one through five with three being ideal. If a pellet mix contains morsels such as dried legumes or corn, grains of any kind, or high-carbohydrate foods, those items should be discarded. Most of these involve either pain that will make it difficult for the rabbit to eat or a build up of toxins in the body that affect the brain and other organs, making the rabbit feel either nauseated or not hungry. To tell if your rabbit is obese is sometimes not easy. To tell if your rabbit is lonely, pay attention when it nudges, bites, or digs on you. Should there be any reason for surgery, an obese rabbit is at greater risk as well. Monitoring the rabbitâs environment â for example, protecting against high temperatures that can quickly lead to heat stroke â will help prevent other health problems. Use your left hand to gently cradle the rabbit's lower body, between the hind legs and the pelvis. Although leafy green vegetables can be a part of a healthy rabbitâs diet, feeding them in excess can cause a rabbit to lose weight too quickly and be unable to maintain proper weight over time. When a rabbit is obese, gentle touch can help comfort and also reduce stress. Being overweight is very bad for a rabbit's health; it puts extra pressure on the joints and organs and makes grooming difficult. Rabbits will often have greater ease of movement if a rug or other heavy material is placed on smooth floors (e.g., wood or tile). Depending on the severity of the arthritis, your rabbit could be too stiff or … Now feel your fingers (where your rings would normally sit on your hand) while your fist is still clenched. Dr. Jason Hutcheson, whose practice is devoted solely to rabbits and other exotic animals, indicates various steps in making a diagnosis: If the cause cannot be determined by a physical exam, we proceed to a full work-up, which includes a complete blood count, serum chemistries, urinalysis, and radiographs. Rolls of fat often develop around the tail and ankles, and the dewlap (the fold of skin under the chin) can become extremely large and feels plump. Grass hay is vital to the health of your rabbit and should be the main part of their diet. No weight different in that time until i bought it's pellet . How Much Does a Pet Rabbit Cost To Care For? What Can You Do to Prevent and Reverse Obesity in Rabbits? If the pellets are alfalfa-based, I recommend a gradual change to a timothy-grass-based food. Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. As noted in the âHome Careâ section below, the best diet is comprised primarily of grass hay, fed daily in unlimited quantities. Rabbits do this to get your attention and may begin to act out when they don't get it. Elderly rabbits sometimes present challenges, as reduced activity â perhaps due to painful arthritis â causes them to lose muscle mass. In an overweight rabbit, it may be difficult to feel the spine under layers of fat along the back. Of course, other dental disorders cause hyporexia [diminished appetite], such as maloccluded incisors. The easiest way to tell if the ribs stick out too much (if they are too prominent it means your rabbit is underweight) is to compare feeling your rabbit's ribs to your closed fist. Such stressors may inhibit a rabbit from eating and drinking as he should. There are many reasons a rabbit may be underweight. He is very active , running , jumping , jumping while running . Most important is free access to grass hay. Being overweight is bad for rabbits. Rabbits are made to jump and run but too often we keep them contained in small cages or only allow them to hop and binky for short periods of time. Although itâs logical to assume that a less-active rabbit will gain weight, the opposite is sometimes the case. The appearance can be anywhere from a small bump under the rabbit’s chin, to a large pillow around their neck. Gently hold the rabbit's ears and a flap of shoulder skin in your right hand. Sugar or honey – one rabbit owner I know added sugar or honey to her rabbit’s food to get them to gain weight. Placing hay bins and litter boxes in several locations may also stimulate more activity. In cases such as arthritis of the joints or spine, the treatment may be for the lifetime of the rabbit. But i dont know if he is overweight or just ideal because of its fur . For example, it may be that the rabbitâs area is too warm, another pet appears threatening, the rabbit is in a high-traffic area or, conversely, isolated away from the family, or perhaps children inadvertently mishandle the rabbit. Used by permission. This will secure the upper portion of the rabbit's body. This is one reason that I recommend that grass hay be available in several widely spaced locations. This is what it should feel like on a rabbit that has an ideal body condition score. How Can You Tell if Your Rabbit is Obese? Fernando Trabanco FotografÃa/Getty Images. This is because fresh foods are less calorie-dense than hay due to the high water content. Dr. Tomáš ChlebeÄek discusses the impact of pain on weight loss: If the rabbit is exhibiting pain, the cause must be determined and addressed or the rabbit will rapidly decline. Some rabbits suffer from malnourishment early in their life; parasites can result in weight loss. Instead, reserve a strawberry or carrot as a special treat for your rabbit that they only get from you and they'll think it is just as good as a sugar cube. Quality hay is not always available locally or throughout the year, and quality can vary for various reasons, such as climate, soil, and the way the hay is handled and stored. In contrast, pelleted food is calorie-dense, and it serves to add unnecessary calories as well as potentially reducing the amount of hay the rabbit needs to eat to lose weight safely. Recognizing that a rabbit is fat can be difficult, as female rabbits normally have a fold of skin – the dewlap – under their chins to store fat. Observing actions surrounding the food â such as one rabbit guarding the food area or thwarting the othersâ attempts to get at food or water â will enable the caregiver to make necessary changes for the benefit of all the rabbits. Flystrike: This is a condition in rabbits in which the rabbit is too fat to groom himself properly, and leaves fecal material on himself. Even after weight loss is accomplished and the rabbit is on a maintenance diet, the bunnies may have to be separated during feeding time to ensure that the once-overweight rabbit does not overeat. When a rabbit is obese, food pellets are usually part of the reason and their reduction must be accomplished slowly, especially if the rabbit is not eating the proper amount of grass hay on a daily basis. (However, too many greens can lead to weight loss instead of weight gain.) Under 8 to 12 weeks kits are usually free fed (have food available all the time) over that age they get fed controlled amounts of food to prevent obesity. Extended time outside of the cage is important. Some of these arise from physical limitations of overweight animals such as joint issues, reduced activity, and difficulty grooming. Inappropriate diet is the primary cause of weight gain; thus, diet becomes the focus for treatment. One sign is mood change, and your bunny may become irritable or aggressive. Place the rabbit in front of and facing you and gently hold her ears, you may also gently hold a fold or scruff of skin between the rabbits shoulder blades in your hand too (providing she has enough to spare), this will keep the upper part of the rabbits body secure. If your rabbit does become obese, or if you've adopted a rabbit who is obese, and God bless people that come out and try to help a rabbit that's just really overweight, it's not an easy process because you can't make it happen quickly and people always want quick results. It is also recommended that caregivers base the pellet amount on the individual needs of a rabbit (e.g., health, age, weight, activity level); the amount fed one rabbit may not be appropriate for another. The rabbit would suffer in other ways too â he would not be a happy, content bunny. Perhaps include some non-food âtreatsâ in order to keep the emphasis on grass hay, the single most important part of the diet. A sudden cessation of eating or a decreased amount of feces signals a problem as well. Rabbits should always be fed a diet that is primarily grass hay, offered in unlimited amounts. Without intervention, gastrointestinal hypomotility (slowdown of transit times in the digestive system) can lead to GI stasis (shutdown). Even if the diet were supplemented with some pellets and leafy greens, the rabbit would likely suffer muscle problems and weakness. If you cannot feel your rabbit's ribs or you have to push hard to feel them then your rabbit is overweight. A proper diet and other considerations are also important, as Dr. ChlebeÄek explains: Itâs not necessarily a good idea to increase the amount of processed pellets in an underweight rabbitâs diet. I seldom recommend alfalfa for companion rabbits and never for overweight rabbits. Tomáš ChlebeÄek, DVM, is a former aerospace engineer who became a veterinarian as a result of his association with the Colorado House Rabbit Society. Just like in humans, dogs, cats, and even birds, being overweight unfortunately plays a major part in the health of your pet rabbit and is considered a pet welfare issue. Sometimes lifestyle, not disease, is the causative factor in weight loss. Obesity is a problem no matter what species you are, including rabbits. Should have them checked how to tell if rabbit is overweight a veterinarian through a physical exam how to a... Discussion with the rabbitâs focus from food to more enjoyable forms of interaction were spayed! Know how to tell if your rabbit refuses grass hay be available in several locations spaced! Animals such as maloccluded incisors puts extra pressure on the right side of diet. 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