hoping they come back good so i can join and then the only thing holding me back is graduating high school. Any thoughts? Women should arrive in conservative, comfortable slacks or jeans and shirt. I know i'm going to be stuck with a bunch of needles, but will it be the same as at MEPS? Be prepared, mentally, to be picked apart for being different. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Mike Pugh from New York City on November 21, 2011: Wow, this is definitely a thorough hub on the bootcamp process. @Guest: Yes you can. Recruits run the Navy Boot Camp Confidence Course. Do you get to choose the job you do in the Navy or do they just assign you something, because if the latter is the case I wouldn't want to waste my time and theirs. So study hard for the first go around and you won't have to worry about the second time! I am crying about this so much but I cannot let her know how disappointed we are. I'm easily winded, and my chest aches something fierce when I exert myself. Thank you. Navy Boot Camp Graduation Standards This information was verified current as of November 2017. J.D. As stated above, the initial run standard must be met in order to start basic training, it is the absolute minimum to be allowed begin basic training. His box of stuff yesterday, hope to get his address soon to give him some love. So I looked on the calendar and he left 3 weeks from today. going through MEPS early next week, not looking forward to the blood test though I'm not fond of needles. She had difficulty with the PT but managed to graduate with her class on time and pull it off. There are a lot of questions your family and friends will have about your time in boot camp. Any change in their graduation date after they've sent you their graduation information will cause them to be able to call you and let you know. Space and parking are limited on base during Pass and Review, so keep that in mind when arriving at RTC Great Lakes for your sailor's special day. This is the way I got promotion when 99% of the people in my division did not! After pass and review, your newly capped sailor will pack his or her bags, be given orders and travel information for their next level of training—"A" School—and be on a much more mundane journey to learning their actual job while they serve their time. My husband, son and daughter are all proud of me and think that I am failing if I don't even try. One thing they did do was put us in the gas chamber and expose us to tear gas. Guy or girl, your heart leaps when the mail comes in. My son left on May 4 and his first few letters were tough to read. Wow, I am so glad I found this info. Bootcamp was a great experience the friendships the team work lol endless bootcamp stories i know exactly what you guys are thinking don't be to quick to throw in the towel those first couple of days. when do they get phone calls? Hi Tra'Shon. They believe in me, but I am not sure if I believe in myself as much as they do. xanax last year due to bad family issues (dad very sick and dying) and of course depression was there. been out of bootcamp for almost 4 months trust me bootcamp wasn't bad at all the hardest thing about it was waking up in the morning. Relly want to join one more year of high school, want to be a navy welder, dad exited he was a helicopter hydrolics mech., mom not so excited. All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. If you show up at boot camp having not prepared physically for the experience, you are in for a wild ride on that front. If you failed the first one, your benefits or promote in ranks will be cancelled. God bless! My boyfriend just finished up his 1st week at boot camp and i was wondering when i'll get his address. hi gamergirl, thanks so much for all of this info! It seems the whole 8 weeks was about preparing us for a graduation ceremony. This brings back memories like no other especially the video you supplied here which is accurate in every way, and I will never forget how long it took for me to be processed into the Navy let alone to get through the bootcamp process. I'm just wondering about A class and C class and what this means for an intelligence specialist. You do not *have* to be in peak physical condition when you head off to boot camp. I've sent her a bunch of mail, but have yet to hear anything. i read about the defense language institute and i'm kind of in love with it, but i don't know about everything else that comes with being in the military. If a recruit fails the first attempt, then they must retest within 48 hours. I know she has signed an oath. Thanks for your prompt response gamergirl!! You've reached the home stretch at this point, with four more weeks to go! The requirements for admission for graduation from the US Navy Recruit Training Command (Boot Camp) are governed by the US Navy’s Recruit Training Command located in Great Lakes IL. 9may will be the beginning of his 4th, and i havent gotten a actual latter from him. You'll see the meek, shy, quiet nerd become confident as the weeks pass, you'll fight and bicker like children in a schoolyard. I cannot stress this enough, you'll thank me for it. I'll research that part to see if it was, but I don't believe so. I havent had a Doctor Exam since I was 12, I dont like being touched in … Will this keep me from being enlisted? Go for it! Ok, I want to join the Navy in 2 years...can someone tell me what this confidence course is? Navy Boot Camp is held at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes (RTC Great Lakes), north of Chicago, Illinois. im not physically fit, and is scared to death also i bought the kaplan asvab book and cant consentrate PLEASE HELP!!!!! All I need is some help as to what I should do. 3. I served US NAVY 1965-1968.My Boot Camp was 13 weeks long,in San,Diego California. The Navy Exchange Photographic Services at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes offers each graduating recruit the opportunity to purchase division and individual photographs, a division Cruise Book, which highlights the Recruits’ Boot Camp experiences from Night of Arrival to Graduation Day and a DVD of the Recruit Pass-In-Review Ceremony. They say that you learn from experience. Week 2 introduces recruits to their Drill Sergeant (DS), who begins the process of building up mental and physical endurance over the next two weeks. my daughter went to boot camp on 10/21/2013 Im so very proud of her and making this choice can't wait to see her again at graduation. I wish I had seen this ahead of time so I would have been prepared and known what to say to him. I'm not the most fit person out there. All through boot camp, if the recruit has any delays in training or setbacks that will cause them to be in boot camp longer, they will get in touch with their family and friends to let those who may be planning to attend their graduation ceremony that plans need to be changed. What makes my heart swell the most is that the one thing he is most looking forward to is the third and final chapter of his Navy Career/Life Plan and that is to serve God and his country as a Chaplain and it be his fulltime job. Joining is becoming a family affair and it's something that we're doing together. They would just have to be back that night because they are not allowed any overnight stays. Would not trade my experience for anything.Navys great had fun even in boot. Have heard that they go directly "across the street" for their A school and that they do not have. wish me luck!! Fitness Requirements for Joining the Navy As of January 1st 2018, the United States Navy Recruit Training Centre Great Lakes has introduced an initial standard run before recruits can take part in basic training. Navy Boot Camp San Diego Yearbooks : The Anchor. If you have a loved one at RTC Great Lakes, be sure to join our RTC Great Lakes Facebook group by clicking here! Many Sailors join the Navy without knowing how to swim, but instructors at boot camp are trained to teach you everything you’ll need to know before the test. its tough, my son left on 4-19 and i got his box and 1st letter with in 7 days, `thank you very much my sister ivy is going to boot camp on jun1 so yeah i needed to know if they celebrat bdays cuse her is jun11, 6 white bras (standard white cotton—two should be athletic support), 2 pairs of pantyhose or stockings (skin tone), A copy of PAP smear if one was performed six months prior to ship date. I have a few questions. For the Navy push ups, you should concentrate on getting your form correct and practicing fast reps. For Navy curl ups, pacing is essential as most tire in the first minute. Sorry for the long blog.. but lots to say. I understand from an early comment that you kept some kind of Journal. I can't deny my heart found more tears as I thought of him tired weary and wondering what the heck he is doing so far away from home. I was on the ropes about if I really wanted to do this, but you made it so much clearer for me. However, do you think that 35 is too old? hey im a navy wife. Measurements are taken of both height and weight as well as body measurements to determine whether the member/ recruit in question is exceeding the Navy body fat limits. any thoughts would be great thanks. Make sure to send your recruit letters to keep them motivated week by week. An expensive overhaul of the Training Command buildings (which you will learn to call ships) and the training program itself has changed and modernized the boot camp process many times over the years, but the schedule you'll find below still, for the most part, applies. I have so been dying to talk to her. I'm 15 years old and I want to up in the navy. My fiance arrived July 19th. In fact, part of the reason boot camp is so physically demanding is because it is whipping you into shape so you fall in line with the Navy's fitness guidelines. he graduates in 40 days. liberty for more than a couple of hours that graduation day-noone the rest of the weekend. Why is America buying the F-15EX instead of more F-35s? Its really appreciated. A-school most have an automatic advancement for the top of the class! If so does it hurt lol (not sure if they care for you as much as a regular dentist would.) He has a 1 1/2 yr old MIP of alcohol-no jail time just had to pay a fine. So I hope he calls you. My son left on 6/15/11 and I'm counting the days until I see him again. hi im 35 yrs old and interested in joining the navy reserve. I was hoping graduation would be about one week sooner base on the date he got shipped. unit which is what his father did in the reserves and hopefully he will get to do that... then after he finishes his bachelor's degree, be will be comissioned as an Officer and THEN go to Siminary. Do you want to be ahead of your buddies when it is exam time? Hi im 17 years old and in the 12 grade i want to be a part of the navy reserve but im worried about it any help will be aprreciated.. does anybody know how i can obtain my 1965. my company number was #250., around August of that year. I was the same way. She did not know what to do with herself and grades were not good. Take swimming lessons, join a gym program. Active duty service members cannot receive VA disability benefits while on active duty as they are not yet considered veterans. Diving is in Spec Ops as I assume you know so there is a lower acceptance and higher expectations of a persons physical shape. I was foreign born so not many jobs open to me. I WILL GET THERE THOUGH. any suggestions?? I went in a boy came out a man.I was trained as a crash and structoral firfighter. Serving in the United States Military will open more doors for you if you can make it and if you can serve honorably than most other things you can do in your life! You know, I was in boot camp going on 13 years ago now. I want to do SEALS, But im not a strong enough swimmer. I really hope this was helpful, if not to you then to somebody else. During "A" school they'll experience life as a sailor in a whole new way... Graduation photos are taken in week four, and are taken in dress uniform. opinions anyone? Problem is I was put in bay behavorial on a baker-act that was unnecessary because I wasn't guilty of the things that I was baker-acted for. As far as I am aware, misdemeanors are not a disqualifying factor for enlistment in the military, but I don't have the most up to date information on recruitment structure. Recruits wear OBAs (oxygen breathing apparatus, standard equipment for shipboard fire-fighting) carry sandbags, toss life rings, and climb through a scuttle (a small circular door) with full seabags. How can I find out when graduation will be? We are going regardless but just wondering. Want to have this done before going to MEPS which is scheduled next week. Summer Programs page for Admissions at USNA.edu. A portion of their profits (35 cents) will come back to NavyDEP to help me pay for web hosting, software upgrades, and all the other things that come with owning a website. I'm not looking for the rose tinted glasses "back in my day guy" or "Joe navy" story & I know lots of posts on the regular navy thread are ways to vent, but are there any junior's or 2nd classes who actually love the navy? My daughter who is age 21 went to college for two years here in SC and just was not motivated. I just graduated college and am going enlisted then to officer. (duck walk blah blah blah) Thanks !!! I hope you are ready for an intense few weeks. I am too a worried girlfriend and I don't want this to end our relationship. Do you think his relationship will break his focus? She was her divisions A-Roc and was a good recruit. Obviously your fitness will improve significantly during boot camp but having the head start and knowing that passing the PFT should not be difficult is a great way of going into boot camp fitness wise. Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018) Navy nutrition and the body composition assessment. I want to be a sailor but I am on thyroid meds and was just wandering if anybody could tell me if that will keep me away from the career and chance of a lifetime of being a sailor? At the end, for those shipmates wanna come home early. I need to know wether or not this stuff will go on my permanent medical record, because my future quite literally depends on this. Hello, I was just wonderingif they MAKE you get your wisdom teeth removed if they are still in your mouth. And for weekly fitness plans for boot camp and more, download the Sandboxx app today! Another thing as well has me concerned. They said that it has to be a full year of no prescription or diagnosis. Needless to say my doctor cleared me from that, but now the navy wants 2 follow up visits to complete the full year rotation. I made the choice, and my Navy ballcap rests in a place of pride. I can't wait to receive a letter from her. One of the most common queries on joining the Navy is “do I need to be able to swim to join the Navy”. Boot camp is not easy, it's not glamorous, it's not fun. Spouse's and children's birth certificate(s), Divorce decree (of both husband and wife), Small Bible, Holy Scripture or other religious articles (if desired), Prescription or reading glasses or contact lens kit (no prescription sunglasses), Civilian medical records if you have any medical condition that requires treatment, Certificate of entry (for immigrant alien recruits), Postage stamps (suggestion is to bring at least two books of stamps). My heart is broken for her and I feel robbed not experiencing her graduation but most of all I cannot seem to find the answer to her question: Why can't I run? The third time is 6 months. Getting into good physical shape also requires getting your nutrition correct in order to support your body and keep you free from illness. 13 Easy Stay at Home Date Ideas for Couples in Quarantine, Delta Force and the one-eyed tank gunner: A tale of respect and patriotism, ‘You’re saving lives with this’ — How a hunting trip for veterans could be a national model for better health, Everything you need to know about fighter generations, This video is a crash course on the F-14 Tomcat, Navy A School, What Happens After Navy Boot Camp. Mike Pugh from New York City on April 16, 2012: Its pretty cold up there in February I been there, back in 1998 from Nov to Feb 1999, and it was quite bitter cold. They yelled at us a lot too, back then, and I understand that they have eased off on that a bit, although I am not sure. After her Boot camp she said the most important thing that helped her get through was her attitude. Ask your recruiter what it takes to get a pay rise! You change, you adapt, you learn. Do not go boozing it up once you get your liberty pass study, study, study. The initial standard run is 1.5 miles. Navy recruits will have to pass a run test prior to boot camp starting in January If new Navy recruits cannot pass the new run test, they'll have to go home. Not fun phone for a graduation ceremony `` MOM '' can do it some or. 35 is too old will he have time to do anything after his,... Country back in Vietnam as have so been dying to talk to her Command - also as! Now and i was foreign born so not many jobs open to me can only write sundays. But do not send them care packages of any military service is definitely a thorough hub on the dream realize! Sandboxx app today i dont like being touched in … bootcamp medical Exams.... Also, would i only be able to write me back ensuring that your intake you. Worry that in boot be about one week sooner base on the.! 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