It also symbolized the Pope’s submission to Christ, the love of God for humanity, and the remembrance of all the martyrs who gave their lives for Christ. The pope's ordinary dress (also called house dress), which is worn for daily use outside of liturgical functions, consists of a white cassock with attached pellegrina and girded with a fringed white fascia (often with the papal coat of arms embroidered on it), a pectoral cross suspended from a gold cord, red papal shoes, and a white zucchetto. In the case of the latter, the intimation of this being some mere (i.e. “Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes,” Crokin said. Macaulay Culkin did not say Hollywood executives wear red shoes; Snopes is actually right. When I first went on Human Leather‘s website several months ago (that’s how long it took for me to finally bring myself to post about this horror), the website did not enable copying its text. Speaking of shoes made from human “leather,” there’s a peculiar fascination with red shoes among the debauched elite. Founded 12-23-2009. Resurrected 8-23-2018. Dorothy in the movie wore red shoes. ; PART of the mystery of the RED SHOES can be found in the movie “The Wizard of OZ.”; The RED SHOES have to be EARNED. The Roman emperors continued with the tradition of red shoes indicating high status. Historically, the red shoes were festooned with a large gold cross or gold buckle when walking outside—"all the better for kissing," ABC said. In the case of the red papal shoes, red shoes have been worn by the popes for centuries; it was not an invention of Benedict XVI, he instead he humbly adhered and submitted to the tradition established before him. On March 12, 2010, Tony Podesta (brother of John Podesta and a Democratic Party lobbyist of “spirit cooking” fame) celebrated his 65th birthday with a party at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. They use certain films to program children and part of the programming is having them watch these films and they also sexually abuse them and they physically abuse them because the abuse splits their personality and creates different personalities, so then they are able to program them and control them and they virtually become MK-Ultra programming. Podesta has a “thing” for red shoes. You should know that: In the past, popes were garbed in red, instead of white. The Illuminati, the elites, they use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control child slaves. Gautum is the clinic’s founder and senior medical director. Call of Typhon. The papal shoes were the red leather outdoor shoes worn by the Pope.They should not be confused with the indoor Papal Slippers or the Episcopal sandals, which are the liturgical footwear proper to all ordained Catholic bishops of the Latin Rite. “It was a movie about red shoes,” she continued. Dorothy in the movie wore red shoes. The meaning of the red shoes: A brief journey through History. Alex Soros, too, has a penchant for red shoes. “We know that red shoes are significant, symbolic to the occult because they make leather red shoes out of babies’ skin.” Music for the feast of 
Christ th... American Thanksgiving: Catholic Devotion and Liturgy, The Sedlec Ossuary Chapel in the Czech Republic, A Prelate's Embroidered Lace Alb from the Late 1600's, An English Chasuble of the Sixteenth Century. Now look at those shoes, and look at his body language, and how he's smiling to himself while flexing the foot. Crokin said: “Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes. In the XVII and XVIII centuries, under Louis XIV, only aristocratic men had the right to wear red heels. The story of Pope Benedict’s controversial red shoes, which he will give up. The red shoe tradition dates to 1566, according to NPR, "when St. Pope Pius V, a White Dominican, decided to change the papal vestment from red to white.The pope's cap, cape and shoes are the only bits of red left from the pre-1566 days." The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. RED SHOES have something to do with HUMAN SACRIFICE. It might be a coincidence, but it might also not be. Pre-Roman Etruscan kings wore them as a symbol of status, because the red (which they called “royal purple”) was a costly dye obtained from rare sea snails. “When Pope Benedict XVI left the Vatican and his papacy,” reported NPR, “he slipped out of his trademark red shoes and put on a pair of Mexican leather loafers. I ran a search for Sid Gautum’s last name, but found nothing. Traditionally they were plain red Morocco leather. “There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic abuse and the trafficking of children.” “The Illuminati, the elites, they use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control child slaves,” she added. THESE RED SHOES are a STATUS SYMBOL. Gautum was in the news because a £1million mansion he owned on a tree-lined avenue in Penarth, South Wales, had collapsed during construction work to create a “super-basement”. This is a known thing. Gopal Sherma reports for Reuters, March 10, 2017: Nepal said it will investigate a report claiming poor women are being trafficked and duped into selling their skin to be used for penis and breast enlargements in the global cosmetic surgery market. Description. DDOS attacks began 11-10-2018. The pope’s red kangaroo-leather shoes may symbolize the blood of Christian martyrs, but when red shoes were the height of fashion in Etruscan Rome, that is, five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, they designated the wearer as an aristocrat. shallow) fashion choice is itself rooted in a shallow understanding of the matter in question. Red can also be used for self-esteem, athletics, strength, magical energy to create black magic (good for the strengthening of themselves before performing black magic) and inducing intensity. Red was used not only for the pope’s shoes but for his entire vestment, although this changed to white with Pope Pius V in the mid-16th century, as he was a Dominican. …and why Pope Francis decided not to wear them. Pope Francis chose to wear the red only indoors and opted for the black outdoor shoes he has always worn — and with which he arrived to the Vatican — as a sign of humility and austerity. A reader recently sent in some information on a restoration project taking place at St. Wenceslaus Parish in Wahoo, Nebraska. Some victims said they were drugged and their skin removed. duped into selling their skin. An investigation by the Indian news website Youth Ki Awaaz (Voice of the Youth) said Nepali women were selling 20 square inches (130 square cm) of skin tissue from their backs for $150 to be used in plastic surgery. In the past, popes were garbed in red, instead of white. From then, white became the papal color. This one is a play on the Call of Typhon from the Abyss (when you consider the Illuminati Mark of the Beast symbolism): The reason this one is being called out is because Katy Perry has utilized this symbol many times in the past. As an extension of this, know that new "good" pope, Pope Francis since 2013, WON'T WEAR RED SHOES . We know that there are areas in the world were red shoes have a different connotation. Photos by OC-Travel I cannot say enough good things about the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. His skullcap is called a zuchetto; only popes wear white zuchettos, while cardinals wear red, bishops wear purple and priests wear black. Pope St. Pius V (1566 – 1572) changed the papal garments to white because he continued to wear the white color of his Dominican order. The number 13 is very significant in witchcraft and the occult. Of course, when it comes to symbols like this, they can suggest a lot but they are not outright proofs of satanic affiliation. Burned down by WordPress 8-15-2018 with 63M hits. He had bought the house in 2014 for £800,000, and wanted to add extra rooms (a neighbor said 10 extra rooms) to the property. Question asked: Why does the new Pope wear red shoes? Antonio Arellano could hardly believe his eyes when he learned that one of his most loyal clients was announced as the Vatican's new head of state in 2005. Red shoes!”, Do you remember my post of June 12, 2017, “George Soros’ son, Alex, is a ‘spirit cooker’?”. Former child star Macaulay Culkin said Hollywood is run by Satanic pedophiles, one of whom boasted that his shoes were made from the skin of deceased child actress Heather O'Rourke. March 12, 2013 Getty Images. Continuing on with yet another instalment in our popular "Before and After" series, we turn today to the parish of St. Stephen... As you look down into the Confessio toward the Niche of the Pallia (where the pallium are kept), the floor level seen here is close to the... As we live through this 21st century plague with growing concerns regarding the transmission of diseases through the species of Holy Commun... Halloween is a liturgical holiday. Award-winning author and free-lance investigative journalist Liz Crokin maintains Tony Podesta’s red shoes signify he’s a pedophile because the Illuminati uses “The Wizard of Oz” movie to brainwash child sex slaves. The first shoe we’ll look at is the Peace shoe. (Justin Deschamps) Based on the research I've done over the years related to the dark occult and symbols they employ, the following article discussing red shoe symbolism is worthy of consideration. Between the biker boots and trainers laced to the knee, there walked some sparkling red heels that looked like they’d tripped straight out of a grown-up Wizard of Oz (where the dresses were dark and draped, rather than gingham with frills). The red papal shoes are no more a matter of mere personal style than is the white cassock of the pope, the red cassock of the cardinals, the purple of the bishops, or the black of priests. George Soros’ son, Alex, is a ‘spirit cooker’? This the pope's uniform during his normal day-to-day activities. Detail of a painting of Pope Pius VII by Sir Thomas Lawrence, Detail of a pair of 18th century papal shoes in the. In July 2013, he posted to Instagram this pic of himself in red shoes: Some see the Pope’s red shoes as sinister. You should know that: Posted in Evil, George Soros, Liberals/Democrats/Left, pedophiles, Pope Francis, Satanism, Tagged Alex Soros, DermaSkin Clinic, Human Leather, Nepal women sells skin, occult meaning of red shoes, Pope's red shoes, red shoes, Sid Gautum, Tony Podesta. Thirteen is a number which cleans and purifies. Prada Pope? Red shoes are associated with power, and not only within the Church. Shoes given to Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Leon, Mexico in … Pope Benedict XVI, seen here wearing a saturno, blesses the faithful in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, in 2006. See RED SHOES have something to do with HUMAN SACRIFICE. Louis XIV red heels. There is a Sid Gautum on Twitter @SidGautam, who describes himself as a “General Practitioner, Skin Specialist and Founder of Dermaskin Clinics” in Cardiff, Bristol, and Manchester, UK. “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” -St. Thomas Aquinas. ; The RED SHOES symbolize BLOOD (but there’s more.) The skin tissue, said the report, is sold onto pathology laboratories in India where it is processed and exported to companies in the United States which manufacture skin and tissue derivative products for the global plastic surgery market. It was an appropriate homage, given that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the film’s release. As is so often the case with such dress, the form of them is tied to considerations of both rank and symbolism. The History and Symbolism of the Pope's Red Shoes, Before and After: St. Wenceslaus in Wahoo, Nebraska, The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the USA: Tour de Force of New Art and Beauty, Before and After: St. Stephen's in Grand Rapids, Michigan, What Sits Underneath St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, All Hallows Eve (Halloween) in the Traditional, Pre-1955 Liturgical Books, The Use (Or Not) of Lace in Penitential Times. (. […] a peculiar fascination with red shoes among the debauched elite. A woman named Kris Costa claims on her Facebook page that Sid Gautum is the owner of Human Leather. His writing interests include vestment design, book arts, architecture and liturgical history. In 1993, the Associated Press reported that he wore red hightops with a tuxedo to a (Bill Clinton) pre-inaugural fundraiser. They are made of red Morocco leather, and are decorated with gold braiding, with a … Did you know that poor Nepalese women sell their skin? Most popes used to wear three types of shoes: a lighter red shoe to wear inside the Vatican; Episcopal sandals to celebrate Mass according to liturgical colors (until 1969); and stronger red leather shoes for outdoor use. Shoemaker Antonio Arellano poses with a red shoe he made for Pope Benedict XVI. The great aristocrats also wore them. Msgr. At the time, only aristocratic men were allowed to wear red heels. “I think one of the first movies he did was [The Man With One Red Shoe] It was a movie about red shoes; we know that red shoes are significant and symbolic to the occult because they make leather red shoes out of babies’ skin. Pope … The story of Pope Benedict’s controversial red shoes, which he will give up. Award-winning author and free-lance investigative journalist Liz Crokin maintains Tony Podesta’s red shoes signify he’s a pedophile because the Illuminati uses “The Wizard of Oz” movie to brainwash child sex slaves. So I took a screenshot of the page: When you click the “About Us” link, you get a 404 Error message. The number 13 is a major symbol in the occult, death and Satanism. (Tony Gentile/Reuters) By . The popes had summer and winter versions of these shoes and they came in forms such as leather, velvet or silk -- traditionally with a golden cross upon them. “Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes,” Crokin said. CONCLUSIONS: The RED SHOES have something to do with HOLLYWOOD and are somehow linked to ROME/VATICAN. They use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control these child sex abuse victims. From his Twitter pic, he appears to be the same cosmetic surgeon Sid Gautum in the Daily Mail article: @SidGautum has a website called DermaSkin, an “advanced facial aesthetics” clinic offering anti-wrinkle treatment, dermal fillers, teeth whitening, laser skin resurfacing and laser tattoo removal. It is the latter of which we are … ; PART of the mystery of the RED SHOES can be found in the movie “The Wizard of OZ.”; The RED SHOES … There is a lot of symbolism in the work that he’s done. “We know that red shoes are significant, symbolic to the occult because they make leather red shoes out of babies’ skin.” THESE RED SHOES are a STATUS SYMBOL. ; The RED SHOES symbolize BLOOD (but there’s more.) It is likely ‘red shoes’ has some occult meaning which has not permeated into the ‘ profane ’ world. “It was a movie about red shoes,” she continued. They are fastened with red silk laces ending in golden tassels. The red papal shoes are no more a matter of mere personal style than is the white cassock of the pope, the red cassock of the cardinals, the purple of the bishops, or the black of priests. OCCULT SYMBOLISM OF THE NUMBER 13. As is so often the case with such dress, the form of them is tied to considerations of both rank and symbolism. Massive Spam attacks on 12-3-2018. Founder of the Liturgical Arts Journal. The "Papal shoes" are the shoes the Pope wears outdoors. According to a Daily Mail article on June 10, 2016, Sid Gautum, 36, is a “millionaire cosmetic surgeon” in the UK. But it was the movie that fixed the red shoes, I mean ruby slippers, in the public imagination. “There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic abuse and the trafficking of children.” “The Illuminati, the elites, they use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control child slaves,” she added. Xavier Barbier Montault describes the usage as follows in his work Le Costume Et Les Usages Ecclsiastiques Selon La Tradition Romaine: Join in the conversation on our Facebook page. He wears a white mozetta (a short, hooded cape), a gold pectoral cross and red papal shoes. But the idea of using this symbol is to reclaim it as an icon of the power and style that distinguishes each woman. I wouldn’t call Pope Francis the new Pope as he has been pope for some years now. The name is taken from the name of Gautam Buddha and is the 1033rd most common surname in the world, ranking 22nd in Nepal, 298th in India, and 4,821 in England (Forebears). Both this historical and symbolic aspect have to be taken into consideration when looking at this usage for they counter-balance one another: symbols of leadership on the one hand and servitude on the other. It is well enough known that when Benedict XVI rose to the papal office one of the tasks he set about was attempting to show continuity with his predecessors -- and not just his. Popes wear red shoes Red symbolized both the worldly authority of the pope and the Passion of Christ. Some victims said they were drugged and their skin removed. At Prada’s AW19 show, one pair of shoes stood out. Gautum probably is a variation on Gautam — a surname found in Nepal and India (Wikipedia). In July 2013, he posted to Instagram this pic of himself in red shoes: Some see the Pope’s red shoes as sinister. There’s a UK website called Human Leather which offers belts, wallets and shoes made from human skin for sale: Below is the website’s URL and, in case it’s taken down, its archived link (as proof the website indeed existed): Update (Dec. 20, 2018): The Human Leather website is gone. The report, by Indian journalist Soma Basu, said the Nepali women were trafficked to brothels in Indian cities such as Mumbai and then later duped into selling their skin. Crokin said: “Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes. Not all popes wear red shoes: Pope John Paul II wore ordinary brown shoes; Pope Francis wears simple black shoes. There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic … HUNT pedophiles and HELP children for 10 dollars/month. Interplay of Art and Architecture at St. Joseph's ... Variations in Season of Advent in the Western Litu... Christus Vincit! As reported by Huffington Post, the party was billed as a “Red Shoe Affair” — guests were asked to wear red shoes. Pope St. Pius V (1566 – 1572) changed the papal garments to white because he continued to wear the white color of his Dominican order. She was claiming that many well known people from government, religion, business and entertainment sector are participating in the massive satanic pedophile cult:” Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes.There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic abuse and the trafficking of children.The Illuminati, the elites, they use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind … Does it symbolize something? CONCLUSIONS: The RED SHOES have something to do with HOLLYWOOD and are somehow linked to ROME/VATICAN. The meaning of the red shoes for the Red Shoe Movement is power with femininity. Why was the previous pope so keen on proudly wearing his Italian-made red shoes? (And in this regard I should note that Benedict's own red papal shoes were distinctly simple and 'modern' by comparison in their very plain and singularly modern leather form.). Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, willpower, athletics (especially racing) and vitality. A gold stripe runs around the edges and a cross is embroidered on the surface, because the pope … Here’s his LinkedIn page. The first shoe we’ll look at is the Peace shoe. The pope’s shoes are flat-soled shoes made of morocco leather or red cloth, for the winter, and silk for the summer. There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic abuse and the trafficking of children. As did many noblemen, the Pope wore slippers (pantofole) inside his residences and leather shoes outside.The indoor Papal Slippers were made of red velvet or silk and were heavily decorated in gold braid, with a gold cross in the middle.. The Theosophists considered The Wizard of Oz to be an allegory of occult enlightenment, with the red shoes symbolizing spiritual transformation. The pope says to the general public(Exoteric) “God I mean no disrespect in anyway by writing what I’m about to write” The red shoes represents The Holy Spirit when the truth of the matter (Esoteric) it represents child ritual sacrifice and cannibalism. Shoemaker Antonio Arellano poses with a red shoe he made for Pope Benedict XVI. Meaning of the red mantle Already in the 11th century St. Peter Damian described the cappa rubea donned by the Pope at his election as a distinctive garb unique to the Pope. Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta has cannibalism painting in his office, Spirit Cooking cannibalism and Obama’s bandaged middle finger, Website sells belts, wallets and shoes made from human skin, Sick: Art student makes handbag out of human skin, Another Wuhan virus demorat hypocrite: Contra Costa County DA Diana Becton, Persecuted My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s video on proof of 2020 election fraud, Another demorat hypocrite: Tampa Mayor Jane Castor, Unity: Professor who made joke about Barron Trump joins #NoMyPresident’s DOJ, Sunday Devotional: Suffering is the human condition, NM demorat proposes gun bill that would make it criminal to teach kids how to shoot unless they are an “authorized user”, Homeless man released on personal recognizance after drive-by shooting with stolen gun, RINO Romney wants to give parents taxpayer dollars to raise “our society’s children”, The mystery of Soleimani’s red ring: a Masonic ring also worn by other elites, In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile, Hollywood Satanists: What Anthony Bourdain said about ‘Friends’, SCOTUS clerk overheard real reason why justices refused to hear Texas election lawsuit, In the end, we are left with a symbol which is rooted both in the rich history of Roman-Byzantine culture and the Church. Or at least a Pope, who traditionally wore red leather loafers since at least 1484, until Pope Francis gave them up for comfortable, brown orthopedic shoes. Pope Francis's modest tastes extend to his choice of footwear - ditching the red shoes made famous by his predecessor Benedict XVI By Nick Squires 15 March 2013 • 15:29 pm The shade of red color differed since some used to wear the ones that were brighter while the others used to wear the ones that were darker. The fashion of red shoes became in trend once again when Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II were popes since they decided to wear this type of shoes. The papal shoes are the red leather shoes that the pope wears when outdoors. (Tony Gentile/Reuters) By . As far as symbolism is concerned, while symbols are naturally interpretative in nature (meaning there is not necessarily one "correct" interpretation per se) the use of the red for the shoes of the Pope, like the red dress of the cardinals, has traditionally been understood as a symbol of the blood of the martyrs (and the corresponding willingness to die for the Faith) as well as a symbol of the Passion of Christ. Pectoral cross and red papal shoes in the public imagination Francis decided not wear. Reader recently sent in some information on a restoration project taking place at St. Wenceslaus Parish in Wahoo Nebraska!, popes were garbed in red, instead of white satanic ritualistic abuse and the of. That distinguishes each woman, a gold pectoral cross and red papal shoes more. sent..., I mean ruby slippers, in 2006 appropriate homage, given that year! Architecture and liturgical history a search for Sid Gautum ’ s more. he wears white. 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