Dalton E. Gray as Michael (Freak Show), a desperate captive. Ok, so here we go, sit back, relax, eat some popcorn and enjoy reading about the 15 most hated characters in American Horror Story. Drowned in a tank by Desiree, Jimmy, Bette, and dot. How Elsa and Stanley end up staging her murder to look like a suicide; by forming a chain noose around her neck and putting the car in full drive after tying the chain to a tree. 2014-2015; 4 seasons FX Drama, Suspense TVMA Watchlist. Desiree's trailer during his massacre, and nearly finds her before Eve came to stop him. They aren't a singing show either, but that never stopped Elsa. He's a male prostitute and lasts all but one episode before getting killed by Dandy. it comes to that, but as Ethel hesitates, Elsa takes the opportunity to fling a knife at Ethel's eye. Once his backstory is revealed, he becomes truly pitiable. Chooses to perform one last time on Halloween, her life recently ruined, with the intent to let Edward kill her. PREDICT NOW: Who will win ‘The Masked Dancer’? he managed to kill Eve during their fight was because he got a hold of his gun again. She is killed in the same episode that her usually over-the-top son is played entirely seriously. turns her corpse in a mock of the Tattler twins, though only in the first half, as he is killed off afterward. As he is about to be killed, he begins pleading with the remaining freaks to let him live. Conjoined sisters who are recruited by Elsa to join the freak show. 2. Her death is one of the most tragic scenes of the season, with her being killed by the son she has loved for all his life, after confessing that she couldn't go on if she lost him. And he also coldly brushed off Dandy very rudely, which is what inspired Dandy's hatred of the freak show. 7 Freak-Show Characters That Were Actually Real October 3, 2014 by Sarah Lipoff We partnered with American Horror Story: Freak Show to share the stories of real freak-show characters. Edward kills Twisty, saving Jimmy's life in the process and ending the demented clown's reign of terror. Tearfully confesses to murdering Ma Petite to Desiree, clearly distraught about what he did, but is shot in the back of the head by Elsa and killed before he can properly seek redemption. Edward Mordrake is able to understand him, and it allows him to tell his story. Presumably after Penny's death in the finale. Guess where the freaks take him to get killed? Wilhelmina Venable (“Apocalypse”) — Wilhelmina Venable would only be on our screens for a brief period of time, but she still made a big impression. She was two at the time, so presumably the only reason she could fit was because her legs had been removed. In the finale, both of them managed to acquire the assistance of Desiree and Jimmy to take down Dandy, and poisoned his food during dinner. With women only, due to him being a closeted homosexual. He has since served as one of several "little people" employed with the troupe. Ultimately averted as he gets to know him more. "American Horror Story: Asylum" premiere 23 photos And yet there's more to "Freak Show" than physical appearance. She dismisses Dr. Feinbloom despite his warnings about Dandy, confesses to her son that she cannot love him anymore and, when he's threatening to kill himself, she stops him and openly admits that she can't go on if he dies. She tended to Jimmy when he loses his hands and had him fitted with prosthetics from the same man who made hers. Lana Winters (“Asylum”/“Roanoke”) — Journalist Lana Winters will forever be Sarah Paulson’s most iconic “American Horror Story” role. Cordelia is a total badass and is the rare “AHS” character to be intrinsically important to multiple seasons. She also seems to have a soft spot for the disabled, which is pretty understandable. Lana goes through the wringer in “American Horror Story: Asylum” as she tries to expose the secrets of Briarcliff Manor only to find herself trapped there with little hope of escape. out of gratitude for Jimmy supposedly saving the kids captured by Twisty. 1 Monsters Among Us 2 Massacres And Matinees 3 Edward Mordrake Part 1 4 Edward Mordrake Part 2 5 Pink Cupcakes 6 Bullseye 7 Test Of Strength 8 Blood Bath 9 Tupperware Party Massacre 10 Orphans 11 Magical Thinking 12 Show Stoppers 13 Curtain Call 14 After Curtain Call Eudora Tattler:Stabbed Several Times In The Chest By Bette Tattler Troy Miller:Stabbed Several Times In The Chest By … ... Bette and Dot Tattler — Freak Show. Veteran of WW2, Chester has a plate in his head and worryingly domineering relationship with his dummy, Marjorie. In the end, however, he only values them as "freaks" and sees them as nothing more than another way to entertain himself. Inbreeding. This gives her Second Sight and she eventually proves her skills enough to become the next Supreme, succeeding her mother. Subverted in "Blood Bath", as he coldly kills her and bathes in her blood. It's unclear which of Meep's acts was more heroic: biting the heads off live chicks or getting killed in a jail cell. Ends up being Dandy's first victim, after he embraced Twisty's legacy after the clown had been killed. That was my biggest source of inspiration, just watching children. She is present in Elsa's version of Heaven and is the first one to greet her. His murder of Ma Petite also doesn't sit well with him at all. He is present in Elsa's version of Heaven. I'm trying to watch my figure.". When word got around, he was left jobless and had to go back to Jupiter. The film was traded around globally, and she was a 'star', but her career was ruined. A wealthy socialite and art school grad from New York who returns home to Jupiter when her mother Dora goes MIA. She exposes her 'freaks' in the show, but keeps her own deformity a secret. by promising Dot to get her to the doctor who can perform a separation surgery. Most are actually an amalgamation of several historic and real sideshow freaks. She is abnormally large. Both she and her husband, Salty (Christopher Neiman) were born with microcephaly, a condition where the face grows at a normal rate but the head does not, often leading to diminished mental capacity. After killing Ma Petite and before trying to commit suicide in the next episode. FX Networks CEO John Landgraf told Deadline that Ryan Murphy simply asked for a tenth season and they “were happy to give” it to him. Though the latter two questions are answered in episode four, Edward Mordrake (Part 2). Elsa cares about nothing but herself, and eventually the others catch on to this. Is shot in the head from behind and killed by Elsa after he confesses to killing Ma Petite, passionate promise to leave Desiree and run away together, she'll have cosmetic surgery on her genitals and finally be able to live life as a complete woman. They don't even care when Chester kills her, and Desiree even says to "steal her jewelry, then bury the bitch." Postmortem, she is decapitated and her head is placed in a jar of formaldehyde just like the other freaks in her museum. The heavily implied reason she stabbed a fellow beggar in the leg. And going by the finale's epilogue years later, they even have kids. A performer in the freak show. A young girl who is kidnapped by Twisty, after he murders her boyfriend Troy. Susan Atkins (“Cult”) — Paulson briefly played Susan Atkins, a member of Charles Manson’s murderous “family.” In her one episode, aptly titled “Charles (Manson) in Charge,” she is seen stabbing actress Sharon Tate and writing the word “pig” on the door. Elsa describes them as "soul mates" and notes that it was "love at first sight" between them; however, it's implied that their relationship isn't sexual, though whether this is due to their childlike intellects or Elsa's insistence that they adopt rather than pass on their condition is unclear. Michael Chiklis as Dell Toledo, the strongman with a weakness for men. Maggie, AHS: Freak Show A con artist who really didn't do much to endear herself to viewers, compared to Emma Roberts' Coven character, this is very easy to call. Thankfully, Ma Petite shows up with Maggie, unharmed. Got prosthetic hands/claws courtesy of the same specialist who created Elsa's prosthetic legs. It's particularly noticeable in the finale: while she, like all of the other freaks, appears in Elsa's personal Heaven and is thrilled to see her, she doesn't get any lines and simply smiles and applauds throughout the scenes. She ended up begging on the street and attacked a male performer, heavily implied if not outright stated to be jealous of his ability to walk. He offers them money, saying that he has a lot of it. A purer example than Meep; both Maggie and Dell take advantage of her innocence and trusting nature in order to kill her. Bette and Dot. He often works under false names and wears disguises. likely caused the disappearance of a boy he played with. A local detective who targets the Freak Show and the Tattlers as suspects in both the murder of Eudora Tattler and Twisty's killings. Billie Dean Howard (“Murder House”/“Hotel”/“Apocalypse”) — Billie Dean Howard was our first introduction to Sarah Paulson on “American Horror Story,” showing up a handful of times in “Murder House.” Billie Dean is a medium who helps Violet (Taissa Farmiga) understand more about Tate (Evan Peters) being a spirit lingering between our world and the afterlife. When Jimmy is told that she is dead, he has very little reaction to the news. break down as Dandy confronts her and admit that she cannot love him any longer. It's an inspiration documentary series for fans and for people who don't watch the show. The poor girl ends up sawed in half out of the blue and no one seemed to give a damn. Every Jessica Lange character is a legend, obvs. Audrey is Paulson’s most carefree character and it’s fun to see her letting loose. A young boy who is kidnapped by Twisty, after he murders his parents. His attempts to kill his second face drove him mad and his family committed him to an Asylum, only for him to escape. Afterward, he's shown to be able to kill people without any hesitation whatsoever. In anticipation of Paulson’s return to the franchise, we’ve ranked all nine of her “American Horror Story” characters from worst to best. The son of Ethel and Dell. He'll do anything for a quick buck, even if it means murder. Frances Conroy as Gloria Mott, a dedicated mother and wealthy socialite. Had her legs amputated at the age of 2 due to an undisclosed spinal condition, and was abandoned by her parents soon after. It premiered on October 8, 2014 and concluded on January 21, 2015. American Horror Story has spent eight bloody seasons on F/X tantalizing and terrorizing audiences in equal measure. A performer in the freak show, who was born with phocomelia of both arms. Not that. Unfortunately in two occasions, it nearly got her killed by Maggie the first time, who couldn't go through with it, and the second time Dell lures her with a present and a hug before snapping her neck. So the man who's been causing chaos left and right, is known for a violent temper and just the other night attacked your best friend has wandered into your room in the dead of night to give you a dress? Ma Petite. when he returns to see the aftermath of the freak show massacre. Eventually, in "Magical Thinking" Dot begins to embrace her sexuality, with her and Dot having a hook-up with Toulouse. Cordelia Foxx (“Coven”/“Apocalypse”) — Miss Robichaux’s Academy headmistress Cordelia Foxx is the daughter of the Supreme witch, Fiona (Jessica Lange), and despite harboring her own witchy powers, she tries to resolve conflicts peacefully at the start of “Coven.” That soon changes when her girls are threatened and she gets blinded by sulfuric acid. Twisty decapitates him because he was very rude to Twisty. She is present in Elsa's version of Heaven where she forgave the latter for her sins. after leaving the Freak Show, and Dandy up and shoots him, He's happily married to Penny in the afterlife. Dandy shoots him in back of the head while he was going to get breakfast. My mom worked with babies, babies with autism and stuff, and so we talked about the infant mentality, and what if that mentality just never really matured emotionally, but intellectually it did. And her sister is a bitch, unbeknownst to Elsa. 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After his last appearance in episode 4, he reappears in the finale as part of Edward Mordrake's coterie. His first murder is the maid, Dora, who spent much of her time complaining and insulting Dandy. Instead of killing him, the freaks chop off his arms and legs and force him to be their new geek. Yes, Twisty, you are a good clown. His outward confidence and casual cruelty is a mask for a vulnerable man who's barely holding it together. he is ultimately well-meaning and only strives to be a "good clown.". Dandy shooting him in the head begins the massacre. Drowned in a glass box filled with water, which is very similar to the way the dead freaks are exposed in the museum. He pays the price. At first I looked at children. selling Stanley out to the freaks so they can exact their revenge upon him. She only appeared in the season’s first three episodes, so it was not quite enough to stand out among Paulson’s other characters. It's revealed that he has no lower jaw, with the mask hiding rotten teeth and a hanging tongue. The conjoined twins. hires a guy to tattoo her face with scales, shave her hair into a matching pattern, and cut her tongue into a forked "lizard" shape. Legless Suzie who nearly gets away, but Dandy manages to kill her. A performer in the freak show. She was pretty eager for Edward to kill her. A morbidly obese debutante shunned in polite society because of her weight. He kills his mother and bathes in her blood. Played by the actual smallest woman on earth, Jyoti Amge American Horror Story Freak Show airs Wednesday October 8th on FX. American Horror Story: Freak Show is the fourth season in the American Horror Story anthology. Join the Discussion in our Reality TV Forums, Watch our chats with top BTL awards contenders: costumes, music, docs, cinematography and …, Oscar Predictions slugfests: Experts, Gold Derby Editors & Users, Exclusive Q&As: 2021 Emmy, Globe, SAG TV contenders, we’ve ranked all nine of her “American Horror Story” characters, Everything to know about ‘American Horror Story’ Season 10, ‘American Horror Story: 1984’ scares up 4 Emmy nominations, including makeup for Margaret’s grotesque ear slicing, All 11 of Evan Peters’ ‘AHS’ characters ranked worst to best, including Tate Langdon and Kai Anderson, for Gold Derby’s newsletter with experts’ latest predictions, Latest prediction odds on Oscar frontrunners. He was portrayed by Denis O'Hare, who also portrayed Larry Harvey in American Horror Story: Murder House, and Spalding in American Horror Story: Coven.. Summary. Subverted quickly when Corey shows no reaction beyond horror, and Twisty shows him a victim's severed head out of irritation. during Dandy's massacre - she nearly escapes, but Dandy manages to shoot and kill her. She then battled alcohol addiction and was rescued from a drunk tank by Elsa. Behind the scenes with the ''Freaks'' of American Horror Story as they tell their life stories, what they have gone through, and how it has impacted them. Check out these images of the cast in character and prepare for Season 4. Even Edward Mordrake's evil second head weeps for him. Penny's abusive father who works a well-respected electrician. she assists Dell in breaking Jimmy out of police custody. she doesn't give a damn when Meep is killed. She absolutely meant to stab the tap-dancing beggar, but didn't expect to hit an artery which ultimately killed him. As innocent as they are, they're also all ego. Aftermath of the same man who 's barely holding it together his parents a woman mistaken an! 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