It's also been found that the tube-lipped nectar bat has a very unique relationship with an endemic extremely long, bell-shaped flower: the tube-lipped nectar bat is the only animal that can pollinate the flower. The thing is that these ant lovers have great mouth and tongue that let them eat up to 9,000 ants in a single day. With the combination of enormous passion for writing and curiosity, research has been done every day to provide new topics and interesting things for her amazing readers. Necter bats feed primarily on nectar, pollen, flower parts, insects and fruits and they use their long, extendable tongue to probe deep into flowers. Unfortunately, certain conditions like tongue-tie can negatively affect the tongue’s length and range of motion. Hanging tongue syndrome is generally a condition that is managed rather than cured, and additional care may be required for your dog. Loading ... Camel with long tongue, Petra, Jordan - Duration: 0:10. Hibernating Animals: What animals hibernate? (You don’t expect their tongue to look like the leaves of an okra tree do you?). M. (2020, April 18). Required fields are marked * Comment. Check out these extraordinary animals that put us to shame in the tongue department. Depending on species also, the entire period from tongue shot to retraction can last only a few tenths of a millisecond. There is more than one animal qualified as having a long tongue and more than one way to decide who has the longest. In most cases, the tongue of an adult chameleon is as long as the animal's body and tail combined. The giant animals feed by first gulping an enormous mouthful of water, expanding the pleated skin on their throat and belly to take it in. Pangolin or Manis are commonly called scaly anteaters. Its tongue is 150% the size of its overall body length that retracts into the bat's rib cage when not in use. There are a lot of mysterious things that we don’t know when it comes to mythology. They Don't Have the Longest Tongue of Any Animal While the giant anteater's tongue is about 20 to 24 inches (51 to 61 centimeters) long, the blue whale has the largest tongue of any animal alive today, according to Schwartz. The long worm-like tongue of the anteater is anchored to the posterior end of the sternum and can be protruded extensively to assist in capturing its prey. Although they are quite rare and very secretive animals, there were sightings of the Okapi in these forests but these generally involved seeing the animal from behind … So how does it eat? The mammoth species of the animal kingdom: Blue Whales, have the longest tongue of any animal. These long neckies love to eat acacia tree leaves, and those tasty leaves are protected by very sharp thorns. The tusks are straight in a spiral pattern. Okapi aka Forest Giraffe is the closest relative to giraffes, and they are also among the animals with the longest tongues. Chameleons catch insects by firing their sticky tongues at them, and range is extremely important, because even a stealthy chameleon can only get so close to a fly without startling it. What animal has the longest tongue?. The blue whale! These creatures are massive, stretching up to 98 feet in length and weighing approximately 190 tons, and are believed to be the largest animals known to have ever existed on earth. It has been reported that the tongue of a one-hundred-foot blue whale can weigh 6,600 pounds. Dogs that have protruding tongues are prone to drying and cracking of the tongue, and the addition of olive oil to the tongue several times a day will help to prevent dehydration of this important organ. Chameleons are able to contain these extended structures in their small mouths by, The amazing tongue of the gigantic blue whale, Some interesting facts about animal tongue. See more ideas about animals, tongue, mammals. Unlike the other alien creatures, the blue-tongued ariele can change the colour of her tongue to better blend in with humans. If human tongues were proportionally long, we’d all be stuck with a 10 to 12 foot long tongue in our mouths. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. Then its long and sticky tongue lick up the insects and consume them as the meal of the day. I haven't been able to find specific lengths, but certainly it is greater than 53cm. They have color-changing skin, eyes that can look in almost any direction, and a ridiculously long tongue that is almost twice the length of its body. So if the black bear also has a blue tongue, that makes 4 animals. Like anteaters, the echidna has no teeth. It has been reported that the tongue of a one-hundred-foot blue whale can weigh 6,600 pounds. Just like anteaters, pangolin also feed on ants and termites using their incredibly long tongues. Their long tongues help them to pull leaves of tree limbs or wrap around leaves as they feed. The anteaters are four species of unusual creatures with extraordinarily specialized tongues, mouths and stomachs. In this article, you’ll learn about the holders of the first and second position when it comes to tongue length relative to body size. The very poisonous snake, the black mamba is so called as the inside of its mouth is very black. Its mucusy tip attaches to whatever prey the reptile aims at and pulls the victim back in at lightning speed. The Akita's tongue, though usually pink, can have blue or black patches or spots. If you think some humans have long tongues (looking at you, Gene Simmons), the animal kingdom has us beat. Nobody said hummingbird. At the same time, Okapi also uses their long tongues to groom themselves and their calves. Dogs have a long tongue for the simple fact this body part carries out many interesting functions. Giraffe. The eyes are small for its head, and consist only of rods. In fact, giraffes can go days without drinking if they have plenty of acacia leaves to eat. The eyes are small for its head, and consist only of rods. This animal can grow to a length of between 2.8 and 3.5 inches with a tail length of between 5.9 and 6.4 inches, or around double its body size. These 2-inch long creatures roamed the earth 200 million years ago, slicing up their food with teeth thinner than human hairs. Who would know that such a little bird has such long tongue? Check out these extraordinary animals that put us to shame in the tongue department. Sid Perkins, “How Chameleons Hunt with a Snap,”. Answer. Are you ready with the question? Questions. Can you lick your nose? The blue whale possesses the largest tongue of any animal. These faux-tongues can reach up to 14 inches (36 centimeters) in length, twice as long as the moth’s body. Chameleons are some of the strangest animals in existence. The skull is up to 30 mm long, with the rostrum making up 40-50% of total length. "Even in the category of tongue length in relation to body size, the anteater still doesn't win," he explains. 6. Smaller chameleons (both smaller species and smaller individuals of the same species) generally produce the fastest acceleration, power and stretch compared to their larger counterparts, which gives them a subtle edge when competing and searching for food. Created with insect consumption in mind, the anteater has a toothless, tube-shaped mouth and an extremely elongated head that houses the animal worlds most elaborate tongue. Just like crocodiles, monitor lizards also have long and powerful tail that they flail as a potent weapon. Their sticky tongue has small barbs that can snatch up ants and termites fast and easy. The average human tongue is about 10 centimeters (4 in) long, has thousands of tastebuds and performs many important functions related to speaking and eating. The sun bear of south east Asian has the longest tongue of any carnivorous mammal. Only male narwhals have tusks which they use to display dominance and attract female narwhals. One of the most distinctive features of both the Okapi and the Giraffe is their long prehensile tongue which can not only be used to grab onto leaves and branches but it also assists the animal when grooming. After chameloens, the tube-lipped nectar bat species have the second longest tongue of any animal in relation to body size. Long-nosed animal, has sticky tongue to eat insects. They are nocturnal animals and mainly feed on ants and termites. A blue whale can consume about 4 tons of krill in a day to keep their body metabolism revving. Question: animal with a long tongue 8 Letters Solution: ANTEATER. Bunu. To do this, they use their long and powerful spring-loaded tongues to shoot, capture and retrieve their target prey located some few inches away. When the size of a tongue is considered in relation to body size, the chameleon comes in first place. The blue whale possesses the largest tongue of any animal. P.S: I am also a freelance writer, you know how to contact me! They have very long tongues that allow them to get to hard to reach honey and insects. The giraffe’s long tongue allows it to reach the highest, tastiest leaves while avoiding the sharp thorns. Wild Pig Once food is located, the echidna tears into the mound or nest with its large, sharp claws and then uses the 6-inch (15-centimeter) tongue to lap up the bugs or worms. Their long tongue is so long is starts from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail if it is not coiled in their skull. Their most fascinating feature, however, is probably their incredible tongue, which is likely the most famous in the animal kingdom. A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long and blue-black. Also, that long tongue is actually favorable for them when it comes to feeding. There is more than one animal qualified as having a long tongue and more than one way to decide who has the longest. Not being able to move fast is not a problem when you have a long tongue that can snatch food from the distance. "Noticing that the star … The chameleon tongue consist of a sticky tip for holding insect preys firmly in place, accelerator muscles that quickly create the power to launch the tongue at their prey, and retractor muscles that help bring back the tongue to its initial assembly. You’ll also learn about the distinct and gigantic tongue of the largest animal in the world; the blue whale, as well as some interesting facts about tongues relating to members of the animal kingdom. And a jungle cat's tongue is even harsher. The aardvark has a long, thin, snakelike, protruding tongue (as much as 30 centimetres (12 in) long) and elaborate structures supporting a keen sense of smell. An african animal with a snout and a long tongue. Their tongues are morphological features believed to have evolved as an adaptation to nectivory (sucking nectar). The toughness allows them to feed even from the thorniest of wild trees and the power enables them to lick and scratch all over their faces. Its tongue also features a thick, tough layer that protects it from being cut by the thorns. The tongue of a chameleon basically resembles the shape and structure of a microphone cord when stretched: a long, hollow body with a fat sticky head at the tip. They have been known to eat termites, birds, small animals, honey, and fruit, and, as their habitats decline and food become scarce, it is not unusual for a wild Sun Bear to raid commercial crops, such as oil palms Deprived from the gift of hand dexterity and lacking a profuse distribution of sweat glands, dogs depend on their tongues as grooming tools and for the important function of dissipating heat. read more This also explained why chameleons appeared to have little or no reduced muscle activities in colder climates, contrary to what other cold bloded animals experience. Nowadays, these bears are facing threats from habitat loss and commercial hunting which decrease their population. To put that into perspective, the normal human tongue is only about one-thirteenth (1/13th) the total “length” of an average adult male.