Does anyone have any methods they use to stay on task? The report found 81.4 percent of students who enter community colleges for the first time planned to obtain a bachelor's degree in the future, but just 11.6 percent achieved that goal. I got my AA in 2008 from a community college and transferred to a trade school with those credits (where I got my BA). In general, I've heard people say to just go for a master's rather than a second bachelor's, but it seems I can't do that with my credits being irrelevant to regionally accredited schools (which seems like nearly all of them, save for other trade schools). If you’ve previously completed a bachelor’s degree and are considering going back to school, you have many educational options available to you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Brian C. Mitchell, CEO of the Edvance Foundation, said a lot of it is related to understaffed advising offices at community colleges. I’m in California. With a stable and constant projected growth and a median salary of $70,000 per year, [2] nursing is a secure career choice worth returning to school for. In the United States, many students begin their postsecondary education at a community college, and then transfer to a university. I was directed to a page hosted by “” which has my school’s specific resources. Hi all. Press J to jump to the feed. I’m on page 1 of 11 and I already have ten (TEN!!) Most schools have a residency requirement which is how many credits you have to earn at that school. It may seem like you’re on an express train, traveling full speed ahead. When did you get your degree? Today I had to email my community college and request they transfer my GPA to the state’s student aid commission for a possible transfer award. Did it go well? I went to community college for three years and struggled, took an unplanned five years off (crises, mental health, being an adult, etc), and went back Spring 2020 with a new major. I am getting a lot of questions about whether folks should get their 150 credits finished before going for an accounting job or seeking a job right after graduating from college without the 150 credits. Video Transcript Many students use a community college or another two-year college as a stepping-stone to a four-year college and a bachelor’s degree. For a variety of reasons, though, these students decide that the traditional four-year college is just not for them, and they embrace the opportunity to enroll in and to attend a two-year community college. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter shows all of your colleagues getting steady jobs … Originally Posted: Mar 18, 2016 Last Updated: May 26, 2020 . I make 47,000 a year but figure going back to school I can potentially make a lot more. If your goal is to obtain your CPA, I strongly suggest that you finish your 150 credits first before you seek full time employment with an accounting firm. I can't imagine going though an architecture program at 38 with a family, I'm assuming. Yes, it is not uncommon for those with bachelor’s degrees to return and earn an associates in a health services or technical field. Feeling overwhelmed by how complicated this seems to be. The CCRC states that 81% of community college students intend to transfer to a four-year university upon graduation. Problem is, the school I got my BA at is only nationally accredited and thus it seems my credits don't transfer to most "normal" schools (most of which are regionally accredited and only accept regional credits). Of course, there are also drawbacks to attending a community college. Thanks mate, it's post like this why reddit is so good. Getting a bachelors and a masters is a lot more expensive these days, and I heard that architects make "aggressively medium money.". Last year, I took Yin Yoga Training and I completely interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño; Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias; ... going back to community college after bachelors reddit. Most programs have course requirements that you might not have met in your bachelor’s. Especially useful if you won't be needing these courses for credit and just want to learn stuff. College 15 years ago is a lot different than college today. Maybe this is common sense but it never occurred to me, so I hope this info may be useful for someone else! Can anyone help me out here and let me know if this is really worth it. In some states (like New Jersey and Illinois) opting to start at a community college could chop more than $20,000 off the total cost of a bachelor’s degree. I'm leaving my job today to go back to school and I was planning on doing mechanical engineering. This is a place to share everything from study tips to sharing daily life struggles. I went to college right after high school with NO idea what I wanted to pursue. BTW I am turning 32 this summer not that that matters much, I don't think. Ya I go to community college and they have class on weird days and weird hours to help fit people's schedules. I chose to major in ART because seemed fun. Any suggestions? As an adult, going back to college presents a different set of challenges compared to recent high school graduates. Can you offer some insight as to what kind of career paths and/or things you do as a mechanical engineer? I want to go from community college and the transfer to the state university to complete the degree as this route is cheaper. <3. You’re smack in the middle of life with a college degree and no where else to go. Relevant classes: Calculus 3 and vectorial analysis (1 semester), Statistics (2 semesters), Physics (4 semesters), Biophysics, Chemistry (2 semesters). About Community This is a subreddit for those who are going back to college, trade school, et cetera, the second time around or are attending college later in life. Or should you take time to get work experience and travel before you go? The salary increase will offset the cost of school after a little over a year, which is a great deal. Also, did you get a bachelor's? I'm going to second this. I went back to school in my early 20's. 1. I’m not sure if these exist in physics, but I know some people who did this as a 1-2 year program in other areas. It provides you with an opportunity to be up to date on current trends in your field. Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. Valora esta carrera: Plan de estudios; Perfiles; Campo profesional; Sedes; Well, it was a lot of hard work and I resented it for my entire senior year. Got straight A's, which turned into a scholarship when I transferred to a university. Knowing this, community colleges offer a high number of basic classes that will easily transfer to a four-year school. Community college students win about a quarter of all college scholarships and more than a tenth of the scholarship dollars. I am thinking about obtaining my Acupuncture training... Has anyone around these parts made any huge career swivels like this? Inicio » » going back to community college after bachelors reddit. i made a career change at 38 and spent 6 years to achieved a degree in architecture and a master's degree. I'm going to second this. I thought I was thoroughly researching scholarships by googling “my major + scholarships + state” and other variations but I came up dry. In effect, I've reawakened and regenerated my thirst for knowledge. Is this smart to to do if the average software engineer salary is around 75k out of college. After earning his associate degree at community college, Doran enrolled in Ohio Dominican University, a four-year university.He plans to finish his bachelor's in … Finished all my remaining credits last year and have my transfer app in. I have been stressing because loans and debt are intimidating for me, and I’m unsure if I will be able to work full time in the coming two years. Goal: Apply for a BS in a STEM program (Math & Physics, something that I'm immensely passionate about and did quite well at in school), in the US (I'm not from the US). Here are 7 tips that will help you prepare for going back to college. I'm wondering if anyone has navigated a similar situation to mine. This is a subreddit for those who are going back to college, trade school, et cetera, the second time around or are attending college later in life. I'm 34 and realizing I want to pursue a different, unrelated path (something in the social sciences/psych realm), but I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. Limited Course Offerings. I plan on graduating with a degree, but that's not my main concern. This could be the best college major for the kind of student who feels like making a difference or giving a little back to his or her community. Most adult learners aren’t going back to college … I went back for mechanical engineering at 26, it was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. Not trying to say you didn't do great (because you did!) I am an older gentleman who is going back to school and have been having a really hard time focusing on my schoolwork. I have a good credit score 720 and very responsible while trying to get out of debt. Started at a community college while working a decent job making about 35k. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the personalfinance community. But the important point is that you do break even relatively quickly, and then you profit until you retire, making it one of the best investments possible. Doing a second bachelor's + then likely a master's feels like a big move to do at age 34, especially since I still need to work full-time. different links to scholarships and grants to check out. If you don't mind could I PM you with some questions I am concerned about to get your perspective? but i might come out with another 35k in loans. You’ll need to consider your goals carefully, and then work methodically toward achieving them. "I know some schools have programs for second Bachelors which require less total credits and can be completed much faster. 1a) Continuing Education courses at your local community college, public recreation department, or state university are cheaper. 4.9k but you also have to factor in the opportunity cost of the time you weren't working while getting the ME degree. TLDR: If you’re struggling to find scholarships or grants searching by your major or at the state level, check your individual school’s scholarship page. I have been working in the broadcasting field for 8 years but it just isn't doing it for me. The term “college student” typically conjures up images of 18-year-olds in sweats stumbling to morning classes after a night out partying. Yes. I have heard of 4-year colleges that will not allow students with a Bachelor's degree to apply to earn a second Bachelor's, but I have never heard of a student who was not allowed to aim for an Associate's after a Bachelor's, although maybe cases do exist. Think you'd still make that decision today? It gives you a chance to learn something new about studying and potentially finding out how you best study and learn. 2) It's easy to go to a community college after you have a degree - you just go down there, enroll, and pay the fees. Going Back to School at 30. One of these options is to return to school for a second bachelor’s degree – a choice that can help you embark on a … Going back to school (whether to finish a degree or complete a new one) is a great way to build on existing knowledge or develop expertise to stay competitive in the workforce. Typically, they earn an associate degree in two years and then change schools in order to earn their bachelor’s degree. Has anyone out there been in a similar predicament? Graduate school is a marathon, not a sprint—and your race starts the moment you decide to pursue a graduate degree. You also might just be able to pay per credit for some core physics courses and apply to grad school from there if that is your goal - you don’t need a degree in physics if you have taken a strong set of classes and have a bachelors in something else ". Started at a community college while working a decent job making about 35k. On top of that, the idea that being in college was to lead me to a JOB completely eluded me. Registered Nurse. Where to go to college is a huge decision. Have a clear goal. I attended University for two years before heading to Broadcasting College to get my diploma. To succeed in this field, expect to provide care, education, and support to patients with varying medical needs within hospitals, physician’s offices, and/or through home care. I ended up with a bachelor of mechanical engineering and now finishing with a masters of aeronautical engineering. That said, the process of transferring to another college can be a challenging experience, and the topic of college credit expiration is often a bit of a grey area. Making the decision to return to college after entering the workforce is a big one. I have about 8k in CC / PayPal credit debt and also a loans totaling another 8k. I just dont want to be kicking myself if i don't go back its been on my mind lately a lot and would love to get into software engineering. Navigating college has been really hard at times and this sub has had helpful info for me in the past. Adulthood has a way of sneaking up on you, oftentimes when you get married and have babies. I am thinking of going back to college to get a bachelors in computer science while working full time. What year was this? Increased flexibility and smaller classes is it possible? For some students, it means going straight into a four-year college or university; for others, it’s going to a community college first and then transferring to a four-year school. I went back to school in my early 20's. There are money and time constraints that come along with adult life. Transferring college credit may help maximize your collegiate and life experience to shorten the time you can expect to spend in the program of your choice. But the facts about what’s “typical” today paint a different picture — one of an older student juggling a full-time job and family responsibilities while completing courses at night or on weekends. Related: Many community college grads continue to out-earn B.A. This is a place to share everything from study tips to sharing daily life struggles. You can ask the CC to evaluate … Do you think I'd better retake the national Baccalaureate exam (9 modules), or take the SAT? Unless you made enough money such that NewSalary - CostOfProgram - (#YearsInProgram)X(DifferenceInSalary) = OldSalary, it likely took more than two years to break even on the deal. A lot of the young students that go straight to college after high school have no idea what they want to do in life. My experience is that community college really does try to make it easy for working adults (offering night class, online courses, easy to go part time, etc). A college expert discusses transferring from a community college to a 4-year college. holders a decade after graduation The phenomenon also has exposed a failure by some four-year universities to prepare their graduates for the kinds of jobs available in their surrounding regions, a longtime focus of community colleges, experts and observers say. The question is a smart one. Drawbacks of Community College. I haven't done anything academic in three decades so I am kind of lost as to how to focus other than some playlists on youtube I found. But after reading your post, I realise it's never too late to achieve your dreams. Out of curiosity I checked some other universities and found the same thing so it doesn’t seem isolated. AARP asked a jobs expert to compile a list of the 6 best options for workers over age 40 who are looking to shift careers and are willing to go back to school to do it. These reverse transfer students have graduated high school, and they have attended college for a period of time or, in some cases, have even graduated from a traditional four-year college. It was the best decision I ever made. I've always wanted to go back to uni and get a degree, I just felt as if it was too late. Got straight A's, which turned into a scholarship when I transferred to a university. I just wanted to say, you've inspired me. Going back to college at 25 will be a challenge, but you will have many years to enjoy the benefits that come from having a college degree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It may seem backward, but some college graduates are choosing to further their education by getting an associate degree at a community college. Welcome Back to Community College. ÁREA DE CONOCIMIENTO. Or do you suggest another exam? There are many benefits of going back to school to earn a second bachelor’s degree. #16 Liberal Arts Major The best time of my life and the so rewarding as I was able to work 20+ years in a field I truly enjoyed. While there I clicked the community college specific scholarship page then decided to do the same for the university I’m transferring to. Should you go to graduate school right after college? Many are going out of their way to attract foreigners by offering programs taught entirely in English. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances! I ended up with a bachelor of mechanical engineering and now finishing with a masters of aeronautical engineering. Off-Topic (unrelated to education or college), Press J to jump to the feed. It’s never too late to begin or complete your college education. So you graduated at 44 and found a decent job in your new field soon after graduation? Although a Master’s in Public Administration is more commonly sought online, a few universities are offering an online bachelor’s in this top major. Some are specific to my major but there’s others for students who took time off, went to community college first, etc. Even better than the actual salaray increase is that you can work in a field that you really like, make your hobbies your job. One in 12 students now at community colleges — or more than 940,000 — previously earned a bachelor’s degree, according to the American Association of Community Colleges. 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